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MOBIlearn project presentation: strategy and working method. Giorgio Da Bormida Project coordinator GIUNTI Interactive Labs g.dabormida@giuntilabs.com +393339118604. MOBIlearn - datasheet. Project No: IST-2001-37187
MOBIlearn project presentation: strategy and working method Giorgio Da Bormida Project coordinator GIUNTI Interactive Labs g.dabormida@giuntilabs.com +393339118604 MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
MOBIlearn - datasheet • Project No: IST-2001-37187 • Project Full Name: Next-generation paradigms and interfaces for technology supported learning in a mobile environment exploring the potential of ambient intelligence • Duration: 30 months, Start date: July 1st • Countries involved: nine European countries and outside EU, including USA, Israel, Switzerland, and Australia • IST Action line: III.5.3 KA3 Pioneering research • Total Eligible Cost: 7.505.312 EURO • EC Contribution: 3.505.385 EURO (+ AU & USA) "We must have the courage to examine everything, discuss everything and even to teach everything" Condorcet, Foreword of "Towards the learning Society" EC White Paper MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Learning pull vs. technology push • Learning providers are looking for ways to provide services anywhere. • Mobile technologies are now accessible to everyone, and fast enough to be used for the “last mile” of links from wired networks • Mobile operators are looking for new applications, services and markets, ideally based on open standards • A “bridge” is needed and it is called MOBIlearn… MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
MOBIlearn is different… …because mobile and ubiquitous learningconcept is different from eLearning MOBIlearn has been conceived with a precise scope of innovation with an integrated process Therefore MOBIlearn’s target is notto obtain another example of eLearning on mobile devices Applying traditional eLearning, EC project management and “way-of-thinking”, we can expect to reach only this kind of result… MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
eLearning on mobile devices MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
MOBIlearn summary • This project explores new ways to use mobile environments to meet the needs of learners, working by themselves and with others. A new m-learning architecture will support creation, brokerage, delivery and tracking of learning and information contents, using ambient intelligence, location-dependence, personalization, multimedia, instant messaging (text, video) and distributed databases. • Field trials cover “blended learning” (as part of formal courses); “adventitious, location-dependent learning” (during visits to museums); and “learning to interpret information sources and advice” (acquiring medical information for everyday needs). MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Project main objectives • ON PEDAGOGICAL ISSUES. The definition of theoretically-supported & empirically-validated models for: • Effective learning/teaching/tutoring in a mobile environment; • Instructional design and eLearning content development for mobile learning. • ON HUMAN INTERACTION AND TECHNICAL ISSUES. The development of a reference mobile-learning architecture that is attractive to key actors in Europe and beyond. • Human interfaces adaptive to the mobile device in use and the nature (e.g. bandwidth, cost) of the ambient intelligence that is available in a given location; • Context-awareness tools for exploiting context and capturing learning experience; • Integration of mobile media delivery and learning content mgmt systems; • Collaborative learning applications for mobile environments. • ON BUSINESS ISSUES. The conception of a business model for future service deployment MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Project management The following “classical” structure will be adopted at the beginning, but… MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
…need for innovation • …something on working methodsis needed: we should look at ways of workingthat are simple, that minimise the number of “mega-meetings”, and thatkeep everyone informed of progress • MOBIlearn has to be innovating also in this area of working methods… • …a small group will be delegated to do this. They could start with existing models (such as IMS) andexplore how to adapt them to handle projects built up of interdependent workpackages or sub-projects… • Such work will be useful not only for MOBIlearn, but also for possible FP6 follow up… MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
MOBIlearn as a first example of IP (…FP5) MOBIlearn is integrated at different levels: • Partners have different work methods and come from different cultures • Partnership that is truly international with a real cross-disciplinary know-how • Subject will be explored on a 360-degree basis (pedagogical methodologies, device adaptation, business modelling, software technologies…) MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
