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CDRC. CDRC. November 2009 NEWSLETTER . Chobham & District Riding Club. Dear Members, It was good to see so many of you at our AGM in October and congratulations to those who were awarded trophies for successes over the past year! All your pictures are now up on the website.
CDRC CDRC November 2009NEWSLETTER Chobham & District Riding Club Dear Members, It was good to see so many of you at our AGM in October and congratulations to those who were awarded trophies for successes over the past year! All your pictures are now up on the website. The Committee for the year ahead is as last year, with the addition of Vicki Nugent who will be managing our dressage teams, and Sophie Baker who is assistant team manager. Rebecca Hill takes over as overall team manager, otherwise all roles are discharged as before. At the AGM it was agreed that I should seek the permission of the National Executive Committee to change from our current riding club area to the adjacent area which mostly covers Bucks and Berks. This is a decision made on the quality of competition venues and the ease and distance of journeys to these venues. We await the outcome to our request in the next few days. In the meantime, I wish our newsletter editor Kelly Lewis the best of times as she weds Ewen on 19th December; and to all of you, have a splendid Christmas-time! Happy Riding! With best wishes, James Parker, Chairman It’s been a good year with lots of our members turning out to events. We’d like to say a big thank you to all the members who have volunteered to help at both the CDRC shows and the Area competitions. The events cannot run without this support and it is much appreciated. Time to renew your club membership This year’s competitions sees the return of the Royal Windsor Horse Show which offers the winner an amazing trip to the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 2010 in Kentucky. To take part in any club outings, competitions or training you’ll need to be a member, so make sure you renew for 2010 now!
CDRC CDRC Diary of events Nov 2009 STOP PRESS!!! DATE FOR YOUR DIARY – 13TH DECEMBER 2009 Royal Windsor Horse Show Riding Club Round 1 qualifiers The RWHS competition is running again and this year the prize for winning is a trip to the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 2010 to collect your trophy! For the 2010 qualifiers, British Riding Clubs will run all 4 qualifying rounds. Round One is held by each club and is open to all riders, including non-BRC members. The winner of round one will be required to become a BRC member (if not already) before going forward to represent Chobham RC in Round Two – the regional qualifiers. The riders who qualify at these Regional qualifiers will then be invited to the Finals (rounds three and four) at the Royal Windsor Horse Show on 12 – 16th May). The sixChampions at Royal Windsor will be invited to Lexington, Kentucky (Juniors with parent) for the World Equestrian Games (25 Sep – 10 Oct 2010). Dressage rules Riding test 6 (2005) will be ridden again this year for all rounds. No spurs to be worn although whips are allowed. Dressage eligibility (as per the BRC Rule Book) Horses are allowed 0-60 BD points only. Riders who have attained their PC A Test in the last 10 years, BHSAI, BHSII and FBHS, BHSI are ineligible to compete. • CDRC’s round 1 to be held at Kings Ranch • The competitions are: • Senior and junior riding test - RT6 • Senior and Junior Novice jumping • Senior and Junior Intermediate jumping • A schedule will be posted on the web • Show Jumping rules • The jumping will take the form of a top score competition – 12 obstacles which can be jumped in either direction, with points awarded for each fence cleared from 20 for the lowest to 120 for the highest. There will also be a higher ‘joker’ fence which will score 200 points if cleared but minus 200 if knocked down. Max time allowed is 60 seconds. • For the novice the height of jumps will range between 2’0” and 2’9” (joker at 3’0”) and for the intermediate 2’6” and 3’3” (joker at 3’6”). • Show Jumping eligibility (as per the BRC Rule Book) • Horses and riders in the Novice may not have won any money in BSJA • competitions. • Horses and riders in the Intermediate may not have won more than £175 BSJA • winnings within the last five years.
