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Symbolic Model Checking of Software

Symbolic Model Checking of Software. Nishant Sinha with Edmund Clarke, Flavio Lerda, Michael Theobald Carnegie Mellon University. Symbolic Model Checking of Software. Goal: Use BDD-based Symbolic Model Checker for the verification of concurrent software Motivation:

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Symbolic Model Checking of Software

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  1. Symbolic Model Checking of Software Nishant Sinha with Edmund Clarke, Flavio Lerda, Michael Theobald Carnegie Mellon University

  2. Symbolic Model Checking of Software • Goal: • Use BDD-based Symbolic Model Checker for the verification of concurrent software • Motivation: • Very successful for large state spaces in hardware • Challenges: • Generating the models (language -> SMV) • Adding Partial-Order Reduction • Optimized BDD-operations (e.g., generation and storage) • This Talk: • Focus on Partial-Order Reduction

  3. Outline • Background • Modeling language • Partial-order reduction • Twophase algorithm • New Approach: ImProviso • Basic formulation • Extensions • Experimental results • Related Work • Future Work • Conclusions

  4. Background: Software Verification • Concurrent software • Asynchronous execution, unlike hardware • Huge state space, e.g. large variable ranges • Partial-order reduction (POR) • Attacks the state-space explosion problem • Very effective in explicit-state model checking • Symbolic Model Checking yet to benefit

  5. Background: Modeling Language • Process-oriented modeling language • Each process maintains local variables • Each process has a program counter • System • Concurrent processes • Global variables • Point-to-point channels • Each process is specified as statements • Statements are formalized as transition functions • Multiple statements per pc value allowed, i.e. non-determinism • Example: Promela

  6. Background: Partial-Order Reduction Choose a representative set of paths s0s0’ x = 1 y = 2 s0s1’ s1s0’ y = 2 x = 1 s1s1’

  7. Background: Partial-Order Reduction • Two kinds of state-expansion • Full Expansion generate next states for all enabled transitions • Partial Expansion expand only a subset of enabled transitions, postponing all others • Challenges: • How to choose such subset? (-> deterministic) • How to avoid transitions being postponed indefinitely? (-> proviso)

  8. Background: Deterministic States • Which subset of enabled transitions to choose? • Deterministic state for a process P: • Only one transition tof P enabled at that state • Can be taken without affecting property to be verified • Partial Expansions of deterministic states • Do not need to consider all interleavings A state s is deterministic for a process Piff: • only one transition t of P is enabled in s • t commutes with transitions that can be executed by otherprocesses • executing t does not disable transitions of other processes • executing a transition of another process cannot disable or enable any transition of P

  9. Background: Partial-Order Reduction S1 t0 S2 t5 t1 t2 t3 S3 t1 t4 t2 S4 t1 t2 • Avoiding transitions being postponed indefinitely: Proviso • SPIN: In-Stack Proviso • Partial Expansion should not generate a state in stack • Otherwise, must do Full Expansion

  10. Combining POR with Symbolic Model Checking • POR developed for explicit-state • DFS • Stack: for proviso check • Whereas symbolic verification • Involves a BFS-like algorithm • No stack exists • Only frontier at hand

  11. Twophase Partial-Order Algorithm S1 S5 P2 P2 S2 S6 P2 P1 P1 P1 S7 S3 P1 P1 S4 S8 (b) (a) • Nalumasu, Gopalakrishnan[1997] • Modified proviso check • Alternating phases • Phase 1: Do for each process in sequenceexpand if in deterministic state • Phase 2: Full expansion of the current state • Proviso check: Suits the symbolic case

  12. New Approach: ImProviso • Implicit Proviso check • Employs BDDs • Motivation • Based on Twophase (explicit-state) • Observation: can be formulated in an implicit way • Crucial point: more efficient proviso than previous techniques • New Contributions: • Defining the transition relation • Implicit formulation • Dropping the determinism • Additional fixpoint computation • Automated and incorporated into NuSMV

  13. ImProviso: Defining the Transition Relation • Two transition relations: • TR1:all transitions from deterministic states (Phase 1) • TR2:entire system (Phase 2) • TR1 is further partitioned: • one transition relation for each process Pi • Example: • Statement reads from a channel into a local variable • States in which the channel is not empty are deterministic • TR1 := channel is not empty => TR-stmt

  14. ImProviso: Dropping the Determinism • Twophase: • Only one transition in Phase 1 may be enabled • Simplifies Twophase implementation • Not necessary for correctness • ImProviso allows non-determinism in Phase 1 • Multiple enabled transitions in each process • Each enabled transition must fulfill other conditions of a deterministic state • BFS search, i.e. enabled transitions expanded at the same time

  15. ImProviso: Illustration rec: d=0 1 rec: a?x send: a!1 1 1 2 2 2 p2: c=1 p1: c=0 rec: a?x 1 2 2 1 rec: a?x rec: a?x p2: c=0 p1: c=1 bool c=-1; chan a = [1] of {int}; active proctype rec() { int x=0; bool d; d=0; a?x; } active proctype send() { a!1; } active proctype p1() { c=0; ... } active proctype p2() { c=1; ... }

  16. ImProviso: Illustration rec: d=0 bool c=-1; chan a = [1] of {int}; active proctype rec() { int x=0; bool d; d=0; a?x; } active proctype send() { a!1; } active proctype p1() { c=0; ... } active proctype p2() { c=1; ... } 1 rec: a?x send: a!1 1 1 1 rec: a?x Phase1: Fixed Point 2 2 p1: c=0 p2: c=1

  17. ImProviso: Implicit Formulation • Implicit formulation of the algorithm • conceptually simple but… not so easy to get right • Reason: paths may have different lengths • BFS instead of DFS • ImProviso: ‘tighter’ over-approximation than previous symbolic methods • Problem: visited vs. in-stack • phase-1 only Cycles -> local check • Larger than phase-1 -> no issue!

  18. Related Work Stack P1 P1 P2 P1 Current Image ImProviso • Two other approaches combine PO and Symbolic Model Checking: • Kurshan et al.: Preprocess the model • Alur et al.: BDD-based Alur’s approach

  19. Implementation • Automated Model Checking framework • ImProviso implemented in NuSMV • Current examples translated from Promela • Considerable effort to compare with explicit state model checkers • e.g., atomic construct in Spin Add Phase 1 and Phase 2 information Promela Specifications Promela2SMV translator NuSMV + ImProviso

  20. Comparison: NuSMV vs. NuSMV-ImProviso • #states: significant reduction • Time: significant reduction • Memory: No reduction

  21. Comparison: NuSMV-ImProviso, PV, and SPIN • SPIN and PV faster, if they can handle example • NuSMV-ImProviso can handle more examples • NuSMV-ImProviso matches PV, SPIN on Best, Worst

  22. Comparison: Leader Election Protocol • Models of same size in SMV and Promela • Same reduction • SPIN, PV faster until…

  23. Leader with Non-deterministic Initial State

  24. Future Work • Reduce memory and run time • BDD blowup problem • BDD algorithms optimized for Concurrent Software • Verification of both safety and liveness properties • Only safety now • Flexible input languages • Only Promela now

  25. Conclusions • Novel Partial Order Reduction algorithm for Symbolic Model Checking • Incorporated into NuSMV • Illustrated the effectiveness with several benchmark examples • Current focus is on tackling large run-time and memory problems • Symbolic Model Checking of Software, Software Model Checking Workshop CAV’03

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