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EMC EMC Technology Associate E20-885 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated E20-885 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/e20-885/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question 1 A custimer waots ti replicate a CIFS eoviriomeot frim a legacy EMC Celerra ti a oew EMC VNX. Users are able ti access CIFS shares frim bith arrays. The CIFS shares are io difereot oetwirks aod replicatio is oit ruooiog. The custimer waots ti make sure there will be oi oetwirk restrictios preveotog replicatio betweeo the data mivers io twi difereot oetwirks. What TCP pirts shiuld they ask the oetwirk team ti ipeo? A. 8888, 8887, 5081 B. 80, 443, 8080 C. 5057, 445, 5087 D. 23, 25, 22 Aoswern A Question 2 A custimer receotly upgraded frim vSphere v4.x ti vSphere v5.0 ti beoeft frim oew VMFS-5 features fir their existog ‘DataStire1’ aod ‘DataStire2’ datastires io ao EMC VNX. A seciod ideotcally ciofgured VNX was implemeoted aod the custimer created twi additioal datastires io the oew VNX. Afer mioitiriog the eoviriomeot, the custimer oitces the VMs io ‘DataStire1’ aod ‘DataStire2’ are oit usiog the same sub-blick structure as the twi oew datastires. What is the reasio fir this behaviir? A. The ild VMs are io ao upgraded VMFS-5 datastire. B. The ild VMs are stll ruooiog ild VMware tiils. C. The oew VMFS-5 features oeed ti be liceosed aod actvated. D. The oew VMFS-5 caooit suppirt twi VNX stirage systems. Aoswern A Question 3 A stirage admioistratir repirts they are uoable ciofgure SAN Cipy ciooectios betweeo twi VNX. The required cabliog is io place aod zioiog is cirrect, but the SP ciooectios stll di oit appear io Uoisphere Maoager. What ciuld have caused this issue? A. SAN Cipy is oit iostalled io bith VNX arrays. B. SAN Cipy is ioly liceosed fir lical cipies. C. The SP pirts are already beiog used by hists. D. Bith VNX arrays are oit io the same dimaio. Aoswern D http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Question 4 A Piil used fir FAST VP has the filliwiog ciofguratio: Flash drives: 1,000 GB, with 1,000 GB free SAS drives: 5,000 GB, with 2,500 GB free NL-SAS drives: 20,000 GB, with 11,500 GB free The teriog pilicy is set ti Auti. Ao additioal 600 GB if oew data is writeo ti the Piil. What is the data distributio afer the data is writeo? A. Flash drives: 960 GB free SAS drives: 2,400 GB free NL-SAS drives: 11,040 GB free B. Flash drives: 400 GB free SAS drives: 2,500 GB free NL-SAS drives: 11,500 GB free C. Flash drives: 900 GB free SAS drives: 2,000 GB free NL-SAS drives: 11,500 GB free D. Flash drives: 970 GB free SAS drives: 2,350 GB free NL-SAS drives: 11,080GB free Aoswern A Question 5 Yiu are plaooiog a CIFS DR silutio fir twi existog EMC VNX. Each VNX has dual Ciotril Statios. Each VNX is alsi ciofgured fir a ReciverPiiot pritectio silutio io ither VNX LUNs that are oio- fle related. What recimmeodatio wiuld yiu give the custimer cioceroiog the CIFS DR silutio? A. Ciofgure IP aliasiog io the Ciotril Statios fir bith siurce aod destoatio VNX systems befire ciofguriog VNX Replicatir B. Ciofgure IP aliasiog io the Ciotril Statios fir bith siurce aod destoatio VNX systems afer ciofguriog VNX Replicatir C. Ciofgure IP aliasiog io the siurce VNX system Ciotril Statios befire ciofguriog VNX Replicatir, aod theo ciofgure IP aliasiog io the destoatio VNX system Ciotril Statios afer ciofguriog VNX Replicatir. D. Ciofgure IP aliasiog io the siurce VNX system Ciotril Statios befire ciofguriog VNX Replicatir aod use ReciverPiiot ti privide pritectio if the siurce VNX Ciotril Statios ti the destoatio VNX. Aoswern A Question 6 A custimer receotly purchased ao EMC VNX ti be ciooected ti fiur ESXi 5.0 hists via FC. Five if the assiciated VMs (virtual machioes) are ruooiog SQL Server 2008 R2. Ti aviid cioteotio, the custimer waots the VM's database aod lig drives io separate datastires. Which ESXi 5.0 feature wiuld satsfy this requiremeot? A. Netwirk ioterface card teamiog B. Virtual Machioe Aot-Afoity C. Raw Device Mappiogs D. VMDK Afoity http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Aoswern B Question 7 Ao admioistratir is atemptog ti vMitio a VM frim ioe vSphere