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Chapter 32

Chapter 32. Ricky Pooler. (verb). Citation: http://www.netlaw.co.nz/clipart/jailbird_cartoon.gif. Corripio, corripere, corripui correptum= seize, steal!. Derivatives: Correption, corruption,corridor. Verb. Citation:http://www.catharsis-it.com/site/Catharsis_114/images/content/Exit_Sign.jpg.

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Chapter 32

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  1. Chapter 32 Ricky Pooler

  2. (verb) Citation:http://www.netlaw.co.nz/clipart/jailbird_cartoon.gif

  3. Corripio, corripere, corripui correptum= seize, steal! • Derivatives: Correption, corruption,corridor

  4. Verb • Citation:http://www.catharsis-it.com/site/Catharsis_114/images/content/Exit_Sign.jpg

  5. Me recipio, recipere, recipi, receptum=I take myself back, retreat • Derivatives: Receipt, receivable, receive, received, receiver, receptacle!

  6. ~VERB~ • Citation:http://www.cam.k12.il.us/ms/8th/jones/Division.jpg

  7. Divido, dividere, dividi, divisum= I divide • Derivavtives: Divide, division, dividend

  8. VERB • Citation:http://www.theindependent.com/photos/110799/HuskerFUMBLE.jpg

  9. Everto, evertere, everti, eversum= I oveturn!!!!! • Derivativies: evert, divert, eversion, extrovert

  10. Verb • Citation: images.google.com

  11. Praesum, praeesse, praefui+dat.= I am in command of • Derivatives:

  12. Verb • (fill in the blank) Citations: http://www.collegecharlie.com/p1_moss_moon_all.jpeg, and http://www.sportslogos.net/images/Football/NFL/NE_897.gif

  13. Comparo, comparare, comparavi, comparatum= I aquire, get. • Derivatives:comparative, comparatively, comparativeness, compare, comparison.

  14. $Verb$ • Citations:http://7deadlysinners.typepad.com/sinners/images/occupied.jpg

  15. Occupo, occupare, occupavi, occupatum=I seize, occupy • Derivatives: occupation, occupy, occupational, unoccupied

  16. Verb! • Citations: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/81/Stop_sign.png/600px-Stop_sign.png

  17. Consisto, consistere, consisti, consistum= halt, stand still. • Derivatives: consist, consistant, inconsistant

  18. Noun! • Citation:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/5/58/Sith_lightning.jpg/350px-Sith_lightning.jpg

  19. Copiae, -arum= forces • Derivatives: copulate, copulative

  20. Noun • Citation:http://www.ntc.gov.au/media/general/569.bmp

  21. Bona, orum= goods • Derivatives: bonus, bona fide

  22. Noun • Citation:http://www.gadarg.org.uk/images/villa-extract.gif

  23. Villa, ae= country house • Derivatives: village, villa

  24. Noun! • Citation:http://www.storyboardtoys.com/store/police-officer-doll-set.jpg

  25. Legatus,i= deputy, officer, envoy • Derivatives:legal, legalism, legate, legalese.

  26. Noun! Citation:http://www.goblinworkshop.com/pics/renders/1074-2989.jpg

  27. Ferrum, i = sword, iron • Derivatives: Ferrum, Fer

  28. ^^^Noun^^^ • Citation:http://www1.whdh.com/images/news_articles/389x205/gop_elephant_democrat_donkey.jpg

  29. Partes, partium= political party Derivatives: Parties, part, participle, party.

  30. Adjective There are _____ _____ bees! Citation: http://potomacs.com/bee/Clinical-bee-shot.JPG

  31. Tot= so many. Derivatives: none.

  32. conjunction & Citation: www.google.com

  33. Atque= and & Derivatives: none

  34. Adverb • Citation: http://www.somedaytundra.com/NorthernPlasmatics/Tiptoe_Girl.jpg

  35. Clam= secretly • Derivatives: none

  36. Verb • Citation: http://www.nauticraft.com/blog/hello/1680455/1024/CompelFlierPhotoSep__1-2005.10.31-12.01.34.jpg

  37. Cogo, cogere, coegi, coactum= I compel • Derivative: coact, coactive, coactively.

  38. Verb • Citation:http://www.yikaistudio.com/images/student/mar_picture.jpg

  39. Occupo, occupare, occupavi, occupatum= I seize, occupy • Derivatives: occupy, occupation, unoccupied.

  40. Verb X Y

  41. Praeficio, praeficere, praefeci, praefectum= I put x in command of y X Y Derivatives: praefections

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