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This presentation by Dr. Don Seto explores human adenovirus diversity and natural history through genome sequencing and analysis. It delves into evolutionary patterns, comparative virology, and the development of informatics tools for small and large genomes. Dr. Seto discusses the challenges faced in analyzing whole genomes and the tools currently under development. The talk also highlights the application of tools like GeneOrder and CoreGenes in genome annotation and alignment. The significance of adenovirus genomes in gene therapy, vaccine vectors, and disease research is explored, along with the identification of patho-epidemiological features. The session concludes with a focus on the evolution, phylogeny, and adaptive changes observed in adenoviruses, particularly focusing on Ad4 strains. Dr. Seto emphasizes the importance of understanding the genetic makeup of adenoviruses for public health and research purposes.
“Exploration of adenovirus biology and diversity with genome sequencing and analysis; Explorations of genomes with application and development of bioinformatic tools"Don Seto, Ph. D.Associate ProfessorBioinformatics and Computational Biology, School of Computational SciencesGeorge Mason University September 27, 2005
Scientific interests • Genomics and bioinformatics: Human adenovirus diversity and natural history based on genome determinations and analysis. Evolution and patho-epidemiology. • new insights: adaptive evolution and host jumping. • Comparative virology: Adenovirus and Poxvirus genomes. • Genome informatics: Software tools development and applications. GeneOrder, CoreGenes, automated genome annotation and multiple whole genome nucleotide/coding sequence alignments, as applied to • Virus genomes (ca 36,000 to 350,000 bases). • Small bacterial genomes (< 2Mb). • Larger bacterial genomes (> 2Mb).
Informatics: development of software tools Problem: Shortage of tools to analyze whole genomes. Tools developed and under development • GeneOrder • GO 1, 2, 3 have been developed to examine genomes sizes of viruses, mitochondria, chloroplasts and small genome bacteria (<2Mb) • GO aligns two genomes with respect to coding regions that are similar or identical • GO 4 is under development for analysis of ‘regular’ sized bacteria (>2Mb) • CoreGenes • CG 1 has been developed to examine viruses, mitochondria and chloroplasts • CG 2 and 3 for <2Mb and >2Mb genomes are in development Tools under development • Automated genome annotator • using adenovirus genomes as model for more complex genomes • Multiple sequence alignment of large whole genomes • Dr. Xiaoqiu Huang (ISU), combining nucleotide and coding sequences
GeneOrder analysis: Example of a completed genome analysis tool (but still being optimized) • Two genomes are compared to each other • Each point is a coding sequence • Identifies gene order and synteny (comparable areas of the genomes • Co-linear arrangements suggest possible gene expression, function and evolution relationships • Identifies regions of genomic rearrangement events
Poxvirus genomes: GeneOrder analysis • Done, but still being optimized. • up to 350,000 nucleotide virus genomes • including small pox and related genomes • related but diverse viruses related • (FPV= fowl virus; GP= goat virus; • vaccinia= human virus) • Public health, e.g., SARS, influenza, • avian influenza and new dog flu • Biothreats, small pox and recombinants
“MAP” alignment of variola and vaccinia consensus sequences • In development. • Dr. Huang’s MAP series of alignment tools are not optimal currently • for adenovirus genomes at 36,000 nucleotides. • A collaboration will optimize these nucleotide alignments and include a GeneOrder component, e.g., coding sequences as [anchors/]references.
Informatics, but where is the biology?-Adenovirus • As a family, adenoviruses infect all vertebrates. • In humans, can infect a variety of tissues and organs. • Causes a range of diseases including GI problems and respiratory diseases, including Acute Respiratory Disease, potentially fatal pneumonia. • Our group- first new genome sequences in 20 years and comprehensive annotations. • Competition as Ads are now important as diseases; as human gene therapy vectors; and as vaccine vectors.
