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Detailed timeline and milestones for the OneM2M partnership project, outlining key events and goals to meet established criteria and launch the consolidated group successfully. This includes milestones for soft launch, final consensus, drafting founding documents, and preparing for technical and working group starts.
Doc: Source: ETSI Agenda item: Timeline for the oneM2M Partnership Project Timeline and Milestones [Joachim Koss, ETSI] Contribution to CoU V1a, 20 Jan 2012
Introduction • Summary of timeline discussion at Washington meeting: • [M2MCons02_31 Draft Meeting Report.doc]“Mr. Foote presented a table that captures a summary of the SDO positions along with a list of consensus items [M2MCons02_26]. There is agreement that the launch of the consolidated group should take place no later than 1Q2012, with the understanding that milestones will be met along the way to meet the established threshold criteria.” • [M2MCons02_26 - Summary of SDO proposals on M2M Consolidation 4.4.pptx]“Launch of consolidated group no later than 1Q2012, with milestones to be met along the way to meet the threshold criteria.” • In order to keep the envisaged date for launch of the M2M consolidation (Q1/2012) a more detailed time schedule with well defined milestones is necessary. • The next pages propose a timeline including milestones and definition of milestones.
Timeline SDO Meeting#03,Berlin, 15-16 Dec Technical Plenary Meeting#1 SDO Meeting#01,Seoul, 21 Jul SDO Meeting#02,Washington,17-18 Aug Steering Committee Meeting#2 Steering Committee Meeting#1 SDO Meeting#04,Tokyo, 28-29 Mar M6:WG start prepared M5:TP start prepared M3: Final Draft M4: Official Signing M1: “Soft Launch” M2: Final Consensus Virtual meetings Virtual SDO meetings Reach out to verticals 3
Milestones (1) • Milestone M1 – “Soft Launch” • IPR regime agreed • Communiqué released • Material for communication with verticals updated to include Berlin meeting results • Target date: [10]18 Jan 2012, completed • Milestone M2 – Final Consensus • Feedback from vertical reach outs incorporated into major principles • Final Consensus reached and documented on all major principles (scope, partnership and participation principles, structure, legal status, participation rules, rights and responsibilities, level of secretariat services, funding) • Initial Organizations identified and start work on drafting the founding documents • Target date: [10]17 Feb 2012 4
Milestones (2) • Milestone M3 – Final Draft • Final review of feedback from vertical reach outs • Final draft of founding documents available(Participation rules, procedures, IPR policy and anti-trust policy, member fees, budget plan for first year) • Secretariat support activities identified(online web presence, on-site meeting support, document editing, document management, branding/publicity) • Convenor of Steering Committee nominated • Target date: 9 Mar 2012 • Milestone M4 – Official Signing • Founding agreement signed • Members of Steering Committee identified • Preliminary list of members of the initiative identified • Target date: 30 Mar 2012 5
Milestones (3) • Milestone M5 – TP start prepared • Convenor of Technical Plenary nominated • Participants of Technical Plenary identified • Working Procedures approved • List of standards/specifications to be transferred into GI agreed • Target date: 19 Jun 2012 • Milestone M6 – WG start prepared • Initial Work Plan defined • Initial Working Groups defined • Convenors of Working Groups nominated • Meeting schedule defined • Target date: 31 Jul 2012 6