CDRC Nov 2009 CDRC Out and About 11 October 2009 – Orienteering Windsor Park The Club’s second orienteering event of 2009 was held in October and saw eight intrepid teams set off at six-minute intervals into Windsor Great Park to follow a 9-mile route set out by Club Secretary Claire Valvona. As teams followed the direction sheets they had to answer questions to test their observation skills and collect specified treasure along the way. A highlight for all involved was the stretch that took them down the avenue of trees dressed in their autumn colours alongside The Long Walk towards Windsor Castle. At other points on the route participants enjoyed fine views across Windsor and of the beautiful red deer that live in the Great Park. Once the teams were returned and refreshed, the results were announced and rosettes presented. The winning team comprised Caroline Shrubb, Joe Brown and James Parker. Thanks indeed to Claire and to Vanessa Hunt for making such a great day for all who took part. James Parker Orienteering Results 1st James Parker, Joe Brown, Caroline Shrubb 2nd Rebecca Hill, Sian Rees-Smith, Kelly Lewis 3rd Paul Dixon, Julie Warner 4th Heidi Ann Stedeford and Michael Catton 5th Sara Green and Isobel 6th Paul Warren and Kirsty Pictured: This years trophy winners with club secretary Massive thanks to Claire and Vanessa for organising a fantastic day in Windsor Park on Sunday 11th October for the riders. A fabulous time was had by all, particularly those eight riders who found themselves racing away from the avenue of trees.
CDRC Nov 2009 CDRC Training Progress Through Training Being new to the area it was hard to know where to turn to get some lessons which would be fun and would improve my riding. I joined the club in August 2007, but due to the foot and mouth outbreak all the planned training had to go on hold. My first show jumping lesson with the club was in April 2008, I was really nervous and I can remember getting there really early. I didn’t know what to expect. We all warmed up and Vanessa came and spoke to us all individually about our horses. She then made us go over some trotting poles. Next we jumped some little jumps. I had a really great time and it felt good to have someone giving me positive advice about my riding. Vanessa can really read a horse and rider. Every lesson since then I have noticed so much progress and my confidence has grown as well. There have been set backs but we have been able to work through these. Some of you will remember the rainy evening in August when we were jumping an eventers challenge style course where everything seemed to go wrong. Vanessa then came back two weeks later to make sure that we were all feeling confident before the August show. There have been many training outings to various cross country courses. We first went to Munstead in October 2008 we had a really good time despite of the rain. Vanessa let us jump the nice fences to get us into the rhythm. We were then able to jump the bigger fences. We have also had trips out to Fair Oaks cross country course in July and then we returned to Munstead in October this year. It was really good to go back and jump more of the higher fences. Since last year I have made a great deal of progress with my horse Enriqueta and I hope to carry on not only improving my show jumping and cross country with lessons from Vanessa, but also improving my dressage with lessons from Malcolm Hunt which started last month. With the new confidence I have gained I hope to compete in the area team events next year. Caroline Shrubb I am very grateful that the club has such a fantastic Secretary, Claire. As she is the one who organizes all the training for the club and also very kindly lets us invade her school for lessons. Claire also organizes the transport so that everyone who wants to go on the outings can get there and of course all the lovely sausage sarnies or picnics she provides after training.
CDRC Nov 2009 CDRC Out and About Chobham Common and free range cows? Chobham Common is owned by Surrey County Council but managed by Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT). It is an area of special scientific interest. Over the last few years, the Common has deteriorated and SWT are under an obligation to refurbish the Common back to proper heathland. There are two main reasons why they wish to do this: 1) 2) SWT have taken advice from an ecologist called Dr Day. The opinion of the ecologist is that the best way to turn the Common back to heathland is by a variety of methods including burning, strip clearing and grazing of livestock. The issue for riders is the proposal for the grazing of livestock. SWT is proposing that it will fence off the whole of the Common, place cattle grids on certain roads surrounding the Common and turn cattle loose out on the Common. There has been a consultation period since May 2008 but it has not been very effective; the result being that a lot of riders and other users of the Common are unaware of these proposals and are unlikely to have made their views known. SWT are under the impression from their consultation that riders are minority users of the Common. If members have concerns about these proposals and wish to make comments they need to do so as a matter of urgency to SWT. I would also ask that members make other users of the Common aware of these proposals. They will be unable to obtain grants from Natural England if they don't turn the Common back to heathland. They are under a legal obligation to the Government to turn the Common back to heathland by the end of 2010. If you wish to make your views known email Catherine-Aikin-Sneath@surreywt.org.uk to make comments about the proposals.SWT is also offering to send a representative to yards to talk to riders about the proposals. If you want them to talk to your yard then email nicola_buckland@hotmail.com.