MOBIlearn Research Areas - 1 The MOBIlearn research will be driven by ‘learning pull’ rather than ‘technology push’, paying extreme attention to research into the pedagogic aspects of e-learning, trying to define learning paradigms for ubiquitous applications, with new organisational, business and learning models (for new and old stakeholders) taking into account socio-economic, competency, and cultural and motivational factors. MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
PEDAGOGICAL ISSUES The result will be pedagogical innovation by: ·Guidelines for learning/teaching/tutoring in a mobile environment; ·Best practices for instructional design and eLearning content development for mLearning; ·Roadmaps for further research in pedagogical issues. HUMAN INTERACTION AND TECHNICAL ISSUES The result will be a mobile learning architecture made by: ·Human interfaces adaptive to mobile devices (XML, MHP); ·Context awareness: exploit context and capture experience; ·Integration of mobile media delivery and LCM systems; ·Collaborative learning. The result will be the MOBIlearn business model, starting from: ·Study of existing business models; ·Study of market trends; ·Exploitation and dissemination of project results. BUSINESS ISSUES The result will be the evaluation of the MOBIlearn architecture & user interaction with three kinds of trials with real users: ·Mobile workers (business management schools); ·Learning citizens (visits public cultural sites); ·Learning citizens, accessing basic medical information. REAL USERS TRIALS EVALUATION & ASSESSMENT MOBIlearn research areas - 2 MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
MOBIlearn innovation The areas of innovation in MOBIlearn are: • use of ambient intelligence for educational purposes; • context awarenessto exploit context and capture learning experience • development of an Open Mobile Abstract Framework (OMAF) • services discovery techniques • development of methodologies and tools for collaborative learning • application of organisational learning in mobile environment; • active user interface for personal mobile navigation using XML, XHTML and MHP; • standard-compliant XML-native Learning Content Management for mobile delivery; • adaptation of mobile media deliveryto Learning Content specific requirements (GPRS/UMTS networks); • adoption, review and adaptation of relevant standardsfor mobile learning (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC36, ADL SCORM, CEN/ISSS WSLT, IEEE LTSC, XML, 3GPP, DVB-MHP). MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
…and expected result The MOBIlearn project wants to improve thequality of life of people by providing easier, contextualised and ubiquitous access to knowledge, making “learning a way of being” MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Project scope - 1 Key assumptions for MOBIlearn: • the integration of new technologies in education and training is basically a culturally driven processwith the need to bring about change not only in people, but in the entire learning environment; • the circulation of knowledge is free, in forms that are appropriate for individual users. And this is the most advanced answer to the increasing needs of new skills related to new technologies; • the need to define new working paradigms (e.g., mobile worker) together with innovative models for their social, economical, cultural and environmental deployment, also preserving the local nature of content (national and regional) and cultural heritage. MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Project scope - 2 On thesepremises, the MOBIlearn project aims at: • improving access to knowledge for selected target users (such as mobile workers and learning citizens); • giving them ubiquitous access to appropriate (contextualised and personalised) learning objects; • by linking to the Internet via mobile connections and devices, according to innovative paradigms and interfaces, with; • pilot experimentations for the fast spread and uptake of envisaged models and related services. MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Project scope - 3 The scope of the MOBIlearn project includes: • studies of conceptual models and newmethodologies, with • prototypes implementing them, that • will be evaluated in trial application fields set up and managed by international partners • The project will focus on target markets of individuals or small groups of people in many and various sites, willing to • access knowledge on demand, just in time and in the field to foster their life long learning and enhance their working experience. MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Project scope - 4 MOBIlearn targets three representative groups: • Workers, to meet their job requirements and to update their knowledge continually; • Citizens as members of a culture, to improve the learning experience while visiting a cultural city and its museums; • Citizens as family members, to have simple medical information for everyday needs. MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
