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Experimental Psychology PSY 433. Chapter 9 Conditioning and Learning (Cont.). Maze Data (Both Labs). Maze Errors (Both Labs). ANOVA (Repeated Measures). Tests of Within-Subjects Effects Measure: MEASURE_1 Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Experimental PsychologyPSY 433 Chapter 9 Conditioning and Learning (Cont.)
ANOVA (Repeated Measures) Tests of Within-Subjects Effects Measure: MEASURE_1 Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Time Sphericity Assumed 21082.344 14 1505.882 9.128 .000 Greenhouse-Geisser 21082.344 1.236 17062.838 9.128 .004 Huynh-Feldt 21082.344 1.284 16420.288 9.128 .004 Lower-bound 21082.344 1.000 21082.344 9.128 .008 Error(Time) Sphericity Assumed 39263.785 238 164.974 Greenhouse-Geisser 39263.785 21.005 1869.285 Huynh-Feldt 39263.785 21.827 1798.892 Lower-bound 39263.785 17.000 2309.634
Small-n Designs • Behavior often cannot be studied in large groups (large-n designs) • Small-n frequently used in therapeutic situations • Reversal designs: ABA or ABAB • A = baseline recording of behaviors • B = introduction of treatment • IV is essentially treatment / no treatment.
Increases Bill crys Adults attend Example: Crying Behavior Reinforcement + Removing the positive reinforcement (attention) extinguishes crying behavior.
Multiple Baseline Designs • Observe different behaviors, before and after learning. • Can be done two ways: • Observe multiple behaviors in one individual -- like a within-subject design • Observe a single behavior in different individuals – between-subjects • Treatments are introduced at different times.
Example: Siblings Compared • 3 pairs of autistic vs normal siblings • Baseline -- observed target behaviors (counting, letter ID, etc) • Treatment -- trained normal sib to reinforce behaviors of autistic sib • DV -- number of correct performances of behaviors.
Changing Criterion Design • Instead of comparing different people or different behaviors, progress in shaping behavior over time is measured. • The target behavior needed for reinforcement is changed as a behavior is acquired. • Range-bound changing criterion – instead of a target, a range for reinforcement is established. • Distributed-criterion design – targets are spread across several behaviors.