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This is the fourth edition of our yearly study on the state and the future of mobile healthcare. In this year’s report we have asked more than 2,000 mobile health app developers, health managers, project managers etc.Our free report contains an in-depth market analysis on the current status and future impact of mHealth app publishing, a breakdown of different app stores, breakdowns of who is publishing mHealth apps today, the business aspect of publishing healthcare apps and and outlook of how the market will look like in the future.Questions answered: How is the mHealth market’s status quo? What is the future of mHealth apps? How does the choice of your business models, app category, publisher type effect downloads or revenue? What are the most important revenue sources today? How will the market look like in 5 years’ time? Which disruptive changes can be expected for mobile healthcare? Which factors will have the biggest impact of mHealth on healthcare costs, diseases, regions, distribution, patient outcome? Who is publishing mHealth apps today and what are typical app developer profiles? What are the main differences between typical app developers (company size, medical background, motivation, business models, etc.)? Apart from simple health trackers and fitness apps, what kind of other apps are out there (e.g. remote monitoring, medical compliance, etc.)? How are APIs, sensor aggregation services and big data changing mobile healthcare? Is the mHealth app business sustainable today? What are sustainable mHealth business models? What is the poverty line in mHealth app development? We would like to thank our sponsors and partners: Continua Healthcare Alliance HIMSS Happtique WIP MEF Mobile Zeitgeist Mobilbranche.de eHealthnews.eu Pharmaphorum GSMA
mHealth App Developer Economics 2014 Largest Global Study on mHealth App Publishing May 2014
The „mHealth Developer Economics 2014“ isthelargeststudyon mHealthapppublishingglobally Survey participants and mHealth app numbers by region Europe # 1,327 36% North America 38% # 3,752 APAC 12% # 420 Africa # 21 2% South America 12% # 360 Legend Source: research2guidance, mHealth App Developer Economics Study 2014 12% # Share ofsurveyrespondents No. ofmHealthappsofsurveyparticipants 350
Research2guidance is a marketleadinganalystandadvisorycompany in themHealthappmarket About research2guidance research2guidance is a strategy advisory and market research company. We concentrate on the mobile app eco-system. We are convinced that mobile health solutions will make a difference to people’s lives and that the impact on the healthcare industry will be significant. We provide insights to make it happen and to successfully lead your business. Contact: Ralf-Gordon Jahns ralf.jahns@research2guidance.com Fix: +49 (0)30 609 89 3366 www.research2guidance.com
This is a summarypresentationofthe „mHealth App Developer Economics 2014“ report • The largest global study on mHealthapp publishing • Read through this summary presentation and • Download the full 42 page report (Get a free copy here) • Share it and • Get in contact. We want to hear your thoughts on how mHealth app publishing will develop in the next 5 years www.mHealthEconomics.com
CurrentstatusofthemHealthapppublishing Who ispublishingandwhatcanbelearnedfromsuccessfulmHealthapppublishers The Connected Elite Outlook “What are the topics?”
The mHealth app market will reach USD 26bn revenue by 2017 Global mHealthmarketrevenue in USD (2013-2017) Revenues (US$ Millions) 2017 Source: research2guidance, mHealth App Market Report 2013-2017
Fitness andmedicalreferenceapps are thelargestmHealth app categories mHealth app category share >100k mHealth Apps Source: research2guidance, 808 apps form Apple App Store, Goolge Play, BlackBerry App World and Windows Phone Store (March 2014)
CurrentstatusofthemHealthapppublishing Who ispublishingandwhatcanbelearnedfromsuccessfulmHealthapppublishers The Connected Elite Outlook “What are the topics?”
