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Usit Organization is situated in El altet a rural area that is part of Elche, ( the city ) in teh Comuniad Valenciana ( R egion ), we have 2000 inhabitants and we are situated close to the airport and the see .
UsitOrganizationissituated in El altet a rural areathatispart of Elche, (thecity) in tehComuniad Valenciana (Region), wehave 2000 inhabitants and we are situatedclosetotheairport and thesee.
Theassociactionworkmost of the time in El Altet, butwehavedifferentactivities and workshops in Elche and others rural areas. Wehave a Youth Center and different places wherewedeveloptheactivities. In theassociationwe are 6 people in theteam and wegiveopportunitiesforaround 200 youngpeople in El Altet.
Mainaimis: Supporttheinitiatives, development of competence in the local community. Toworkamongtarget groupsas adultsand elderlypeople, peoplefrom rural and disadvantagesareas.
OBJECTIVES OF THE ORGANIZATION: 1.Create a network of youth organizations 2. Participate in different projects with different associations. 3. To find solutions to the needs of young people, particularly in El Altet, and generally remaining territory. 4. To train, develop and promotedifferent courses for adult and young people 5. Organize all kinds of activities related to the Youth Programme of the European Union.
6. Exchange of information with other organizations whose aims are similar 7. Organize youth participation in international activities. 8. To raise awareness on the values of solidarity and culture, providing courses in solidarity with social impact on young people. 9. Promote social participation.
ACTIVITIES THAT WE DO: • Dance club. • Cultural activities. • Sport club. • Traditionaladultclub. • International club. • Enviromentalactivities. • International projects. • Activitieswithadultpeople. • Handcraftsand media activities.