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RE/MAX Gujarat April-May-June Newsletter 2015 presenting inspirational events, management speaks, social activities and more! An associate of successful real estate agents, brokers and franchise owners!
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat newsletter Content MAnAGeMent SPeAK! MAnAGEMEnT SPEAk Dear affiliates, nEw FRAnChiSE OFFiCES Months of April, May and June saw many seminars , networking events , open houses and many other events. To begin with we had our annual convention RRR at Jaipur where we as region reeceived many awards and may of our affiliates received awards for their out standing performance. i would like to congratulate all of them. nEw BROkER ASSOCiATES SEMinAR On OPPORTUniTiES FOR EnTRE- PREnEURS in REAl ESTATE SECTOR RE/MAX GUJARAT BROkER OwnER MEET @ YMCA inTl. CEnTRE in the list of events which we did in our last quarter, one event which stands out is “ Entrepreneurship in Real Estate”. This event was very successful with participation by lot of interested people in real estate and it was equally informative with prominent speaker like Mr. Jaxay Shah of Savvy infrastructure and Mr. Anupam Tondon of hn SAFAl group. SAlES And MARkETinG wORkShOP BY MR. RAJnEESh lAkhAnPAl, winG COM- MAndER (RETd), indiAn AiR FORCE. 1 RE/MAX AFFiliATES PlAYEd CRiCkET MATCh AT SAVVY SwARAJ GROUP One of the big day in last quarter was world Environment day and on that day RE/MAX launched one of its kind initiative to promote tree plantation by launching contest of tree plantation under name of “TREEPl” . This contest is focused on plantation of more and more trees in our city and those who plants the highest tree will get the prizes at the end of the year. Prizes will definitely encourage people to plant more trees and make our city more greener. RE/MAX GUJARAT lAUnChES TREE PlAn- TATiOn lEAUGE (TREEPl) PRESS COVERAGE FOR VARiOUS EVEnTS AwARd winnERS AT RE/MAX RRR 6 AT JAiPUR As we all know game of cricket is the best for team building and networking. we exactly did the same by organising one of the first sport event of RE/MAX at Savvy swaraj cricket play ground and it was a successful event with participation from all broker offices and associates. i am sure we will be organising such event in future for the benefits of region. AwARd winnERS FOR ThE QUARTER OF APR- JUnE 2015 nEwS FROM OUR FRAnChiSE OFFiCES we have been telling all our Broker Owners and Associates to share their success stories in transaction so that we can share the same with other affiliates. To our surprise we have come across lot of encouraging stories in last quarter starting from testimonials form client to client offering free trip of abroad to our associates over and above the commission paid for the service they provided. REAlTY BYTES Open house has been in the focus in last quarter with lot of success to the associates for sales and lot of brand promotion which helped not only to the associates who kept the open house but to RE/MAX as over all as this way to selling houses are not attempted by any other company of brokers and RE/MAX being the first one and only one doing this got lot of attention which help all of us do more business. RE/MAX GUJARAT Safal Profitaire, Block A, G5, Corporate Road, Opp. Prahladnagar Garden Road, Ahmedabad – 380 015 Phone : +91 99090 66999 Email: gujarat@remax.in Aashil Patel Regional director RE/MAX Gujarat Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat RE/MAX Gujarat welcomes 2 new broker owners. Mr. Bhavesh Vora of RE/MAX RED REALTOR, Baroda and Mr. Kiran Mehta of RE/MAX Real Estate Services, Gandhidham, Kutchh. RE/MAX Gujarat wishes good luck. 2 Congratulations to both the Franchise Owners for great success. RE/MAX Gujarat registered 8 new affiliates in first quarter of 2015. RE/MAX Gujarat congratulates all these Broker Associates for joining RE/MAX and wishes them all the best. Kalpana Gajjar RE/MAX Corporate Services Bharat Chauhan RE/MAX Advantage Kartik Sharma RE/MAX Corporate Services Mitesh Thakkar RE/MAX Advantage Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat Dhaval Shah RE/MAX Advantage Nilay Vaghela RE/MAX Advantage Jaimin Shah Re/Max Advantage Yagnik Patel RE/MAX Dreamz 3 Seminar on Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in Real Estate Sector An Event organized to showcase the various options available for entrepreneurs in the entire real estate sector. The aim of the event was to find out how to take the most out of the 2nd largest Employer of indian Economy, when the market has bottomed out. The purpose of this event was to provide a platform for participants to explore trends in emerging in real estate sector, engage with successful entrepreneurs and experts, interact with developers, and network.This event brought together Real estate entrepreneurs, Builders, Brokers and investors and they shared their experience and vision on Entrepreneurial ventures. Guest Speakers were dr. Chandan Chatterjee, director, Centre for Entrepreneurship development keynote Speaker, Mr. Manan Choksi, Managing director, RE/MAX Gujarat, Mr. Jaxay Shah, Managing director, Savvy infrastructure, Mr. Pramit Parikh, Member, Young indians- Cii, Mr. PravinBavadiya , director, City Estate Management, Mr. AnupamTandon, Chief Operating Officer, hn Safal Group, Mr. Apurva Shah, Charter Member, TiE. Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat Mr. Anupam Tandon, Operations Head, H N Safal Mr. Apurva Shah and Mr. Ullas Shah in Panel Discussion 4 Mr. Jaxay Shah, MD Savvy Group Mr. Anand Choksi and Mr. Vivek Parikh in Panel Discussion Mr. Marmik Joshi, President Yuva Unstoppable Mr.Mahendra Bharvada, Officer on Special Duty at CED Manan Choksi, Regional Director, RE/MAX Gujarat The event was attended by many aspirant Entrepreneurs, Brokers, Sales persons of other industry, Students, Businessmen, investors and many others. Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat RE/MAX GUJARAT BROKER OWNER MEET @ YMCA INTL. CENTRE RE/MAX GUJARAT organized monthly Broker Owner meets of all its Franchise Owners on first Monday of every month. in last quarter 3 such meets where held at YMCA and various issues and strategies were discussed by franchise owners and regional owners, regional staff for improving market share of RE/MAX, recruiting outstanding agents, using training, social media and other tools to enhance productivity of agents and visibility of RE/MAX across the region. Below are few photographs of last three Broker Owner meets. 5 Sales and Marketing workshop by Mr. Rajneesh Lakhanpal, Wing Commander (Retd), Indian Air Force. RE/MAX Gujarat organized a Sales and Marketing workshop for the associates of RE/MAX office and in first batch 10 associates from different offices enrolled for the same. The workshop was divided in three parts. The workshop includes one full day training and two follow-up session each of three hours at every fortnight Topics covered by the faculty were as under: Critical selling techniques improved selling communications Circle of communication excellence Types of clients & suitable approach for each of them Presentation skills. So far the workshop has got good response and RE/MAX Gujarat will organize more and more such workshops to enhance the selling, marking and communication skills of its affiliates which will result into more clients, more transactions and more market share. Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat RE/MAX AFFILIATES PLAYED CRICKET MATCH AT SAVVY SWARAJ GROUP A networking event was organized by RE/MAX Gujarat for its affiliates in coordination with SAVVY Swaraaj group. The event started with cricket matches of 10 overs each between 4 teams of energetic RE/MAX affiliates. Followed by a thrilling finale of 5 overs. The event ended with a dinner hosted by Savvy Group. Four teams named ROCkERS, ChAllEnGERS, FiGhTERS and UnSTOPPABlE played the cricket matches with spirit of unity and sportsmanship and in the end RE/MAX REAlTY SOlUTiOnS’ Team won the Finale. 6 Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat 7 Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat RE/MAX GUJARAT LAUNCHES TREE PLANTATION LEAGUE (TREEPL) RE/MAX Gujarat, in its endeavour to be part of green revolution and to save the planet from pollution announced a TREE PlAnTATiOn lEAGUE (TREEPl) on world environment day. The TREEPl was launched in the presence of Government of Gujarat’s Cabinet Minister of Environment and Forest Shree Mangubhai Patel and Mayor of Ahmedabad Smt. Meenakshiben Patel. Various other corporate leaders like Mr. Jaxay Shah, Mr. Amitabh Pathak of Yuva Unstoppable were also present. TreePL organises tree planting competitions among all concerned citizens. The competition has four prizes in four categories- individual level Plotting scheme level Residential scheme level Schools and Colleges Commercial Premises : offices / Factories The categories of the prizes are- Maximum number of trees planted Maximum number of trees planted per square yard Maximum height of trees achieved (total) Aesthetic appeal of the plot lucky draw at for individuals 8 For more details Visite Our website : http://www.treepl.in Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat PRESS COVERAGE FOR VARIOUS EVENTS 9 Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat IMPACT OF GST ON THE COMMON MAN particular national players. These tax savings eventually get passed on to consumers. Moreover small businessmen will get input credit of taxes they pay on varied services. As of now Service Tax paid was not used as a credit for payment towards Central Sales Tax. however in GST you can take benefit of service tax paid on telephone bills, AC service charge, computer AMC, internet expense etc. Any regulation change in taxation usually