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Session 9 Outline

Session 9 Outline. Seek out credit opportunities. Funding resources. Leveraging other community programs and needs. Seek Out Credit Opportunities. Get Credit for Things You are Already Doing!! - Newsletters. - Good housekeeping practices (salt storage).

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Session 9 Outline

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Session 9 Outline • Seek out credit opportunities. • Funding resources. • Leveraging other community programs and needs.

  2. Seek Out Credit Opportunities • Get Credit for Things You are Already Doing!! - Newsletters. - Good housekeeping practices (salt storage). - Watershed protection initiatives (riparian setbacks). - Street sweeping. - Catchbasin clean-out. - Existing training programs (good housekeeping). • If not, can still incorporate into Phase II Annual Report.

  3. Funding Sources Storm Water Management Program General Fund Storm Water Utility Loans Grants

  4. General Fund • Determine costs to maintain system and fund plan. • Request funds for annual operating budget. • Issues: - Current financial climate makes it tough to request funds. - Not user based so no incentive to implement best management practices. - Amount of funds can vary from year to year, making it difficult to sustain program. - Piece meal approach which can lead to worse problems later on.

  5. Storm Water Utility • User pay based system. • Monthly fee charged. - Residential: Equivalent residentual unit (ERU) - Commercial/industrial: fee = amount of impervious cover divided by one ERU. - No one pays less than one ERU. • Setting up utility requires a number of steps. - Legal. - Needs assessment & revenue requirements. - Master plans, public rducation, and implementation steps. - Stormwater charges, billing system, and credits

  6. Loans • Several loan funds exists to pay for storm water improvements. OEPA Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Lake Erie Protection Fund Ohio Public Works Commission Ohio Water Development Authority

  7. Grants • Grant funds available to defray cost but becoming increasingly more competitive. Lake Erie Protection Fund Ohio Environmental Education Fund Private Foundation Transportation Enhancement Grant Program OEMA - Hazard Mitigation Grant Program ODNR DSW Clean Ohio Conservation Fund ODNR Coastal Zone Program

  8. Leveraging Other Community Programs • Asset Management • All Natural Hazards Mitigation Planning • Drainage Improvements • Open Space and Recreation Planning • Flooding (Basement Flooding) • Septic Tank Inspection/Replacement Program

  9. Other Potential Resources • Local universities/colleges (map, illicit discharge inventory, public education). • Local high schools (map, outfall inventory). • Boy and girl scout organizations (public education, outfall inventory).

  10. Do’s and Don’t to Manage Program Costs • If its not broke don’t fix it. • Go ahead, its not rocket science. • If you can’t fix it – don’t. • Fix the worst first. • Don’t build new problems.

  11. Do’s and Don’t to Manage Program Costs • Build a firm foundation. • Be “mid-tech”. • Make the most of what you have. • Timing is everything. • Wade in don’t dive in. Source: Andrew Reese, PE. The Ten Commandments of Municipal Storm Water Quality Programs.

  12. Questions and Answers

  13. End of Session 9 Session 10 – Resources to Help You

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