More than 36% onlyrecentlyentered the mHealth app market Publishing year of the first mHealth app Source: research2guidance mHealth App Developer Economics survey 2014, n= 2032
50% of mHealth app publisherhavereleasedonlyoneortwo mHealth apps Publisher share of mHealth app portfolio size # Comment: An app that is published on multiple platforms is counted as one app. Source: research2guidance mHealth App Developer Economics survey 2014, n=2032
Chronicallyillandfitnessseekers are themaintargetgroupsfor mHealth app publishers Target group share of mHealth app publishers Source: research2guidance mHealth App Developer Economics survey 2014, n=2032
There are sixgroupsof mHealth app publishersthatare behindtheapps Establ. HealthPlayers App Specia-lists Helpers Medical Specia-lists Fitness Specia-lists Con-necters % Percentage of total 10 % 18 % 20 % 14 % 32 % 3 % Medical ex-pert in team ✚ 100% Ø 57,6% 49,7% 47,5% 43,7% 40,1% Typical company size 5,000+ 3-10 3-10 3-10 11-100 11-100 Brand awareness Help people Help people Revenue Revenue Revenue Goal of apps average low average average high very heavy high Tool usage Downloads (<5k/ >1m) 43.3% / 6.7% 60.1% / 6.4% 61.2% / 5.8% 58.6% / 6.3% 44.6% / 7.4% 53.1% / 7.7% $ Revenues (0/ >1m) 25.7%/ 7.8% 51.4%/ 5.1% 39.4%/ 7.4% 67%/ 3.2% 42.7%/ 9.1% 39.0%/ 8.9% average average high all low Goal achieved APIs usage Source: research2guidance mHealth App Developer Economics survey 2014, n= 2032 Goals achieved: Mainlyyes Partly Mainly not
Commerciallysuccessful mHealth publishers do 6 thingsdifferently 35% Service sales Top revenue type 1 $ 31% Pay per download 35% Large appportfolio(>20 apps) # 2 16% 60% More experience (start 2010 orealier) 3 22% mHealth API usage1(average) 61% 4 40% 37% Tool usage (average) 5 23% 6 76% iOSfocus (top rank platform) 56% Source: research2guidance mHealth App Developer Economics survey 2014, n= 2032 Low Earners: mHealthapprevenues 2013 < 10,000 USD Millionaires: mHealthapprevenues 2013 > 1m USD 1) Actualandplannedusageof APIs thatconnecttopersonal&generalhealthdatabase APIs andmedicalandfitnessdevice APIs
CurrentstatusofthemHealthapppublishing Who ispublishingandwhatcanbelearnedfromsuccessfulmHealthapppublishers The Connected Elite Outlook “What are the topics?”
There is a “Connected Elite” of mHealth app publishers that drive interoperability between apps and sensors No. of connected app publishers & sensor vendors by an app • Source: research2guidanceand app &vendordata (March 2014)
A new „Enabling Layer“ isconnectingthenewandtheoldhealthcareindustry Appusers Smartphone users Connected Elite App Stores ConnectedApps Connected Sensors Shops € € HCPs Apps Sensors Enabling Layer Patients API Aggregators AppAggregators API Managed Services Payers VALIDIC • Food • Medicine • Disease Health Database Health Insurance Database Universities, Medical Institutions Source: research2guidance
Up to 100m vital metrics are collected regularly mHealth measures by Monthly Active Users MAU (In m) Health&fitnesstracking Steps, duration, speed, heart rate, hydration, perspiration, mood, calories & other nutritional values, sleep 100 Patient monitoring Medical examination Blood pressure, temperature, glucoselevel, posture, medicineadherence, mouthhygiene, alcoholconsumption, sunexposure Respiratory rate, lung air volume, ECG, EEG, bloodtests, color tests, urinetests, ultrasoundimaging 3 1 No. ofmetrics Source: research2guidance MAU: Monthlyactiveusersthattrackhealthparameters
CurrentstatusofthemHealthapppublishing Who ispublishingandwhatcanbelearnedfromsuccessfulmHealthapppublishers The Connected Elite Outlook “What are the topics?”