CDRC Nov 2009 CDRC Member News AREA 6 move update… At our recent AGM we raised the issue of moving as a club from Area 11 to Area 6 and the majority of attendees voted for us to look into this further. This came about as a discussion amongst the competing CDRC members as the feeling was that some of the venues in Area 6 were superior to those in Area 11 and although the distance in miles is further or comparative, the drive time is similar as they can be accessed by more major roads. Since the AGM, our Chairman James Parker, has contacted the BRC head office and also both area representatives for Area 6 and Area 11. This will be discussed (and hopefully a decision made) at the next BRC meeting on 23rd November. We’ve already received a very warm letter from Area 6’s chair – Mrs Eedle-Wells – following our initial enquiry to join. So fingers crossed that we will be granted permission to move to Area 6 as we’re very much looking forward to meeting and competing with our new Area representatives. Quadrille anyone? In 2010 we’d really like to put out a quadrille team for the selection trials in October 2010. Sara Green has very kindly volunteered to help with the music and will have the un-envious task of picking the team of horses to go forward to the team. Whilst only 4 compete (the word quadrille being the giveaway there) we need 6 in the team so that we have two reserves in case of lameness or illness etc. Also, we need 6 horses who’s paces all match so the more members involved the better chance we have of matching up horses. We will be arranging some ‘tryouts’ early in the new year. Depending on interest this will either be at Langshot or Kings Ranch. If you’re interested please contact Vicki Nugent on vickinugent@hotmail.com
CDRC 2009/2010 Please print, complete and send to: James Parker, Overdale, South Close, HORSELL, Surrey, GU21 4TB.BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE First name____________________ Last name______________________ Address ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Post Code________________ Telephone No__________________ Email _______________________________________________________ Date of Birth (Juniors only) ___ /___ /___ Please tick appropriate box ADULTS (19+ AT 1/1/2009) £20.00 JUNIOR (up to and including 18 YRS) £17.00 NON-RIDING MEMBERS £10.00 The club year runs from 1 October to 30 September. New members joining after 1st July shall be deemed to have paid for the ensuing year, subject to any increase at the October AGM. Data Protection Act: I understand that my name and address will be held on computer. The details will be used for membership lists for the Riding Clubs Office and CDRC committee and for newsletter distribution.SIGNED____________________ DATE_____________________ I WOULD LIKE TO APPLY FOR MEMBERSHIP OF CHOBHAM & DISTRICT RIDING CLUB AND ENCLOSE A CHEQUE FOR £________MADE PAYABLE TO: CHOBHAM & DISTRICT RIDING CLUB.. Nov 2009 CDRC Membership Form
CDRC Nov 2009 CDRC Member News Coming soon………Winter Dressage and Show Jump Practice Last year’s Winter Dressage and Show Jump training / competition combo’s at Kings Ranch proved very popular so Bob and Judith have agreed to put the competitions on again for CDRC members. Dress code for these events is informal and will be held in the 40m x 40m sand school. Two dates for Dressage and two dates for clear round show jumping will be released as soon as possible along with details of the Dressage Test that will be used. Watch the site for more details Cost as follows Dressage Tests £7.00 per test Clear Round Show Jump (classes from 2’3” to 3’3“) £6.00 per round Please contact Bob Deacon on 07963 731912 or hythepark@ntlworld.com for further details OUR CONTACT DETAILS: Claire Valvona claire.valvona@gmail.com H = 01483 480339 James Parker James.Parker5@ntlworld.com H = 01483 828443 Rebecca Hill Rebeccahill123@google.com Sophie Baker herbie_666@hotmail.com Mb=07903 329533 Vicki Nugent vickinugent@hotmail.com Kelly Lewis kellyflewis@hotmail.com Mb = 07795 564405 Bob & Liane Deacon hythepark2@ntlworld.com Mb = 07963 731912 Sally Watson H = 01932 346765 CDRC MEMBER DISCOUNTS!! Don’t forget as a member of CDRC you get a 10% discount on all your horsey kit at : .All you have to do is show your CDRC club card when making a purchase!!! Chobham Rider Buttons Saddler CountryWide, Lyne Mustangs, Egham