MOBIlearn Open Mobile Abstract Framework - 1 Functional model MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Assumptions • Things Change • New Services & Functions • Method of Accessing Services • More Central Software Services • Authorization, Calendaring, etc. • Evolving Systems • Definition • All Enterprises won’t have the same Technologies • All Enterprise Systems won’t use the same Technology • The need for sharing will grow • Differing “connectedness” • Not Web only MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Streaming M. Context Mgmt Assessment Etc… Etc… Etc… MOBIlearn Open Mobile Abstract Framework - 2 Service model (in collaboration with OKI-MIT) “LMS” Educational Software Educational Service APIs Educational Service Implementations Common Service APIs AuthN AuthZ DBC File LocalId Hierarchy Logging User Messaging Etc… Common Service Implementations Shared Objects Institutional Infrastructure MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
MOBIlearn Open Mobile Abstract Framework - 3 Services model (in collaboration with OKI-MIT) Infrastructure OMAF Clients OMAF Services Client Objects ClientApps Mobile browser Client Objects WebApps Mobile browser Client Objects ClientApps Mobile browser Client Objects ClientApps Client Objects Mobile browser WebApps MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
MOBIlearn Open Mobile Abstract Framework - 4 Services model (in collaboration with IMS) MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
New business models (iMode) MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Standards-based approach • ISO/IEC JTC1/SC36: SC36/WG2 Collaboration Technology; SC36/WG3 Learner Information; Management and Delivery of Learning, Education, and Training Ad Hoc Committee. • ADL SCORM: longer term expectation ADL, to encourage technologies that enable so-called dynamic learning • IMS: digital repositories, simple sequencing, pedagogical design, content packaging • IEEE LTSC: Learning Object Metadata (IEEE P1484.12); Learner Model (IEEE P1484.2); Competency Definitions (IEEE P1484.20); Content Packaging (IEEE P1484.17); • DVB-MHP (Multimedia Home Platform) • 3GPP: WG4: specifications for speech, audio, video, and multimedia codecs. • Session Initiating Protocol (and IETF SIP working group). • ISO 13407: Human-centred design processes for interactive systems MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Measures of success • A document will be created to describe a set of recommendations for extensions and integrations of exiting international standards and specifications for mobile learning requirements. • Three knowledge repositories of mobile-aware learning objects, i.e. objects whose attributes and affordances will alter according to the device being used to access them, will be created, at least one for each targeted subject area. • The MOBIlearn architecture will be developed integrating five different software subsystems created in the project. • The MOBIlearn architecture will be able to support automatic re-rendering of content, to handle different levels (bandwidth, availability) of connectivity on 2.5/3G networks and WLAN, in delivering to, at least, three different kinds of devices (mobile phone, PDA, laptop computer). • At least four user trials (each of them involving at least 10 people as individuals or as a group) for each of the three selected scenarios will be done, to refine methodologies, technical solutions and business model. • A business model will be conceived and agreed among the partners involved in MOBIlearn. MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Work structure - 1 WP2 concerns User Requirements and Evaluation, from pre-prototype through to final system. It includes requirements workshops) Attention will be given to developing description techniques for the features of the m-learning architecture; modelling non functional requirements; tailoring and co-ordination mechanisms; mechanisms for traceability of non functional requirements; and comprehensive evaluation criteria. WP3 prepares the ground for user trials (WP11), by using existing repositories to source learning objects that are appropriate to each trial, and if necessary modifying those objects to make them platform-independent, and “mobile-aware”. WP4 modifies an existing framework for studying personal lifelong learning, so that it covers mobile-supported learning at three levels: learning projects; learning episodes; and learning activities, and does this in a way that encompasses both immediate learning and extended learning (over weeks and months). Additionally, this WP will specify guidelines, best practices and roadmaps for further research. MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Work structure - 2 The results of WP 2 are built on in WP 5 to 9. These cover developing the specifications and then implementing prototypes of each of the sub-systems (WP 5 for adaptive human interfaces; WP 6 for context awareness; WP 7 for learning content management; WP 8 for mobile media delivery; and WP 9 for collaborative learning). WP 10 brings everything together. The focus is on sub-system integration and operation of the prototype systems, in anticipation of extended user trials inWP11 (and their evaluation, which is part of WP 2). WP 12 covers arguably the most important part of the project, namely work on business models, with coordinated, large-scale exploitation of the RTD results. Finally, WP13 ensures dissemination of the MOBIlearn vision and results to the wider community (including standards bodies). MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
