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L’esprit découverte Cap Sciences Centre de Culture Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle de la Région Aquitaine BORDEAUX 05 56 01 07 07 www.cap-sciences.net. General presentation.
L’esprit découverte Cap Sciences Centre de Culture Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle de la Région Aquitaine BORDEAUX 05 56 01 07 07 www.cap-sciences.net
General presentation Over the last 10 years, Cap Sciences has become one of the most important science centres in France. It relies on its expertise in science communication and its network of partners to develop exhibitions, hands-on displays, serious games and editorial work in order to disseminate scientific and industrial culture and to enable its audience to understand the main science and society issues. Innovation is present in most of Cap Sciences activities as a mean to develop new tools and services and as a cultural resource to be promoted
Cap Sciences’ developmentstrategy Our challenge: to becomea reference centre in knowledge designbased on an innovativeapproach 3 keypriorities The science centre The network The Lab Develop information/communication activities Bringtogetherresearch, industry, culture, creativeeconomyactors Foster innovation through an ecosystem of actors and projects
The Lab Approach to develop the use of innovative ICT and digital technologies and services Cap-sciences.num (2008-2010) global programme funded by the europeanfund for regionaldevelopment > R&D projects > New forms of collaboration
Navinum-ScienceOnaute Collaborative project Objective : to develop a personnalrelationship the visitorsbefore, duringandafter the visit RFID device + web platform
SeriousgameClim’Way Objective : to raise public awareness on the consequences of climate change Achievement : cooperationwith a large network of local partners
The Living Lab - Open innovation Living labsbringtogetherresearchlabs, SMEs, non profit organisations, institutions …and the local communityin orderto test, experiment , evaluatedinnovative digital devices or services Objective: to integrateusersinto the researchprocess
Example of a Living Labproject InSTInCT Collaborative research project development and evaluation of touch-based interfaces, with the goal of bringing widespread visibility of interactive 3D applications Cap Sciences’ mission = experimental campaigns in real-life conditions
InMediaTsproject A framework for open innovation InMediaTs interregional 4-year project (6 science centres) coordinated by Cap Sciences Objective = to reduce social, cultural and geographical inequalities towards scientific culture using very innovative tools for dissemination. Core mission = to develop and experiment new cultural mediation tools based on innovative digital technologiesaddressing, in particular, the 15 to 25 years old audience.
Bernard Alaux Director Cap Sciences b.alaux@cap-sciences.net