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Markus Rapp and Franz-Josef Lübken Leibniz-Institut für Atmosphärenphysik (IAP) an der Universität Rostock Kühlungsborn Stefanos Fasoulas Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme (IRS), Universität Stuttgart.
Markus Rapp and Franz-Josef Lübken Leibniz-Institut für Atmosphärenphysik (IAP) an der Universität Rostock Kühlungsborn Stefanos Fasoulas Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme (IRS), Universität Stuttgart WADIS-Wave propagationanddissipationin themiddleAtmosphere:Energybudget und distributionoftracegasesfundedby DLR- Space Agency: 2010 - 2013
Residual Circulationbecauseofwave-meanflowinteraction: Small scaledynamics (WavesandTurbulence) affects global fields Sommer Winter Motivation Sommer Winter 100 km 50 km 0 km Model: Erich Becker, IAP
Propagation issues Winter: Existingtechniquesfor wind measurements:Sommer: WADIS will use all ofthesemethodsatthe same time!
Criteriaforinstabilities? Paradigm: A wave/flowturnsunstable • Staticinstability (heavy airabovelightair) • Dynamic instability (large wind shear) Characterizedbyverticaldistributionof T, u !!!
Criteriaforinstabilities? Achatz, Adv. Space Res. 2007
Influence on trace gas distributions Source: Photolysisof O2 in SR-Band (175-205nm) and SR-Continuum (137-175nm) Sink: 3-body recombination O+O+M -> O2 + M O+O2+M -> O3 + M
Contributiontotheenergybudget Exothermalreactionsof O Dissipation of GW PhotolysisofO2 Mlynczak (1996)
Aimsof WADIS • Measurement ofthepropagationanddissipationof GW in therange 0 – 100km • Quantifythecontributionofthesewavestotheenergybudget • First educatedguesses on horizontal structuresofturbulence • Quantifythecontributionof O totheenergybudget • (Determinethedeactivation rate of CO2*(15mm) + O bycomparisontosatellite IR-data)
General concept • 2 Campaigns: 1x winter (Jan./Feb. 2012), 1x spring transition (April/May 2013) • Per Campaign: 1 Salvoconsistingof ~10 meteorologicalrocketsforhighresolution wind measurementsand 1 instrumented rocket forthemeasurementofdensities, temperatures, turbulenceandatomicoxygen • Combine withuniquenewgroundbasedfacilities (DORIS & MAARSY) • Combine with SABER/TIMED overflight
The WADIS payload • 14‘‘ payloadwithidenticalinstrumentation on front andreardecks • Je 1 x CONE, 1 x FIPEX und 1 x PHLUX + small additional instruments • Measurements on up- anddownleg (firstcrude horizontal information)
CONE (COmbined sensor for Neutrals and Electrons) time constant ~ 1 - 8 ms altitude resolution 10 cm Precision 0.1 % Ie ~ local electron density ICONE ~ local neutral density
FIPEX and PHLUX: Atomicoxygen FIPEX Based on electro- chemicalprocesses Fasoulas et al., 2010 PHLUX Based on catalytic Properties ofmaterials Herdrich et al., 2010
Instrumentation to study GW@IAP & Collab. 100km MAARSY Resonance -Lidar Hfr: Turbulence, T Summer: PMSE; ~100% Meteor/MF-radar OH-airglow/NLC Winter: PMWE; >10% Rayleigh-Lidar Met-rockets Radar-gap Troposp. Radio-s. 100km