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Involvement. GBC 2012. Overview. Improve involvement of student body and drive interaction among students Pass on the baton Video of outgoing people talking about what they did and how it shaped their thought process and leadership capabilities
Involvement GBC 2012
Overview • Improve involvement of student body and drive interaction among students • Pass on the baton • Video of outgoing people talking about what they did and how it shaped their thought process and leadership capabilities • Graduating batch stays for 20 extra days to pass on the baton to incoming class (1-year MBA program). Helps in building the bond that helps the incoming class with jobs and other career-related decisions • Interaction between Faculties and students • Dinner with the dean to facilitate interaction among students - in the batches of 20 + faculties (1st year and 2nd year) • Regular parties where faculties and student bodies are invited • Interaction among students • Second year students spend first couple of weeks after students join in on telling them about different positions. Personally touch base with people asking for participation • Organizing socials to facilitate interaction among students – start with small batches and after a while transition to big settings • Speed networking: Two concentric circles firmed—inner one with second year students and remains static and the outer circle consists of incoming class and keep moving after every minute or so. This helps tremendously in quickly building the contact. • All day team building event – seven day thing – every day something new is planned • Barbeques – first few weeks after the incoming class joins in, they are invited to barbeques to build rapport and camaraderie. This is organized in way so that students who have come with their families can also join. • Involvement of Clubs: Budget allocation – carrot and stick approach – in order to get funding do attend the student association meetings
Programming • Getting 2nd years to continue to be engaged in the programming – “check-out problem” • Horrible idea: Guest Speaker Series: 2 speakers coming every week. Mandatory for students to attend. Counts like a class (credit is attainted) and write a 300 page summary with evaluations and 3 key messages from the session and 2 references/requests for additional knowledge. Alumni relation office pays for all of this. • Faculty member grades the reports. Random selection of grading reports. • Global Business Forum: weekly speakers come to campus and there are little in-class speakers. Offered every quarter, 1 day per week. Full-time during lunch and evening before class. Not required but you do pay for it. • Topic per quarter
Class Interaction • Interaction between 2nd years and 1st years • Idea: establish mentor program/buddy program between 1st years and 2nd years. • Mentorship class that 2nd year students have to apply for and be selected to become a mentor. Mentors attend orientation for 1st years, and when they’re broken up they are assigned a mentor. They receive training about what mentoring is about in theory, and they write papers, etc. Get credit, get a grade, and also be nominated and decide to fill-out an application after that. Faculty-led. • Leadership Fellows: get $1,000 stipend from endowment. 1st week: build norms and expectations. Very useful for 1st years – set-up norms with 2nd years. • Center for Excellence: 2nd years and outside students. Lets you book appointments – like a G.A. They get paid for these responses.
1st year involvement • 1styear challenges 2nd year to flag football game – “Foster Cup”. • 1st years and 2nd years compete in all sorts of events to foster engagement and interaction between the classes. • Between current students and alum: sporting competition with alumnae over the weekend. For a game of football or soccer. Networking opportunities. Excellent alumni response. • Involvement of part-time program – encourage inclusiveness and participation – time and inclusion
GBC Participation • Make sure every meeting is relevant, and come out with specific deliverables for the next session • Individual meetings have a big impact – ask the question: what road blocks can we remove? What can we do to help? • Decentralize things – push things out to the members of the board so they feel accountable and valuable. And follow-up, make specific touch points along the way. • Master calendar is vital – know when what’s going to happen, and identify certain calendar areas that you need to lighten the responsibilities, and make it clear that once that period is past the expectations change. Huge accountability. • Review mechanisms for leaders and student body: set goals at the beginning of the year and have mid-year reviews. Incorporate informal touch points. • Understand that people are giving up their valuable time and appreciate it. Respect their time. • Weekend retreat before responsibilities started: bonding time, goal setting, team building. Figuring out what made each other tick, explain how they got there. People feel the need to live up to their promises and commitments. Social pressure. • Final Council Dinner – board and all of their helpers. Club leaders. Thank you dinner – but they also gave out awards and acknowledged those who had done a lot. Announce this first!
Motivating • Motivation beyond personal problems – accountability • Generating network effects for speakers and events – “motivating the masses” • Interactions beyond within the school – take advantage of other graduate and academic programs
Faculty and Student Interaction • Net Impact group and GBC – Dodgeball tournament for charity – hugely successful • Alumni Reconnect: took all different programs (FT, PT, EMBA, MSF) and brought back 3-4 last years of alumnae and last year’s class and brought together key faculty with those students and was a “wine and dine” event. Alum came back to see professors. Allowed everyone to reconnect and thank alum for what they taught them. One evening event. • Ask alumnae ask faculty questions and use that as a resource for current students to appreciate their current education and give them something to look forward to for future community to stay engaged with the school moving forward • “let the faculty shine” if they are teaching outside of their area of research/specific interest • Give profs an opportunity to show the students their research and their current projects. Also gives students the opportunity to think differently • Lunch series with faculty – give them vouchers to go out to lunch with the students to discuss research. Funded by student gov’t • Speed-dating with faculty. Over lunch, all the faculty one month into the program. 40 students, and 10 students per table with 4 members of faculty (core), juggled tables 10-15 minutes over a 1 hr period. Let students give dynamic feedback on the course, and faculty the opportunity to listen and explain why they’re doing what they’re doing. • Auction off things – night out with certain professors.
Club Participation • Improve quality/quantity • Good ways to promote events/involvement • Weekly newsletter – quality control • Get three big newsletters – MBA, career services, and other departments -> can we consolidate further • Master calendar schedule • Too many events – cap? Community service, sports, academic, career development • Too few people • Scheduling conflicts – extracurricular vs. academic/30-40 clubs • Promotion/driving interest • Methods for gauging interest metrics • Involvement of 2nd years – involvement decrease after job search ends • Participation by same people at all events • 1st and 2nd year relationship building • Maintaining initial 1st year excitement for leadership positions • FT MBA/PT MBA • Integrate family – spouses, children • Quality of life position of student board - with the goal of increasing inclusivity • Partner Club – events just for spouses/families, might not involve the actual
Misc. • Partners - Partner may not have enough time to actually participate • Diwali, Chinese New Year - unique here that we can’t get anywhere else esp. small towns • Using Facebook as means to communicate between and to spouses • Student body presenting their subject/career expertise • Involve partners as well on their expertise • School wide Super Event – Corporate sponsorship to curb costs – brings recruiters • *“xSchool Afternoon” – faculty, administration, students, family • Coffee Hour – 10 minutes too short and failed, need 10+ minutes • Empower after idea generation – run the initiative not just think about it • Educational/academic v social event • DRIVE Involvement – not walking the walk, vocal but not willing to do the work • Give them a title, make a position • *Short term leadership position – quarter long, smaller commitment, not proven • Short idea/platform to show some commitment • Delegate VP ability to create positions • Leadership Labs – TED first follower, provide some training • Empowering the clubs – club prize for excellence • Incoming president sets the goal and monitor the process and club survey to determine whether or not targets were hit • Committees – orientation, graduation to help match interest with position