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Reform, Resistance, Revolution. Imperial Reform. 1760: George III inherited throne of Great Britain, age 22 Collapse of political coalition that led Britain to victory over France King’s new ministers set out to reform the empire
Imperial Reform • 1760: George III inherited throne of Great Britain, age 22 • Collapse of political coalition that led Britain to victory over France • King’s new ministers set out to reform the empire • William Pitt is replaced by George Grenville, Minister of the Treasury
The Grenville Ministry • John Wilkes • Journalist for North Briton criticized King • Member of Parliament • “Wilkes and Liberty” • War put Britain in debt • Revenues needed to police colonies – Grenville insists colonists contribute financially to fund their own defense
Indian Policy and Pontiac’s War • Indian and policy • Fulfill wartime promises • Proclamation Line of 1763 • Pontiac’s War • germ warfare (smallpox blankets) • Paxton Boys: Anti-Indian frontier reaction
The Sugar Act • 1764 – duties placed on Madeira wine, coffee, molasses • Colonists obtained cheaper molasses from French • Launched Grenville’s war against smugglers • Complicated paperwork and harsh penalties • Tried to make enforcement of Customs laws more profitable than accepting bribes
The Currency Act and the Quartering Act • Currency Act of 1764: • Forbade colonies to issue any paper money as legal tender • Quartering Act of 1765 • To quarter redcoats in private homes & taverns
The Stamp Act • Stamp tax on legal documents and publications in the colonies • “no taxation without representation” vs. virtual representation • Internal vs. external taxes • Colonist offer – Requisitions (colonial assemblies determine how to raise money asked for by the crown)
The Stamp Act Crisis • Resistance to Stamp Act: 1765 – lasted almost one year, then repealed • Patrick Henry • Stamp Act Congress • Stamp Act unconstitutional and should be repealed • Says virtual representation does not apply Patrick Henry
Nullification • “Sons of Liberty” and street violence • Stamp Act nullified de facto • Agents resign • Merchants and nonimportation resistance • “Sons of Liberty”
Repeal • Repeal Stamp Act (1766) • Declaratory Act (1766): perceived differently in colonies and Britain • Revenue Act (1766): 1 penny tax on any molasses imported to colonies
The Townshend Crisis • King George : government of “measures, not men” • Charles Townshend member of Parliament and the Cabinet • Townshend has a hard-line attitude towards colonies William Pitt
The Townshend Program • Townshend Revenue Act (1767) • Taxed imports colonies could only legally get from Britain • Purpose: pay salaries of colonial governors and judges, freeing them from control of colonial assemblies • British troops shifted from frontier to urban ports Charles Townshend
The Boston Massacre • Increasing confrontations between population and British soldiers in Boston • Sons of Liberty grow bolder • March 5, 1770: The Massacre • British: Captain Thomas Preston and others • Defense team: John Adams and Josiah Quincy, Jr. • Britain’s failed first attempt at military coercion
Slaves and Women • Anti-slavery movement in British empire by mid-1700s • Quakers, Evangelicals, Methodists oppose slavery • Even slave owners like Patrick Henry condemn the practice, but keep slaves for practical reasons • Sarah Osborn and education for slaves • Phillis Wheatley, freed slave and literary celebrity by age 20 • Boston Patriots push for end to slavery • Women’s role in nonimportation Phillis Wheatley
"On being brought from Africa to America": Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land,Taught my benighted soul to understandThat there's a God, that there's a Saviour too:Once I redemption neither sought nor knew.Some view our sable race with scornful eye,"Their colour is a diabolic dye."Remember, Christians, Negroes, black as Cain,May be refin'd, and join th' angelic train.´
The Last Imperial Crisis • Lord North attempts to save East India Company, Britain’s largest corporation • Southeastern England and colonies purchased smuggled Dutch tea • Millions of pounds of unsold tea left in East India Co. warehouses • Issue to Lord North was save East India Co.
The Tea Crisis • Lord North’s solution: make East India Co. tea cheaper than smuggled tea • Tea Act (1773) • Repealed duty on bringing tea to Britain • Retained duty on sending tea to colony • Gave monopoly on British empire tea trade to East India Company • Sons of Liberty resistance • Direct threats against ships • Boston “Tea Party”
Britain’s Response: The Coercive Acts • Coercive Acts • Boston Port Act (1774) • Quartering Act (1774) • The Administration of Justice Act (1774) • Massachusetts Government Act (1774) • To colonists, above become the “Intolerable Acts”
The First Continental Congress • 12 colonies (all except Georgia) • Philadelphia in September 1774 • Nonimportation and nonexportation • Crown and Parliament must repeal • Coercive Acts • Quebec Act • All Revenue Acts • Principle of no legislation without consent • The Association: promoted boycotts and protests
The Second Continental Congress • Minutemen become Continental army • George Washington made commander • Response to the Conciliatory Proposition • Olive Branch Petition • Thomas Jefferson and “The Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking Up Arms” • Continental Congress assumed Crown’s functions of governance
Independence • Areas supporting independence • New England • Virginia and colonies South • Overthrow of royal governments • mid-Atlantic colonies • William Franklin • Thomas Paine • Common Sense • Lord George Germain • Russians and “Hessians” • Declaration of Independence Thomas Paine
Conclusion • Britain’s self-filling prophecy nightmare • British feared colonies’ independence unless major reforms were put in place • Resistance of the colonists confirmed Britain’s fears • Colonists feared that British government would deprive them their rights as Englishmen • Mutual confidence was undermined
Sources • Murrin, John M. Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People. Thomson Publishing: 2005.