either means more taxes or difficult procedure. Either ways such kind of change in regulation is usually opposed by people. however the proposed Goods and Service Tax regulation is aimed at simplifying the current taxation structure and reduce the cost of total tax borne by end user. Convenience to the honest tax payer and disincentivising the tax evaders are two major benefits of this method of taxation. doing Business now will be easier and more comfortable as various hidden taxations will not be present. Starting a new business will be easier and hence the consumers will have the luxury of multiple choices for whichever goods or services he wants. This automatically keeps prices in check and ensure that the benefits of decreased taxes be passed on to the end users. To explain in a nutshell, when you purchase goods from one state you pay sales tax (CST) and when you sell that goods in another state you have to pay VAT again. So there is a “double taxation” of the same goods and of the same transaction as you do not get credit of tax already paid. what GST aims at is in the above situation you have to pay tax only on the increase in sales value and you get the credit of the tax you have paid while purchasing. The rate of tax may seem high and the for the first year end consumer may have to pay higher tax, however after the first year the tax burden will reduce. Combined with increased competition, no double taxation and reduced paperwork – end user is definitely going to reap the dividends. Biggest benefit will be that multiple taxes like central sales tax, excise duty, service tax state sales tax, entry tax, entertainment tax, luxury tax, turnover tax etc., will no longer be present and all that will be brought under the GST. Apart from the avoidance of double taxation the biggest benefit is to reduction of compliance costs. The paper work is going to be reduced as there will be single authority to file returns, assessments and appeals. So unproductive work like maintaining separate records, meeting different consultants and complying with different departments will be reduced. This is a tremendous benefit to any size of business and in 10 Overall GST is the change india needs today to see a better tomorrow. Manan Choksi is director in Choksi Tax Services. First Real Estate TV Channel Spin TV took interview of Mr. Manan Choksi Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat AWARD WINNERS AT RE/MAX RRR 6 AT JAIPUR Once again RE/MAX Gujarat, its Franchise Offices and Affiliates won maximum awards at 6th R RR held at Jaipur. RE/MAX Gujarat Congratulates all the award winners for the recognition they have achieved through hard work and providing solutions to their clients by giving them correct choice for their property requirements. here is a list of award winners… 11 Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
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Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat Award Winners for the Quarter of Apr- June 2015 22 Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat NEWS FROM OUR FRANCHISE OFFICES Re/MAX MetRo : Re/MAX ADVAntAGe DEAL OF THE MONTH Rachit Parikh: JUST SOLD Our industry certainly needs PROFESSiOnAlS in Real Estate! This is certainly not a big deal with regards to the transaction value. But this deal needs a special mention for a lady client whose requirement comes in as a referral and concern. She was extremely dissatisfied with the unethical behaviour of outside brokers in the market and had faced major instances while she was looking for a professional who could find a home to stay with her friends as she was transferred to Ahmedabad just recently. here the case is taken over by Mr. Rachit Parikh, Business Associate, RE/ MAX AdVAnTAGE who prequalifies her needs and efficiently, shortlists exactly 4 properties matching to her requirement and she gets set in four days. Finally, she was happy to see the professionalism and couldn’t appreciate the proficient services given by Mr. Parikh enough. The market needs Real Estate Professionals like him for sure! Two Flats in Richmond Grand Nr Torrent Power, B/h Vodafone House, Off Prahaldnagar Garden, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Richmond Grand provides a tranquil environmont teeming with an abun- dance of conveniences such as an amphitheater, a specially designed play area of children, multi purpose courts for outdoor sporting activities, gazebos and pleasant sit outs for senior citizens,soothing water bodies and many others. The clubhouse offers splendid views of the great lawn, indoor games and state of the art gymnasium,complete with steam bath for your rejuvenation. Sachin Trivedi Business Associate RE/MAX Metro M: +91 9825403015 E : strivedi@remax.in 23 Re/MAX ADVAntAGe deven Mehta: First deal in the first month is surely a BiG deal! Mr. deven Mehta cracks his first deal in his