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Steps towards Muon Physics Results - MJL - 1/26/02

Steps towards Muon Physics Results - MJL - 1/26/02. Alignment with p-p and Au-Au field off data Verification and tuning of tracker with real data once alignment is adjusted correctly then Au-Au, where additional issues that come with higher-occupancy must be dealt with

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Steps towards Muon Physics Results - MJL - 1/26/02

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  1. Steps towards Muon Physics Results - MJL - 1/26/02 • Alignment with p-p and Au-Au field off data • Verification and tuning of tracker with real data once alignment is adjusted correctly • then Au-Au, where additional issues that come with higher-occupancy must be dealt with • Develop best way to get vertex, especially for p-p where beam-beam is inefficient (and NTC has effectively no vertex resolution) • Optimization of algorithms to deal with dead FEM's and HV for the Run-II data and study of the resulting acceptance and efficiency losses • Make muon oriented data set list for p-p and Au-Au • Improve Web documentation • Cleanup of muID roads • Develop track embedding machinery to allow determination of efficiency dependence on centrality and other kinematic variables • Develop machinery to group events in "classes" and mix events from same classes to describe random backgrounds. Classes would be events with about the same vertex, centrality, time data was taken, etc.

  2. Make analysis plan for J/Y and single-muons in p-p and Au-Au • Analyze all p-p and Au-Au data to DST's (micro-DST's) remove bad runs, separate zero-field, HV off, etc. • check symmetry for unpolarized distributions and compare with simulations (important especially for decay angular distributions) • get data resident on disk in compact (micro-DST) format • determine resolutions in physics variables (ie. so that when binning in these you know what your bin resolution is) • get important information form rest of PHENIX, e.g. centrality • calculate p-p J/Y cross section from data and check min-bias Au-Au cross section • bin J/Psi's in 2 or so bins in centrality, pT, cos(theta-decay-cs), rapidity • compare to J/Y -> e+e- results • make PR pictures of J/Y events • do realistic track embedding study to get centrality, pT, etc dependence of acceptance*efficiency • study stability of J/Y cross sections (yield/MC) versus important cuts • evaluate tracking efficiency separately from muID by turning off muID seeding of tracker

  3. study efficiency versus occupancy (similar to centrality dependence but different?) • extract single-muon pT spectra for p-p and Au-Au • study dependence on decay-length (i.e. on vertex near or far from South arm) • study vertex distribution versus pT • simulation of pion decay backgrounds and comparison with data also K, J/Y, DY, etc. backgrounds • Pythia simulations of charm and beauty (using Akiba parameters from 130 GeV single-e paper?) • iteration/unfolding of single-muon spectra above backgroup to get D spectra • D-Dbar cross section and comparison with other measurements including our own electron measurements • systematic uncertainties • look also at F and U mass regions

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