Smartphones aretheprimarydeviceformHealthapps Devices with highest business potential for mHealth app by rank in 5 years Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 4% Smartphones 75% 14% 45% 11% 12% Tablets 24% 21% 6% Watches 12% 8% 4% Glasses 5% 2% 1% Feature Phone 27% Others 8% 3% Comment: Figures do not sum up to 100% as not all participants provided answers for the rank 2+3 Source: research2guidance mHealth App Developer Economics survey 2014, n=2032
Android and iOS remainthe top rankedoperatingsystems for mHealth app publishers in fiveyears time Mobile operating systems with highest business potential for mHealth apps by rank in 5 years In Rank 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 For 2015 2016 2017 2019 1 74% 77% 82,1% 83% 2 72% 75% 76% 72,3% 3 29% 32% 35,9% 42% 4 32% 16% 5% 35,3% 5 17% 6% 3% 11,1% 3% Source: research2guidance mHealth App Developer Economics survey 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2014, n= 2032
Diabetes andObesityremainthe top ranked therapeuticareasfor mHealth app publishers Business potential of different therapeutic areas for mHealth apps by rank in 5 years In Rank 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 For 2015 2016 2017 2019 1 Diabetes Diabetes Diabetes Diabetes 69% 78% 80% 76% 2 Obesity Obesity Obesity Obesity 57% 56% 39% 45% 3 Hypertension Hypertension Hypertension Depression 42% 29% 55% 40% 4 CHD CHD Depression Hypertension 41% 50% 39% 22% Astma Depression Cancer 5 CHD 19% 40% 40% 25% Source: research2guidance mHealth App Developer Economics survey 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2014, n= 2032 CHD refers to coronary heart disease
Physiciansandhospitals are constantlyseenastheprimarydistributionchannelfor mHealth apps in thefuture Distribution channels that offer the best business opportunities for mHealth solutions in 5 years time Rank 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 In For 2015 2016 2017 2019 Hospitals 1 Hospitals Physicians App stores 68% 56% 52% 62% 2 App stores Hospitals Hospitals Physicians 55% 65% 59% 49% 3 Healthcare webpages Physicians App stores Physicians 56% 52% 59% 47% 4 Healthcare webpages Pharmacies Healthcare webpages App stores 51% 50% 44% 38% Pharmacies Pharmacies Healthcare webpages 5 Pharmacies 46% 36% 47% 39% mHealth solution provider MNOs mHealth solution provider MNOs mHealth solution provider MNOs mHealth solution provider MNOs Source: research2guidance mHealth App Developer Economics survey 2014, n= 2032
Summary: Drivers andbarriers Barriers, hygiene factors and drivers of the mHealth app market by rank in the next 5 years Rank Barriers Hygiene factors Drivers Solution costs Smartphone & tabletpenetration 1 Lack ofdatasecurity 5% 58% 34% 2 Lack ofstandards Clinical requirements User/patientdemand 30% 8% 43% 3 Difficultdiscoverability Regulations Patient-centered care 9% 39% 29% 4 Resistance from trad. healthcareproviders Clinical studies Technology innovation 28% 10% 32% Source: research2guidance mHealth App Developer Economics survey 2014, n= 2032
Download the mHealth App Developer Economics Report • Largest study on mHealth app publishing • Size of the opportunity • mHealthapp developer segments • Learning from best practice • The Connected Elite • Drivers and barriers • Key trends that will shape future of mHealth app publishing • 43 pages • Published May 2014 • First time presented during the Europe’s mHealth Summit 2014 in Berlin Download Full Report (Free)
Wehelpourclientsdefinetheir mHealth strategyandprovidemarketinginsights. Find out more… Ralf-Gordon Jahns presenting insights on mHealth We do: mHealthStrategy Workshops We have:Diabetes App Market Report EXAMPLES • We offer tailored workshops for all healthcare players to discuss mHealth strategies. Content of our 1- or 2-day interactive workshop includes: • Size of the opportunity or challenge for your company / business / institution • Principals of mobile business models in healthcare industry • Impact of mHealth apps on traditional healthcare • Analysis of competitive landscape • Discussion of potential roles to be played • If interested, send us an email: mHealth@research2guidance.com • The Diabetes App Market Report 2014 is a comprehensive analysis of the market. The 113 pages report includes: • Analysis and categorization of more than 1,000 diabetes apps • Performance of diabetes apps, key players, best practices • Detailed market forecast including downloads, revenues, user penetration, app-related sensor shipment and service user numbers • Analysis of country markets, regulatory impact, market trends and revenues from 2008 - 2018. • Read report preview