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Insights from Brain Research and Art Education: Exploring Hemispheric Dominance

Delve into the connection between brain function, art, and cognition through the lens of hemispheric dominance. Learn how artists and neurologists alike perceive the world and how artistic training influences cognition.

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Insights from Brain Research and Art Education: Exploring Hemispheric Dominance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Alisa Blundon Brain Research and Art Education

  2. SemirZeki Professor of Neurobiology at the University of London How does the brain see?

  3. A rtists as the first neurologists “Of all the colours, the most pleasing are the ones which constitute opponents.” -- Leonardo Da Vinci.

  4. Artist can only deal with aspects that they observe What if bees created art?

  5. How We See

  6. Michael Posner How Arts Training Influences Cognition

  7. Split Brain Research Roger Sperry Betty Edwards

  8. “The two disconnected hemispheres function independently and in effect have each a separate mind of its own. Each of the separated hemispheres appears to have its own private sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings and memories. Each hemisphere has its own inner visual world, each cut off from the conscious awareness of the other.” ~Roger Sperry

  9. Left-hemisphere (L-mode): foursquare, upright, sensible, direct, true, hard-edged, un-fanciful, and forceful Right- hemisphere (R-mode): curvy, flexible, more playful in its unexpected twists and turns, more complex, diagonal, and fanciful Are you Right or Left Brained?

  10. Betty Edwards’ Up-Side Down Drawing

  11. Both Sides Now: Visualizing and Drawing with the Right and Left Hemispheres of the Brain I rene S chiferl

  12. Technological Advancements (EEGs) electroencephalograms vs. functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

  13. “For some tasks, responses concentrate heavily in one hemisphere while for other cognitive functions both hemispheres respond robustly. In many studies, responses fall between these two extremes. Even the ability to read and write in English – where a strong left hemisphere response is well documented – involves right hemisphere activity.” ~ Irene Schiferl

  14. Implications of Brain Research in Art Education Perry & Janet Rettig

  15. Implication One Emotion

  16. Implication Two: All the Senses

  17. Implication Three: Self-Direction

  18. Implication Four: Interaction

  19. Implication Five: Pattern & Organization

  20. “How can you expect to talk about realism, perspective and other sights of the eye if you don’t actually know how the eyes and brain work?” ~Irene Schiferl

  21. Resources: Edwards, Betty, Drawing on the Artist Within, 1986, Simon & Schuster, Inc. Edwards, Betty, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, 1999, Penguin Putnam Inc. Eisner, Elliot, The arts and the Creation of Mind, 2002, Yale University Press. Gardener, Howard, Art, Mind, and Brain,1992, Basic Books Inc. Gardener, Howard, Art, Mind, and Education, 1989, University of Illinois Press. Hetland, Lois, Studio Thinking, 2007, Teacher’s College Press. Posner, Michael, How Arts Training Influences Cognition, 2008, Dana Consortium Reports on the Arts and Cognition, The Dana Foundation, 1-10. Rettig, Perry and Janet, Linking Brain Research to Art, 1999, Art Education Journal, 19-24. Schiferl, Irene, Both Sides Now: Visualizing and Drawing with the Right and Left Hemispheres of the Brain, 2008, Studies in Art Education A Journal of Issues and Research, 67-82. Sperry, Roger, Hemisphere Disconnection and Unity in Conscious Awareness, 1968, American Psychologist, 723-33. Sylwester, Roy, 1995, A celebration of neurons: An educator’s guide to the human brain, Alexandria Publications. Zeki, Semir, Inner Vision, 1999, Oxford Press.

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