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Review on non-Gaussianities in inflationary scenarios, primordial interactions, experimental results, and building inflation models, with a focus on bispectra analysis and theoretical implications. Learn about large-scale structures, experimental data, and potential shapes and runnings of non-Gaussianities.
Primordial Non-Gaussianities and Quasi-Single Field Inflation Xingang Chen Center for Theoretical Cosmology, DAMTP, Cambridge University X.C., 1002.1416, a review on non-G; X.C., Yi Wang, 0909.0496; 0911.3380
CMB and WMAP (WMAP website)
Temperature Fluctuations (WMAP website)
CMB and WMAP (WMAP website)
Generic Predictions of Inflationary Scenario Density perturbations that seed the large scale struture are • Primordial (seeded at super-horizon size) • Approximately scale-invaraint • Approximately Gaussian
Two-point Correlation Function (Power Spectrum) (WMAP5) Non-Gaussianities
But we have pixels in WMAP temperature map Experimentally: Information is Compressed • Amplitude and scale-dependence of the power spectrum (2pt) • contain 1000 numbers for WMAP This compression of information is justified only if the primordial fluctuations is perfectly Gaussian. Can learn much more from the non-Gaussian components.
Theoretically: From Paradigm to Explicit Models • What kind of fields drive the inflation? • What are the Lagrangian for these fields? • Alternative to inflation? • Quantum gravity
Non-G components: Primordial Interactions • Two-point correlation Free propagation of inflaton in inflationary bkgd • Three or higher-point correlations (non-Gaussianities) Interactions of inflatons or curvatons “LHC” for Early Universe!
Experimentally: Simplest inflation models predict unobservable non-G. (Maldacena, 02; Acquaviva et al, 02) • Single field • Canonical kinetic term • Always slow-roll • Bunch-Davies vacuum • Einstein gravity
Inflation Model Building Examples of simplest slow-roll potentials: The other conditions in the no-go theorem also needs to be satisfied.
Inflation Model Building A landscape of potentials
Inflation Model Building Warped Calabi-Yau
h-Problem in slow-roll inflation: (Copeland, Liddle, Lyth, Stewart, Wands, 04) • h-Problem in DBI inflation: (X.C., 08) ? ? Inflation Model Building
Field range bound: (X.C., Sarangi, Tye, Xu, 06; Baumann, McAllsiter, 06) • Variation of potential: (Lyth, 97) ? : eg. higher dim Planck mass, string mass, warped scales etc.
Canonical kinetic term Non-canonical kinetic terms: DBI inflation, k-inflation, etc • Always slow-roll Features in potentials or Lagrangians: sharp, periodic, etc • Bunch-Davies vacuum Non-Bunch-Davies vacuum due to boundary condions, low new physics scales, etc • Single field Multi-field: turning trajectories, curvatons, inhomogeous reheating surface, etc Quasi-single field: massive isocurvatons Beyond the No-Go
Bispectrum is a function, with magnitude , of three momenta: Shape and Running of Bispectra (3pt) • Shape dependence: • (Shape of non-G) Fix , vary , . Squeezed Equilateral Folded Fix , , vary . • Scale dependence: • (Running of non-G)
Two Well-Known Shapes of Large Bispectra (3pt) For scale independent non-G, we draw the shape of Local Equilateral In squeezed limit:
For single field, small correlation if Physics of Large Equilateral Shape • Generated by interacting modes during their horizon exit Quantum fluctuations Interacting and exiting horizon Frozen So, the shape peaks at equilateral limit. • For example, in single field inflation with higher order derivative terms (Inflation dynamics is no longer slow-roll) (Alishahiha, Silverstein, Tong, 04; X.C., Huang, Kachru, Shiu, 06)
Local in position space non-local in momentum space Physics of Large Local Shape • Generated by modes after horizon exit, in multifield inflation • Isocurvature modes curvature mode • Patches that are separated by horizon evolve independently (locally) So, the shape peaks at squeezed limit. • For example, in curvaton models; (Lyth, Ungarelli, Wands, 02) multifield inflation models with turning trajectory, (very difficult to get observable nonG.) (Vernizzi, Wands, 06; Rigopoulos, Shellard, van Tent, 06)
Experimental Results on Bispectra • WMAP5 Data, 08 (Yadav, Wandelt, 07) (Rudjord et.al., 09) (WMAP group, 10) ; • Large Scale Structure (Slosar et al, 08)
The Planck Satellite, sucessfully launched last year ; (Planck bluebook) (Smith, Zaldarriaga, 06) ;
21cm: FFTT (Mao, Tegmark, McQuinn, Zaldarriaga, Zahn, 08) Other Experiments • Ground based CMB telescope: ACBAR, BICEP, ACT, …. • High-z galaxy survey: SDSS, CIP, EUCLID, LSST … • 21-cm tomography: LOFAR, MWA, FFTT, … For example:
Fit data to constrain for example Theoretical template Construct estimator for example Data analyses Underlying physics Different dynamics in inflation predict different non-G. Looking for Other Shapes and Runnings of Non-Gaussianities in Simple Models • Why? • So possible signals in data may not have been picked up, • if we are not using the right theoretical models. • A positive detection with one ansatz does not mean that we have found the right form.
