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A Framework for Describing Information Providing Web Services

x 1. z 1. y 1. x 2. Inputs. Outputs. y n. x m. z r. z 2. A Framework for Describing Information Providing Web Services. Evgeny Zolin, School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK, ezolin@cs.man.ak.uk

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A Framework for Describing Information Providing Web Services

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  1. x1 z1 y1 x2 Inputs Outputs yn xm zr z2 A Framework for Describing Information Providing Web Services Evgeny Zolin, School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK, ezolin@cs.man.ak.uk Andrey Bovykin, Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, UK, andrey@csc.liv.ac.uk Abstract Service matching Examples of services and matches • We present a formalism for describing Semantic Web Services • Main features of the approach: • Concerns with information providing (stateless) services • Enables for service discovery of high precision / recall • Service descriptions use a background ontology • The problem of matching web services is decidable • Compatible with standard approaches (OWL-S, WSMO) In our framework, the service Sdoes not match Q1, but in “standard” approaches it (mistakenly) does. This time, the service S matches the request Q2. However in “standard” approaches it (mistakenly) does not, since outputs of S (Wines) are broader than the user desires (FrenchWines). To match S to Q2, we need an information from the background ontology: a concept inclusion axiom: or a more general complex role inclusion axiom: Request 1: a user is looking for a service that returns wines that are sold in a certain region: Describing Services Request 2: a user is looking for a service that returns french wines from a given french region: Service description: Theorem. The service matching problem is reducible to subsumption of conjunctive queries. Hence it is decidable for many Description Logics. Project and funding information Example: a service returns a list of wines that are produced in a certain geographical region: Remark: The desciption of a composition of several services has again the form displayed above. The work is supported by the EPSRC grants GR/63182/01, GR/S63168/01 as part of the DynamO project. The authors would like to thank Dr. Ulrike Sattler, Prof. Frank Wolter, and Prof. Ian Horrocks for their help during the research. Further information: http://dynamo.man.ac.uk/ Corollary. The matching problem for composite services is not harder than that for atomic services.

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