first month of working. it is remarkable how Anand Sir passes on the lead to him during the ongoing induction training and he nails it in just two days. he takes the meek mode of messaging for marketing the property to be leased. he gets the deal locked in no time of finding the right match with amicable terms to both parties. well done and keep accelerating! More deals are soon to follow! Re/MAX ReALtY SoLUtIonS Customer delight knows no boundaries dear Tejas, One of the biggest strengths of RE/MAX is the fact that being the world’s #1 Real Estate Company gives us an edge when it comes to being reliable and trustworthy. This is the reason why that when indians residing outside of india think of investing/ buying/selling in india, they prefer to deal with RE/MAX agents. in one such case, one of our top performing agents’ Tejas Shah serviced an nRi couple, Mr. Patel & Mr. Joglekar and his attention to details and his thorough professionalism was the reason for him receiving a thumping testimonial by the esteemed clients. here is our testimony and recommendation for any one looking for Real Estate Agent: dear Prospective Real Estate Buyers, it is our pleasure to recommend Tejas Shah, Broker Associates, RE/MAX Reality Solutions as a real estate agent for any individual or family searching for the ideal home, land and land plot for their unique situation to buy or sale. we found Tejas Shah to be highly attentive agent, almost as if we were his only customers, although we know that was not the case. Tejas returned all phone calls and emails in a timely manner. This was really important to us as we are residing in USA and dealing with real estate being away from india. Tejas is highly personable with an engaging personality. we are pleased to recommend Tejas Shah to anyone looking to buy or sale home, land or land plot. Tejas is hands down the best in business in our opinion and for real estate need. Tejas will be our first choice as real estate agent. we highly recommend him for anyone, who is looking for a very proficient and professional real estate agent. hasmukhbhai Patel Ajit Joglekar happy Customers, Atlanta, GA, USA Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat 11 deals by one Agent and a total of 18 deals in Iscon Platinum lead to a landmark month! living up to their belief in the iscon Platinum Project, RE/MAX Realty Solutions was more than proud to announce the massive success that they have had in the sale of the new Phase launched in iscon platinum. One of their very own, Tejas Shah with his focused approach towards selling this project as well as relentless efforts in making sure that each of his client’s were well catered and thoroughly educated about the project has been able to show some SUPER Sales in this project. Tejas ended up selling 11 apartments in Phase 2 of iscon Platinum in a Single Month and the team as a whole did 18 sales in one month itself. Re/MAX Realty Solutions turns 4 The journey that started 4 years back by two partners took shape as the #1 Office in the RE/MAX network in india for this year. A big feather in their cap and a bigger reason to celebrate their 4th Anniversary with all the pomp and show. Along with fellow Broker Owners and the team, we saw them celebrating and raising a toast to their 4 successful years of servicing Real Estate clients. RE/MAX DREAMZ 24 Mr. Sandeep Pandya has closed four deals in Gift City in the previous month. two commercial offices and 2 Studio apartments. Keep it up for the great deals ahead. REALTY BYTES: CABINET APPROVES ‘HOUSING FOR ALL BY 2022’ SCHEME new Delhi: the union cabinet on Wednesday approved the launch of ‘Housing for All by 2022’ programme, aimed at rehabilitation of slum dwellers and promotion of affordable housing for the economically weaker sections (eWS) through credit-linked subsidy. According to an official statement issued here, a central grant of Rs.1 lakh per house, on an average, would be available under the slum rehabilitation programme. It said a state government would have flexibility in deploying this slum rehabilitation grant to any slum Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat rehabilitation project taken for development using land as a resource for providing houses to slum dwellers. “Under the credit-linked interest subsidy component, interest subsidy of 6.5 percent on housing loans availed up to a tenure of 15 years will be provided to economic weaker sections/lower income group (eWS/LIG) categories, wherein the subsidy pay-out on net present value (nPV) basis would be about Rs.2.3 lakh per house for both categories,” the statement said. It said the central assistance at the rate of Rs.1.5 lakh per house for the eWS category will be provided under the affordable housing in partnership and beneficiary-led individual house construction or enhancement. State governments or their parastatals like housing boards can