Other Possible Shapes and Runnings in Simple Models with Large non-Gaussianities (X.C., Huang, Kachru, Shiu, 06; X.C., Easther, Lim, 06,08)
In 3pt: Peaks at folded triangle limit Other Possible Shapes and Runnings in Simple Models with Large non-Gaussianities Folded Shape: (X.C., Huang, Kachru, Shiu, 06; Meerburg, van de Schaar, Corasaniti, Jackson, 09) The Bunch-Davis vacuum: Non-Bunch-Davis vacuum: For example, a small
Other Possible Shapes and Runnings in Simple Models with Large non-Gaussianities Folded Shape: • Boundary conditons • “Trans-Planckian” effect • Low new physics scales
A feature local in time Oscillatory running in momentum space 3pt: Other Possible Shapes and Runnings in Simple Models with Large non-Gaussianities Sharp features: (X.C., Easther, Lim, 06,08) Steps or bumps in potential, a sudden turning trajectory, etc
Other Possible Shapes and Runnings in Simple Models with Large non-Gaussianities Sharp features: • Consistency check for glitches in power spectrum • Models (brane inflation) that are very sensitive to features
Other Possible Shapes and Runnings in Simple Models with Large non-Gaussianities Resonance: (X.C., Easther, Lim, 08; Flauger, Pajer, 10) Periodic features Oscillating background Resonance Modes within horizon are oscillating 3pt: Periodic-scale-invariance: Rescale all momenta by a discrete efold:
Other Possible Shapes and Runnings in Simple Models with Large non-Gaussianities Resonance: • Periodic features from duality cascade in brane inflation (Hailu, Tye, 06; Bean, Chen, Hailu, Tye, Xu, 08) • Periodic features from instantons in monodromy inflation (Silverstein, Westphal, 08; Flauger, Mcallister, Pajer, Westphal, Xu, 09)
Other Possible Shapes and Runnings in Simple Models with Large non-Gaussianities (X.C., Wang, 09)
One field has the mass • Others have mass (Ignored previously for den. pert.) Quasi-single field inflation (X.C., Wang, 09) Motivation for Quasi-Single Field Inflation • Fine-tuning problem in slow-roll inflation (Copeland, Liddle, Lyth, Stewart, Wands, 94) In the inflationary background, the mass of light particle is typically of order H (the Hubble parameter) E.g. C.f. is needed for slow-roll inflation • Generally, multiple light fields exist
A Simple Model of Quasi-Single Field Inflation • Straight trajectory: Equivalent to single field inflation • Turning trajectory: Important consequence on density perturbations. E.g. Large non-Gaussianities with novel shapes. Running power spectrum (non-constant case only). Here study the constant turn case Lagrangian in polar coordinates: slow-roll potential potential for massive field
Difference Between and is the main source of the large non-Gaussianities. but but etc It is scale-invariant for constant turn case.
Perturbation Theory • Field perturbations: • Lagrangian
Oscillating inside horizon Kinematic Part • Massless: Solution: Constant after horizon exit
Oscillating inside horizon Decay as after horizon exit. • Massive: Solution: , mass of order H E.g.
Oscillating inside horizon • Massive: Solution: , mass >> H E.g. Oscillating and decay after horizon exit
Massive: Solution: We will consider the case:
Interaction Part • Transfer vertex We use this transfer-vertex to compute the isocurvature-curvature conversion • Interaction vertex Source of the large non-Gaussianities
Perturbation Method and Feynman Diagrams Correction to 2pt 3pt To use the perturbation theory, we need These conditions are not necessary for the model building, but non-perturbative method remains a challenge.
In-In Formalism (Weinberg, 05) • Mixed form (X.C., Wang, 09) Introduce a cutoff . “Factorized form” for UV part to avoid spurious UV divergence; “Commutator form” for IR part to avoid spurious IR divergence. Mixed form + Wick rotation for UV part A very efficient way to numerically integrate the 3pt.