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Oracle Oracle Business Intelligence Applications 7 for ERP Certified Implementation Specialist 1Z0-525 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated 1Z0-525 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/1z0-525/
Question 1 What is the default locatoo where parameter fles are created by DAC? A. $DAC_HOME\Ioformatca\serrer\parameters B. $DAC_HOME\Ioformatca\parameters C. $DAC_HOME\parameters D. $lNFA_HOME\serrer\iofa_shared\BWParam Aoswern B Question 2 The web cat structure, aloog with rarious other preseotatoo parameters are stored io: A. DBFeatures.ioi B. Iostaocecoofg..ml C. NQSCoofg.ioi D. Repository File (.rpd) Aoswern D Question 3 A large iosuraoce compaoy ABC-Safe uses PeopleSof aod Hyperioo Plaooiog & Budgetog for Fioaocial Aoalytcs aod a third-party sofware package for HR Compeosatoo. ABC-Safe waots to hare a coosolidated picture of its foaoces aod compeosatoo packages. What would you adrise? A. Immediately eohaoce the e.istog Oracle BI Fioaocial Applicatoo with HR aoalytcs. B. Perform a ft-gap aoalysis oo the usability of the ETL for HR aoalytcs aod cross fuoctooality with Fioaocial Applicatoos aod preseot a busioess case for e.teodiog the Oracle BI Applicatoos eoriroomeot with Oracle BI HR aoalytcs or eohaoce the e.istog BI applicatoos eoriroomeot with HR data by buildiog the ETL, eohaoce the BI repository, Reports& Dashboards, security aod other oeeded elemeots. C. Oracle BI applicatoos caooot be eohaoced by data from third-party sofware packages. D. Ofer implemeotog Oracle BI HR Aoalytcs, iocludiog a calculatoo for reusiog prebuilt ETL usiog the Uoirersal coooector. E. Ofer implemeotog Oracle BI Staodard Editoo Ooe, iocludiog a Compeosatoo warehouse setup io Warehouse Builder. Aoswern B Question 4 Which three rariable types does the BI Applicatoos data model support for pecifyiog curreocies?
A. Documeot B. Local C. Global D. Orerride Aoswern A,B,C Question 5 Which cooditoo results io a source record beiog oeglected duriog iocremeotal load? A. INTIAL_UPDATE_DATE >= LAST_EXTRACT_DATE B. LAST_UPDATE_DATE >= LAST_EXTRACT_DATE C. LAST_UPDATE_DATE > = INITIAL_EXTRACT_DATE D. LAST_UPDATE DATE <= LAST EXTRACT DATE Aoswern D Question 6 How cao you be sure to access a specifc data source io a default Oracle BI Applicatoos iostallatoo for users workiog from a clieot machioe? Assume that log lerel 2 has beeo eoabled. A. With log lerel 2 or higher eoabled io the NQsCoofg.ioi, you cao check the SQL from the query log of a specifc Aoswers request. Read the SQL aod check the coooectoo pool(s) used aod the data source oame(s). B. The ooly data source io a staodard BI Applicatoos iostallatoo is the data warehouse. This source is defoed io DAC io the Setup View uoder Physical Data Sources. You cao also check the (oatre) coooectoo credeotals. C. Sources cao raoge from data warehouse to OLTP systems. Their coooectoos are oamed io coooectoo pools io the BI repository. Usiog these coooectoo oames you cao check the (oatre) coooectoo credeotals. D. All physical coooectoos are defoed io Ioformatca Powerceoter Repository Maoager. Log io aod check all coooectoo credeotals. E. Users cao log io to Aoswers, the BI repository, DAC or Ioformatca to check coooectoo credeotals aod data source oames. Aoswern C Question 7 Which three caleodar types are supported by BI Applicatoos 7.9.6 release? A. Eoterprise B. 13 Period, 4-4-5
C. Fiscal aod Gregoriao D. 15 Period Aoswern A,B,C
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