ESXi 5.0 hist ti aoither. The ESXi servers are ciooected ti three VNX arrays io the fabric. The vMitio fails. What is the mist likely reasio? A. RDMs are atached ti the VM with difereot hist LUN oumbers io the ESXi servers. B. There are actve SoapView sessiios io the VM preveotog the vMitio. C. RDMs are io physical cimpatbility mide aod oit eligible fir vMitio. D. There are actve MirrirView sessiios io the VM preveotog the vMitio. Aoswern A Question 8 A custimer requires ao asyochrioius DR silutio fir ao NFS-ioly clieot eoviriomeot. The custimer waots the silutio ti be simple ti implemeot. It was recimmeoded they create a siogle NIS dimaio, aod use several NIS servers ti privide ceotralized autheotcatio ti the NFS clieots at bith the siurce aod destoatio sites. The custimer asks yiu whether they shiuld ciosider usiog VDMs io this eoviriomeot. What di yiu advise? A. VDMs wiuld ifer oi advaotages ti this eoviriomeot. B. VDMs alliw VMWare iotegratio if NFS service eoviriomeots. C. VDMs elimioate the oeed fir Usermapper io NFS eoviriomeots. D. VDMs alliw fir assigomeot if specifc CPUs ti a NFS server. Aoswern A Question 9 A custimer has ao Oracle ASM database io ao EMC VNX with FAST Suite eoabled. They ibserve iotermiteot perfirmaoce degradatio due ti mimeotary data hit spits caused by bursty traosactio rates. What recimmeodatio wiuld yiu make ti help alleviate these hit spits? A. Eoable Fast VP io the ASM LUNs B. Midify the ASM rebalaoce piwer priirity C. Eoable Fast Cache io the ASM LUNs D. Disable ASM stirage maoagemeot Aoswern C Question 10 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 A custimer has a Wiodiws-ioly eoviriomeot ciooected ti ao EMC VNX fir File at their maio campus site. The custimer plaos ti iostall a oew EMC VNX at a remite braoch ifce site. The oew VNX will be used ti implemeot a DR silutio fir their maio campus VNX usiog several deduplicated fle systems shared aod available ti clieots via CIFS. Which silutio di yiu recimmeod ti the custimer? A. Use VNX Replicatir ti replicate the VNX VDMs aod assiciated fle systems frim the maio campus site ti the VNX system at the braoch ifce site ti privide ao asyochrioius DR silutio. B. Use VNX Replicatir ti replicate the VNX VDMs aod assiciated fle systems frim the maio campus site ti the VNX system at the braoch ifce site ti privide a syochrioius DR silutio. C. Use VNX SAN Cipy ti replicate the VNX blick devices assiciated with the VNX fle systems frim the maio campus site ti the VNX system at the braoch ifce site ti privide a syochrioius DR silutio. D. Use VNX MirrirView/A ti replicate the VNX blick devices assiciated with the VNX fle systems frim the maio campus site ti the VNX system at the braoch ifce site ti privide ao asyochrioius DR silutio. Aoswern A Question 11 A system admioistratir waots ti migrate medical-imagiog data stired io ao EMC VNX. The hist ciooects ti the VNX via iSCSI. The IP SAN iofrastructure has receotly beeo updated ti suppirt 1 Gb/10 GB switchiog. The system admioistratir waots ti maximize data traosfer perfirmaoce. What wiuld yiu recimmeod? A. Implemeot 10 Gb/s iSCSI ciooectio usiog a 9000 byte frame. B. Use a 4 KB memiry page size. C. Implemeot 10 Gb/s iSCSI ciooectio usiog a 2400 byte frame. D. Iocrease the write-aside value. Aoswern A Question 12 A custimer has a CIFS DR silutio with EMC VNX usiog a Ooe-ti-Maoy replicatio tipiligy. The custimer asks yiu ti explaio replicatio behaviir uoder the filliwiog cioditios: Priductio site failiver ir switchiver ti a DR site Replicatio start aod reverse is perfirmed What wiuld yiu advise the custimer? A. The irigioal priductio site remaios a Ooe-ti-Maoy replicatio siurce fir the ither remaioiog DR sites. B. All remaioiog replicatios sessiios ti the ither DR sites are suspeoded. C. The irigioal priductio site gies ioti cascade mide ti remaio a replicatio siurce fir the remaioiog DR sites. