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This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Microsoft Excel, teaching principles, functions, and formulas. Learn advanced spreadsheet techniques and earn articulation credit at select colleges. Improve your financial management, investing, and accounting skills. Enhance your proficiency in formatting, data management, formulas, functions, and chart creation. Develop visually appealing spreadsheets with images and text effects. Utilize advantages of using spreadsheets for effective data analysis and presentation. Class assignments are completed through an online management system, emphasizing quality work and timely submissions. Attend regularly, participate, and excel in this dynamic learning environment.
Welcome toMicrosoft Excel! Welcome to Excel. This course will start by providing you with an introduction to the principles and workings of the spreadsheet program Microsoft Excel. As we finish the course, you will have had the opportunity to turn your beginning knowledge into advanced spreadsheet skills. • Articulation – College credit for this class This class may be articulated to GRCC, Baker, Davenport, or MCC for college credit. This means that by completing this class you would be granted credit for it at one of the previously mentioned schools and not have to take it in college (saving you time and tuition!). You must achieve a B or better grade to receive articulated credit. Upon completion of this course see me for an articulation application form.
Today’s Agenda • Introductions • Housekeeping Items • Syllabus • Expectations/Procedures • Tour around the room • Extra Information • On-line class management program - Moodle
My Schedule 1st – Financial Management & Investing A 2nd – Financial Management & Investing A 3rd Conference 4th – Accounting 2 A 5th – Microsoft Excel
Introductions • A little about me… • Married to Michele • 3 kids • Interests • Sports • Michigan Wolverines • Golf • Nascar • Technology • Web 2.0 Mrs. S Eli 3 Jackson 5 Taylor 7
Housekeeping Items Seating Chart Take Attendance Emergency Procedures Room Layout Printing & Paper
Syllabus • INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • The learner will be able to properly open, save, and close Excel files • The learner will be able to change fonts, apply font effects, and apply text effects • The learner will be able to format spreadsheets for printing • The learner will be able to manage data/information inside of a cell, spreadsheet, workbook • The learner will be able to use formulas and functions to perform worksheet calculations • The learner will be able to edit and manipulate worksheets and workbooks • The learner will be able to use advanced spreadsheet functions • The learner will be able to create and modify charts and graphs • The learner will be able to create visually appealing spreadsheets that include text boxes, clipart and WordArt, etc. • The learner will be able to know and utilize the advantages of using spreadsheets • The learner will be able to…. the list of things to learn goes on and on!
Syllabus Daily Procedure: • Our class will make use on an on-line class management system called Moodle. Instructions, notes, activities, assignments, and tests will be completed using this software. Each day you should plan to start the hour by logging into Moodle. • We will spend time in whole class teaching and learning that will then be followed up by independent practice time to be spent working on daily assignments. You are expected to record notes in class. A 3 minute warning will be given to remind us to save our work before the end of class. • Textbooks are to remain in the classroom, but may be checked out for overnight use. All books must be returned the next class day. You are expected to bring your own pens/pencils to class every day.
Syllabus • Grading Quality work is key in this class and in the business world. Make sure you take the time to be precise. You will find that one little mistake can cause a lot of wasted time. Your final trimester grade will be determined on an 80 – 20 basis; 80% from your work in class and 20% from a final exam. All of your work in class will be graded using a point value system. • S Points In life outside of school good performance and promptness often results in promotions, pay increases, and improved personal standing in the view of others. This course would like to simulate the real world as much as possible, therefore, if you have no absences, no tardies, and all work is turned in quality and on time you will receive a 1 grade bump on your trimester grade. (i.e. B to a B+) School-related absences are not counted as absent.
Syllabus • Attendance • Missing class will result in lost learning and incomplete class work. It is YOUR responsibility to inquire about and complete missed class work. You can speak with a classmate to inquire about what was missed but your safest bet is to ask me. • Per school rules you will have 2 days to make up any missed work. Day 1 of these 2 days is your first day back in class.