take up projects of affordable housing to avail the central government grant, it added. Addressing a press conference after the cabinet meeting, telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said housing for all would a centrally-sponsored scheme. “the scheme will be implemented as a centrally-sponsored scheme except the credit linked subsidy component, which will be implemented as a central sector scheme,” he said. “the mission also prescribes certain mandatory reforms for easing up the urban land market for housing, to make adequate urban land available for affordable housing. “Houses constructed under the mission would be allotted in the name of the female head of the households or in the joint name of the male head of the household and his wife,” he added. the scheme will cover the entire urban area consisting of 4,041 statutory towns with initial focus on 500 class I cities and it will be implemented in three phases as follows - Phase-I (April 2015 - March 2017) to cover 100 cities to be selected from states/Uts as per their willingness; Phase - IIA (April 2017 - March 2019) to cover additional 200 cities and Phase-III (April 2019 - March 2022) to cover all other remaining cities. 25 the dimension of the task at present is estimated at two crore houses.the exact number of houses, though, would depend on the demand survey for which all states/cities would undertake detailed demand assessment for assessing actual demand by integrating Aadhar number, Jan Dhan Yojana account numbers or any such identification of intended beneficiaries. A technology sub-mission under the scheme would also be set up to facilitate adoption of modern, innovative and green technologies and building material for faster and quality construction of houses. the technology sub-mission would also facilitate preparation and adoption of layout designs and building plans suitable for various geo-climatic zones. GUJARAT SEEING DEMAND FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECTS Gujarat realty market is experiencing more demand in the affordable price bracket than the premium segment. tier-II cities such as Surat, Vadodara and Rajkot are also seeing growth in the real estate sector apart from Ahmedabad. Growing infrastructure, connectivity and other initiatives by state government as well as private entities has led to rising demand and supply in these cities. Residential projects in the affordable brackets of Rs 10-20 lakh are easy to invest than the ones involving huge investments, as told by local resident and investor, Mayur Jain. there is a niche segment in the city looking for affordable housing options such as apartments and plots and since these are developing cities Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat there is more demand for properties with a low budget, according to Ashwin Kumar, city-based realtor. In Gujarat, there are emerging affordable hubs offering low budget properties to the end-users. Areas such as Sarkhej, Gandhinagar Highway are some of the upcoming locations fetching attention of both, buyers and investors. Greenwood Sarovar Village is an upcoming residential project located at Sarkhej Gandhinagar Highway which is a 30-minute drive from Gandhinagar expressway. Here an individual can get 200-250 sq yard plots starting from price range of Rs 8.75 lakh. there is another upcoming affordable housing project by tata Housing, located nearly 20 kms from Ahmedabad city centre. the integrated township, known as ‘Shubh Griha’ , is available from starting price of Rs 8 lakh. According to Suresh Iyer from Sterling Greenwoods Limited, “Affordable projects are witnessing good number of transactions than the premium projects. therefore, most of the developers and builders are launching their new projects in the affordable price range only to meet the demand and are witnessing fair number of transactions.” Capital values of apartments in the affordable category have noted an average appreciation of 10-15% in the past 6 months, as added by Kumar. Buyers are buying these properties either for self-use or for investment purpose. Rising demand and transactions is contributing to the value appreciation and this trend is expected to continue, as anticipated by city brokers. PHoto GALLeRY 26 BRoKeR oWneR Meet BRoKeR oWneR Meet Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat
Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat neW BRoKeR oWneR SIGnInG 27 tRAInInG Re/MAX GUJARAt Please send us your reviews about this month’s newsletter. Feel free to give your suggestions and we will incorporate the same in coming newsletter. Send your suggestions to : ppandya@remax.in Safal Profitaire, Block A, G5, Corporate Road, opp. Prahladnagar Garden Road, Ahmedabad – 380 015 Phone : +91 99090 66999 email: gujarat@remax.in nOBOdY in ThE wORld SEllS MORE REAl ESTATE ThAn RE/MAX Gujarat newsletter APR – MAY - JUN 2015 Gujarat