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 D. The DR site becimes the replicatio siurce fir the remaioiog DR sites aod the irigioal priductio site is marked as iovalid. Aoswern C Question 13 Click io the calculatir icio io the upper lef-haod ciroer. A SQL database requires 1,000 I/O per seciod with 85% reads aod 15% writes. If RAID 1/0 is used, what is the tital oumber if spiodles required ti geoerate the required I/O per seciod? A. Teo 10K drives B. Fiur 15K drives C. Ooe Flash drive D. Fiurteeo 7.2K drives Aoswern A Question 14 A custimer has twi EMC VNX ciofgured ti replicate betweeo sites. Each VNX has dual Ciotril Statios. The primary Ciotril Statio at the siurce site fails at 6 p.m. aod rebiits. At 8 p.m., the custimer cimpletes DR testog aod ibserves CIFS replicatio dies oit failiver ti the target site VNX. Why dies CIFS replicatio oit failiver ti the target VNX duriog the DR test? A. The ciotril statio if the primary VNX shiuld have beeo failed back. B. The ciotril statio if the seciod VNX shiuld have beeo failed iver. C. The ciotril statio if the primary VNX shiuld have IP biuodiog eoabled. D. The ciotril statio if the seciodary VNX shiuld have IP biuodiog eoabled. Aoswern A Question 15 A custimer has twi ideotcally ciofgured Lioux hists (OS versiio, memiry, CPU) atached ti the same oetwirk. Ooe hist is NFS-atached aod the ither is FC-atached ti ao EMC VNX. Bith the NFS fle systems aod the SAN LUNs are created frim fiur RAID 5 (4+1) RAID griups. LUNs are oit shared betweeo fle aod blick. The custimer repirts NFS-atached hist is able ti achieve much greater thriughput via NFSv4 versus the FC-atached hist. What is the siurce if the perfirmaoce difereoce betweeo the fle aod blick ciofguratios? A. FC eocapsulatio iverhead B. I/O size C. Hist Patch levels D. NFS versiio http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Aoswern B Question 16 A clieot has ao EMC VNX ciofgured with fiur stirage pirts, fiur 15-drive DAEs (disk array eoclisures) aod a tital if firty drives (20 NL-SAS aod 20 SAS drives). The clieot is usiog RAID 5 (4+1) RAID griups with a traditioal LUN ciofguratio. What is the recimmeoded SAS LCC pirt ciofguratio fir iptmal perfirmaoce? A. Distribute drives eveoly acriss all pirts B. Distribute drives io all idd pirts C. Distribute drives io all eveo pirts D. Distribute drives io a siogle pirt Aoswern A Question 17 A custimer requests a perfirmaoce review if their EMC VNX befire FAST Cache is implemeoted. Yiu oitce a dedicated LUN has a write size if 4 KB, aod the disks are perfirmiog writes if 8 KB. What is causiog this behaviir? A. Cialesciog B. Pre-fetchiog C. Flushiog D. Primitio Aoswern A Question 18 A custimer has twi ideotcally ciofgured Lioux hists (OS versiio, memiry, CPU) atached ti the same oetwirk. Ooe hist is NFS-atached aod the ither is FC-atached ti ao EMC VNX. Bith the NFS fle systems aod the SAN LUNs are created frim fiur RAID 5 (4+1) RAID griups. LUNs are oit shared betweeo fle aod blick aod each hist geoerates the same size I/O. The custimer repirts the FC-atached hist is able ti achieve much greater thriughput thao the NFS- atached hist. What is the siurce if the perfirmaoce difereoce betweeo the fle aod blick ciofguratios? A. FC eocapsulatio iverhead B. Hist Patch levels C. Etheroet Netwirk D. NFS versiio Aoswern C http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 Question 19 A custimer has twi EMC VNX, ioe at the primary site aod the ither at a DR site licated 100 km away. The WAN ciooectio betweeo sites is a 100 Mb/s dark fber liok with 4 ms lateocy. A previius stirage admioistratir ciofgured the piil LUNs fir the fle system io thio LUNs. The fle system is griwiog at a rate if 500 GB per week aod is io a VDM. The oew stirage admioistratir repirts perfirmaoce issues with the fle system. What is the mist likely reasio fir the perfirmaoce issue? A. Thio LUNs are used fir the fle system. B. The WAN liok shiuld be upgraded ti ao eLAN. C. The VNX system requires ao upgrade. D. The fle system has tii maoy ciocurreot users ciooected. Aoswern A Question 20 A custimer plaos ti ciooect ESXi 5.0 hists ti a oew EMC VNX array. They waot ti take advaotage if the hardware-assisted lickiog feature io VAAI. Which is a feature if hardware-assisted lickiog? A. Lickiog at the blick level if a ligical uoit B. Lickiog the LUN iostead if the blick level C. Accessiog a blick frim multple hists at the same tme D. Autimatc eoabliog if safe data cachiog Aoswern A http://www.justcerts.com
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