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World War II Begins

World War II Begins. Chapter 24 Section 2. “Peace in Our Time”. By 1940, Hitler had rebuilt the German army and was bent on conquest European leaders didn’t try and stop Hitler Gave into his demands

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World War II Begins

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  1. World War II Begins Chapter 24 Section 2

  2. “Peace in Our Time” • By 1940, Hitler had rebuilt the German army and was bent on conquest • European leaders didn’t try and stop Hitler • Gave into his demands What were the 3 reasons European leaders believed Hitler could be satisfied and war could be avoided? (pg. 714 1st column 2nd paragraph)

  3. Austrian Anschluss • In late 1937, Hitler called for the unification of all German speaking people • 1st two targets: Austria and Czechoslovakia • What was his reasoning for taking these lands? • In Feb. 1938, Hitler threatened to invade Austria if Austrian Nazis were given gov’t posts • Austrian Chancellor gave into demands • Weeks later he tried to put unification with Germany to a democratic vote • In response Hitler sent troops into Austria in March= Anschluss->unification of Austria and Germany

  4. Austrian Anschluss

  5. Austrian Anschluss

  6. Munich Crisis and Appeasement • Shortly after annexing Austria, Hitler stated he wanted the Sudetenland, area of Czechoslovakia with large German-speaking pop. • Why was it going to be more difficult for Hitler to take the Sudetenland? (pg. 714 2nd column 1stparagraph) • Czechs opposed Germany’s demands • France threaten war and U.S.S.R. promised assistance

  7. Munich Conference

  8. Munich Conference

  9. Neville Chamberlain

  10. Munich Crisis and Appeasement • To prevent war reps. from Britain, France, Italy, and Germany met at the Munich Conference • Sept. 29, 1938, Britain and France agreed to give into Hitler's demands->appeasement • Gave Germany the Sudetenland and if Czechs didn’t want to they would have to fight Germany on their own • In March of 1939, Hitler captured the rest of Czechoslovakia • Appeasement failed

  11. Danzig and the Polish Corridor • After Munich Conference->Hitler focused on Poland • In Oct. of 1938, demanded Danzig->Baltic Sea port • Also wanted a railroad across the Polish Corridor ->connect Germany w/ East Prussia • France and Britain stated that if Germany invaded Poland they would declare war • May 1939-> Hitler ordered German army to prepare for a Polish invasion • Also ordered his foreign minister to begin negotiations with U.S.S.R.

  12. Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact • Signed on August 23, 1939, stated Germany and USSR wouldn’t go to war against each other • USSR wanted to divide capitalist nations in war • Shocked the world b/c Nazism and Communism opposed each other • Agreed to split Poland b/w themselves

  13. Nonaggression Pact

  14. War Begins • On Sept. 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland from the west, Soviets from the east • Sept. 3 Britain and France declared war on Germany, WWII had begun • German Blitzkrieg led to quick conquest of Poland in 26 days

  15. Invasion of Poland

  16. Fall of France • Germans referred to situation w/ France as the Sitzkrieg-> sitting war • Britain and France were defensive waiting for German attack • Built up concrete bunkers along the Maginot Line-> bordered Germany • Allowed for Hitler to take Poland, Norway, and Denmark • Secured northern flank • In order to avoid the Maginot Line, Hitler would have to attack through the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg

  17. Fall of France • Britain and France predicted German attack through Belgium->big mistake • Germans sent their tanks and forces through the Ardennes Mountains of Luxembourg->French didn’t think this could be done • Germans smashed through French lines and proceeded to trap British and French forces in Belgium

  18. Miracle at Dunkirk • Germans pushed France and Britain toward English Channel • Captured all ports but Dunkirk-> British and French Troops headed there for evacuation • Used 850 ships to evacuate estimated 338,000 troops • Was called the “Miracle at Dunkirk” • Three weeks later, on June 22, 1940, France surrendered • Hitler created puppet gov’t-> Vichy gov’t under Charles Petain

  19. Miracle at Dunkirk

  20. Miracle at Dunkirk

  21. Britain Remains Defiant • Hitler anticipated British surrender after France fell • Winston Churchill had other plans • Read Churchill’s speech to Parliament, June 4, 1940

  22. British Remain Defiant • Germany had to cross the English Channel to invade Britain • Hitler new in order to invade Britain they had to defeat the RAF (British Royal Air Force) • Battle of Britain (began in June of 1940) • RAF vs. Luftwaffe • Luftwaffe started w/ bombing British shipping • In mid-August, Luftwaffe focused on destroying RAF, by bombing strategic targets

  23. Battle of Britain

  24. Battle of Britain

  25. Battle of Britain

  26. British Remain Defiant • On Aug. 23, German bombers bombed London • Britain responded with the bombing of Berlin the following night • Enraged Hitler and he changed his focus-> wanted to terrorize British citizens into surrender->continued bombing London • British were outnumbered but had one major advantage->radar • Showed the locations of German planes • Day after day, British inflicted more losses on the Germans • Led to Hitler calling off the invasion on Oct. 12, 1940

  27. Battle of Britain

  28. Battle of Britain

  29. Battle of Britain

  30. British Radar

  31. British Radar

  32. British Radar

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