Adenovirus genomes: Sequence to “thorough” coding annotations
Genome annotation algorithm: Data mining of genes and features -Quality control on DNA sequencing and assembly. -Identity of genome signature probes for molecular diagnostics. -Closure for completing genomics and bioinformatics portions (basic research). -Extend legacy 2, 5, 12, 17, 40. -New Ad1, 3, FS3(N), 4, 4vac, FS4(A#1), FS4(AF#2), 6, 7, 7vac, FS7(N), 14, 16, 21, 34, 50 and BT4/5 [=FS5].... 17 total. Identification of patho-epidemiology and evolution features: Ad4 zoonosis and genome recombinations.
Manuscript and analysis phase: Annotation and analyses gene map non-coding coding From analysis, get....
Ad4 jumped from chimp to human (zoonosis) • Evolution- rapid adaptation to new host in <50 years • Implications for gene therapy/vaccine vector development HAdV-4 SAdV-25 HAdV-7 HAdV-5 Color coded gene order/synteny: -Blue fibers- L5 -Brown E3 “d-1” -Brown-green E3 (E3 genes counter host response)
Analysis and manuscript phase: Evolution and Vaccine, Field (epidemic), Coinfection and BreakThrough strains • Natural history and molecular phylogeny of field strains. • Whole genome phylogeny analysis with Dr. Marc Allard (GTU). • Evolution and patho-epidemiology of adenoviruses. • Evolution rates of genomes and genes. • Ad4FS- rapid adaptive evolution, ‘super’ virus now implicated in 99+% of acute respiratory disease cases. • Genome jumps! (recombinations x2). • Identity of epidemic strains. • Relationship and value of vaccine strains. • Effectiveness of ‘current’ vaccines: Half-life of efficacy. • Biology of “BreakThrough” strains and coinfection strains [new!]
Example 1- genomics data mining: Vaccine strains • Ad4prototype vs Ad4vaccine: Two insertions into vaccine strain. • Ala insertion as a result of GCG into Ad4vaccine at 25989. • T insertion at 28423 of Ad4vaccine with no apparent coding/regulatory effects. • Ad4vaccine is essentially Ad4prototype “as is.” Little genome differences. • Ad7prototype and Ad7vaccine: Very similar, but different...... • An Ad7prototype is “Gomen” strain; Ad7vaccine is essentially “Greider” strain (two contemporary prototype strains. • Vaccines- Wyeth attenuation not by virus manipulation but by ‘gut’ vs lung innoculation. • New data here suggests this is not optimal- genome recombinations common. • “Super” mutant! [Ad4FSs currently!]
Example 2- genomics data mining: “BreakThrough” strain • Strain X- is it 4, left and nasty, or 5, right and mild???? • “BreakThrough Ad4/5” strain- new isolate of adenovirus. • Isolated from a vaccinated recruit or a vaccinated population. • Serotyped as Ad4 by microneutralization (old). • Genome determination and analysis (new) suggest it is Ad5. • BLAST; genome alignments; hexon and fiber trees. • But also contains genome of Ad21. • Other such coinfections contain 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 simultaneous Ads!! • Recall genome recombinations and “super” strains....
Also, other studies- hexon analysis: Genomics to crystals Map critical regions onto crystal structures of proteins, like hexon. Hexons are coat proteins that antibodies can bind and neutralize, so -Why does this antisera not work with AdX but does against AdY?
And- Molecular modeling: Fibers and CAR 1) D-D-A-D P-P-P-P 2) S-S-S-P 3) P-P-P-P 4) K-K-K-K From sequence alignment of.... Fibers can dictate cell types to infect, so Why does AdX infect lung and not GI?
Molecular modeling: Comparative fibers --- - - Species A, C, E bind CAR; Species B1 and B2 do not.
Accomplishments and in progress • 17 genomes sequenced and analyzed; several published. • Families of genes in the process of analysis. • Ad4 is a result of zoonosis. • Ad4FS have adaptively evolved to human host. • accounts for ‘super’ virus, from <10% to 99+% of ARD cases. • through genome recombinations. • Genome recombinations are common between adenoviruses. • Coinfections of adenoviruses occur naturally. • Vaccine development must take the above into account. • or else, ‘super’ virus. • Implications in gene therapy and in vaccine vector development. • Whole genome analysis tools GeneOrder and CoreGenes. • Multiple Sequence (nucleotide and coding anchors) Alignment tool.