Classroom Rules • Be in your seat and ready to begin work when the clock clicks.Class starts when the clock clicks – meaning you have until the end of 1:30 to be here. At 1:31 you will be marked tardy / absent. You get two (2) free tardies for the trimester - each tardy after that is a detention. (7:25 a.m. with me). First hour begins at 7:50.After your sixth (6) tardy in a semester, a meeting will be set up with your parents to develop a plan to assure your timely arrival to class. • Come to class prepared to work daily. • Bring all materials needed (Textbook if checked out, Pen/Pencil) • LIMITED eating & drinking allowed in the classroom
Classroom Rules • ALWAYS show respect to others! • Clean up your area before leaving. • Chairs should be pushed in in front of the computer. • No internet use w/o permission • No e-mail or chat allowed • No games or use of unauthorized programs
Cheating • NO Tolerance! • First offense: • Earns a “0” for the entire assignment • You are required to report to me after school that day for a parental contact.
In our Classroom • Expensive equipment so be calm and behave appropriately • Hand Sanitizer – a good idea for everybody! • Grab your books on your way to your seat. • If you are tardy… • Enter quietly and begin working with everyone else. • Tardies policy will follow the student handbook.
Other Procedures • Scheduled Checkout • Let me know when you enter the classroom • When you need to leave, quietly raise your hand to notify me. • Quietly pack your things and leave
Other Procedures • Restroom • If you need to go always ask permission first. Quietly raise your hand and ask appropriately. • Excessive restroom use will cause you to have to use a tardy to leave the room • Per school policy, after 2 tardies each tardy results in a detention before/after school with me • Always sign on the sign out sheet in back of room as you leave
Other Procedures • Moving around the room… • You do not need permission to: • Sharpen your pencil • Blow your nose • If I am talking, please wait until I am done • Please do these activities quietly and discreetly.
Other Procedures • Classroom Questions & Discussions… • Please Participate!!!!!!!! • I want to hear what you have to say! • If it is a question for you chances are it is also a question for someone else – SO ASK! • Make sure it is relevant to the current discussion • If your question is off topic, write it down and ask later
Other Procedures • Class Dismissal • The TEACHER dismisses you, not the clock. • Put away everything – books, workbooks, calculators, notebook, etc. • Log off the computer • Push in your chair • DO NOT stand by the door!!!
Other Procedures • Special Guests • Substitute Teachers, • Guest Speakers, etc. • ALWAYS be on your BEST behavior
What are your questions????? • Extra Credit Opportunity • Signed Syllabus – 10 Points Bring your syllabus home to share with your parents. After they read thru it answer their questions about our class. Have them do 2 things on the bottom of the back page: • Write down their primary email address • Sign it Bring it back in and show me for your points
Student Expectations • Be On Time • Be ready to start when class begins. If you are not in your seat, you are tardy. • Be Prepared • Have needed stuff for class, and know due dates! • Turn in your work on time and always do your best. • Be a Problem Solver • Correct problems quickly before they escalate.
My Pledge to You… I will trust you until you give me a reason not to. I will respect you and work with you to solve problems. I will as quickly as possible correct and offer feedback on your work. My goal is always to return your work within 1 day, 2 days max. I will work with you to help you meet your goals. I will offer extra help if you need it.
Other Stuff… • Late work will not be accepted unless you have an excused absence • My Desk • Safety Issues • Computer cords
POSSIBILITY “Energy and persistence conquer all things.” Benjamin Franklin “I believe in you and your potential.” Mr. Sytsma Have a successful trimester!
On-line class management software MOODLE moodle01.hudsonville.k12.mi.us
Introductions When you are tossed the Koosh ball, please tell us about these things: • Who you caught the ball from • Your name • Favorite memory / exciting thing from this summer • I am thinking of becoming a __________
Fact or Fib ?? On the back of your card please create a numbered list from 1 to 6. Use the list to tell us 6 things about yourself - but listen to my instructions closely! Some things that might help you choose your 6 items: • your career goal(s) for after high school • something interesting or unusual about you • the most exciting or scary thing you’ve ever done • your happiest moment in life