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Measuring the quality of public transit system

Measuring the quality of public transit system. Tapani Särkkä/Matrex Oy Mervi Vatanen/Helsinki City Transport. Objectives and scope. To develop a quality measuring system for Helsinki City Transport

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Measuring the quality of public transit system

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  1. Measuring the quality of public transit system Tapani Särkkä/Matrex OyMervi Vatanen/Helsinki City Transport 11th European EMME/2 Users' Group Conference Madrid

  2. Objectives and scope • To develop a quality measuring system for Helsinki City Transport • The system is based on the exact system description of the Helsinki Area public transit in Emme/2 (all the timetables and stops etc.). It is derived from the digital public transit database (JORE) • The system measures the quality of the transit supply experienced by the passenger, as travel time, waiting , walking , transfers etc. • A quality index will be calculated for the whole system and for the sub areas and for specific O/D-pairs • The measure of the quality should be clear and understandable 11th European EMME/2 Users' Group Conference Madrid

  3. Quality values and indices • Quality values can be absolute or relative • Number of boardings • Travel time • Distance traveled • Traveling speed (distance/travel time) • Ratio of travel times and speeds by car and public transit • By O/D-pairs, by origin, by destination, scalar values, weighted, non-weighted • Distributions • Indices measure the change: • From previous year • Caused by system change 11th European EMME/2 Users' Group Conference Madrid

  4. Quality measurement User Inputs: assignment frequency invehicle time weight walking weight waiting time weight Outputs: travel time early/late time Walking time Waiting time invehicle time Aux. transit time No. of boardings Travel distance Total transit costs speed Travel time weighted by demand Total transit costs weighted by demand Speed weighted by demand Input Data: Supply 6:30 - 8:00 Supply 7:00 - 8:30 Demand 7:00 - 8:00 Supply 10:00 -13:00 Demand 11:00 - 12:00 Supply 15:30 -17:00 Supply 16:00 17:30 Demand 16:00 -17:00 Supply 19:00 22:00 Demand 20:00- 21:00 Inputs and outputs 11th European EMME/2 Users' Group Conference Madrid

  5. JORE:n pysäkkikuvaus (pysakki.dat) muunnosohjelma solmut.exe Emme/2:n solmutiedosto (emmesolmut.dat) JORE:n pysäkkien ja Emme/2:n solmujen vastaavuudet (solmutunnus.dat) muunnosohjelma linkit.exe JORE:n reittikuvaus (reitti.dat) Emme/2:n linkkitiedosto (emmelinkit.dat) Emme/2:n linjastotiedosto (linjat.dat) JORE:n aikataulukuvaus (aikat.dat) muunnosohjelma linjat.exe JORE linjojen ja Emme/2 linjojen vastaavuudet (linjatunnus.dat) reitti.dat tiedostosta puuttuvat linkit (lisalinkit.txt) muunnosohjelma konnektori.exe HKL:n solmutiedosto (HKLnodes.txt) Emme/2:n konnektoritiedosto (connect.txt) Emme/2:n vaihtokävelylinkit (kavelylinkit.dat) HKL:n konnektoritiedosto (HKLcon.txt) ohjelma kavelylinkit.exe HKL:n 741-verkon sentroidit (HKLcen.prn) HKL:n juna- ja metrosolmut (jmsolmut.dat) ohjelma jmkavely.exe Emme/2:n pitemmät vaihtokävelylinkit juna- ja metropysäkeille (jmkavelylinkit.dat) Input Data (JORE+HCT 741-network) Output Data Software Input and Output data files, programs 11th European EMME/2 Users' Group Conference Madrid

  6. Outputs: travel time early/late time Walking time Waiting time invehicle time Aux. transit time No. of boardings Travel distance Total transit costs speed Travel time weighted by demand Total transit costs weighted by demand Speed weighted by demand Results: Average travel times by origin and destination zones, by time periods, weighted/not weighted by demand Average total travel costs by origin and destination zones, by time periods, weighted/not weighted by demand Average speeds by origin and destination zones, by time periods, weighted/not weighted by demand Aggregated values etc. ENIF GIS Results 11th European EMME/2 Users' Group Conference Madrid

  7. System values 2001 11th European EMME/2 Users' Group Conference Madrid

  8. 14 19 14 15 3 18 1 9 Total transit costs vs. travel distance Zone numbering 11th European EMME/2 Users' Group Conference Madrid

  9. Quality indices 1999-2001 11th European EMME/2 Users' Group Conference Madrid

  10. .Travel times in Helsinki region(zone average) 11th European EMME/2 Users' Group Conference Madrid

  11. Average travel speeds by zones 11th European EMME/2 Users' Group Conference Madrid

  12. Koivusaari metro, quality indices Assumptions: constant demand (morning peak), bus/metro transfers at Koivusaari station (no direct lines to the city center) 11th European EMME/2 Users' Group Conference Madrid

  13. Koivusaari; relative changes in travel speed (%) 11th European EMME/2 Users' Group Conference Madrid

  14. Koivusaari; relative changes in total transit costs (%) 11th European EMME/2 Users' Group Conference Madrid

  15. The deterministic assignment is very powerful and suitable tool for the measurement of quality related topics in public transit 1 to 1 correspondence to the real World the results are valid ENIF is an essential presentation tool grid based data - grid-GIS – ENIF Dimensions of Emme/2 limit the application headways vary during the day, many sub lines needed: number of segments! Refined definition of quality of supply public transit and other modes from quantitative to qualitative Conclusions and further work 11th European EMME/2 Users' Group Conference Madrid

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