MOBIlearn consortium - 1 • The MOBIlearn project partnership includes well-known Universities with a large user-base in the EU, the US and Australia • Mobile tlc operators across the EU • commercial organisations lead their sectors • World-class mobile devices manufacturers • learning content providers enabling them to communicate with each other and exchange information at all levels MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Univ. of Birmingham (UK) Open University (UK) University of Tampere (FI) Univ. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (I) Univ. Koblenz-Landau (D) University of Zurich (CH) Stanford University (USA) MIT OKI (USA) education.au (Australia) Univ. of Southern Queensland (Australia) Nokia (FI) COMPAQ Computer (I) Telecom Italia (I) Deutche Telekom (D) Telefónica I+D (SP) COSMOTE (GR) SPACE HELLAS SA (GR) Emblaze Systems (IL) Fraunhofer IFF (D) SFERA ENEL (I) University for Industry (UK) John Moore Univ. (UK) Sheffield Hallam Univ. MOBIlearn consortium -2 Partners MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
International Consortium MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Special Interest Group - 1 • Growth: • At the proposal (month 0): 11 • At the contract signature (month 5): 33 • Now (month 10): over 180 (with 23 countries and 5 projects) • Objectives: • To gather as many representatives as possible in different communities to discuss the concept of “mobile learning” • Seven working groups have been established • To keep members regularly informed on project activities through a bimonthly newsletter, and • SIG meetings, organised together with other European events • To link with other groups all over the World, such as the mlearning forum, ran by pjb Associates • Would you like to be update & partecipate? Join the SIG, send an email to: g.dabormida@giuntilabs.com MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Some members… Athabasca University (Canada) ATSPIN consulting (US) BBC British Telecom Click2learn CNR CRMPA DeAgostini Madeira Island Eduworks/IEEE Ericsson Education Global eUniversity Firenze Musei France Telecom R&D Infostructure (AU) ISVOR-FIAT ITALDATA Trinity College Dublin Lecando Special Interest Group – 2 • Microsoft • Municipality of Genoa • National IT Council of Malaysia • NTT-X • ORANGE UK • PUC (Chile) • SchlumbergerSema • Singapore NIE • Space Applications Services • STMicroelectronics • Tangram Software (Shanghai) • Tel-Aviv University • Telecom Italia Lab • Texas Instruments edu • TideTime (China) • Toshiba • Università La Sapienza • VASA (USA) • VODAFONE MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Working for excellence… • MOBIlearn has been conceived as a bridge between FP5 and FP6. Its primary objectives are consistent with FP5, and in addition it uses the FP6 IP concept to go beyond today's user models and market models • Just a first step towards the exploration of use of ambient intelligence for learning • MOBIlearn is conceived a first step in the direction of “Scenarios for Ambient Intelligence in 2010”, exploring, in a pioneering way, new forms of interaction and ubiquitous computing and learning (technology is used to place the learner at the centre of a user-driven process) • MOBIlearn will prepare the ground for substantive work in FP6 MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Next steps re. FP6: ALK • Expression of Interest for an Integrated Project in FP6, codenamed AL (Ambient Learning & Knowledge: Technology-enhanced, ubiquitous, mobile access to experiences and knowledge) • The MOBIlearn consortium and the SIG members could be the basis for such larger initiative MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org
Abstract of ALK This proposal is for a very large project (up to 100 Meuro), capable of providing workable solutions to societal-level problems. The consortium has the necessary scale of operation to commit to this project, and to make the necessary subsequent investment to ensure it meets or exceeds expectations and to maximise its impact globally. We propose developing advanced forms of technology-enhanced learning, which empower users, enlarge their horizons, help to increase digital literacy and reduce the gap between the knowledge-rich and knowledge-poor. The proposal builds upon an existing project, MOBIlearn, at the forefront of initiatives in mobile learning. There will be opportunities for the participation of many other European (and World) organisations and groups, including networks of excellence. MOBIlearn project presentation – IST-2001-37187 – www.mobilearn.org