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IMAGINE. South Sherman Community Planning Team November 6 th 2010. AGENDA. Welcome and Introductions About the South Sherman Community Planning Team Objectives of IMAGINE Setting the Stage “In our great-grandchildren’s time” BREAK FOR LUNCH WITH CHILDREN’S TEAM Milestones Priorities

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IMAGINE South Sherman Community Planning Team November 6th 2010

  2. AGENDA • Welcome and Introductions • About the South Sherman Community Planning Team • Objectives of IMAGINE • Setting the Stage • “In our great-grandchildren’s time” • BREAK FOR LUNCH WITH CHILDREN’S TEAM • Milestones • Priorities • Next Steps

  3. Welcome & Introductions Welcome to the South Sherman Community Planning Team Where neighbours come together to ask how they can make a difference in their community. We are all part of the the Team

  4. About the SSCPT Our Vision The South Sherman neighbourhood is a great place to live, work and raise a family. Our Values Respect Inclusiveness Stewardship Caring Strengths of this community Fun

  5. About the SSCPT Our Mission Using an asset-based community development model, the local planning team forges relationships and works to engage residents, service providers, places of worship, institutions and government in working together to decrease barriers and increase opportunities that enhance the quality of life for people living and working in the South Sherman neighbourhood.

  6. Introductions Getting to know each other Working with respect Building on ideas Working Teams Name What brought here you today What you hope to get out of today Introduce your team to the group

  7. Objectives of IMAGINE To Envision the community that we are trying to build To Articulate our community milestones To Establish priorities to guide our efforts

  8. Setting the Stage For a positive outlook: Review of the NEW great assets in our neighbourhood in the last two years.

  9. Our Great-Grandchildren’s Time • Lets focus on what our community would be like, in our great grandchildren’s time, if the community was exactly the way we wanted it to be. • The Challenge is to articulate: Exactly the Way We Want It To Be • Use positive language • Cross sector-all parameters • Build on ideas

  10. LUNCH Lets go join the kids for Lunch

  11. Milestones Review of the vision: Does it tell a story?

  12. Milestones What has to be true in 10 years for this vision to be possible?

  13. Milestones What has to be true in 3 years for this vision to be possible?

  14. Priorities Themes / Specifics

  15. Next Steps

  16. Thank You To everyone who came out to play To those who helped to make it happen To St Giles Church for hosting To Hamilton Community Foundation for their wisdom and support in empowering communities

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