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Subculture. A subculture is a group of people with a set of ideals, philosophies, ethics, style, music or customs that exists within or outside, but not as a component of general culture or society. subculture appeared in Science in the mid 50-ies of XX century.
A subculture is a group of people with a set of ideals, philosophies, ethics, style, music or customs that exists within or outside, but not as a component of general culture or society. subculture appeared in Science in the mid 50-ies of XX century.
In 1950, the American sociologist David Rayzmen in their studies brought the concept of subculture as a group of people intentionally to elect the style and values, preferred minority.
A more thorough analysis of the phenomenon and the concept of subculture has Dick Herbidzh in his book Subculture: the meaning of style ". He believed that subcultures attract people with similar tastes, which do not meet generally accepted standards and values. In the Soviet Union used the term "informal networks of youth", hence the slang word "non-formals".
Subcultures can basically contain various interests, from music styles and disciplines of art to political beliefs and sexual preferences.
When subcultures develop, they begin to a single style of clothing (Image), language (jargon, slang), symbols, and the overall outlook for its members. A typical image and demeanor is the main thing that separates "us" from strangers.
Emo culture appeared in our town recently. The name comes from the word "emotion", and in essence it is connected with the title: "When emo laugh - the walls are shaking, when the emo cry, tears may flood the entire city."
Emodiffer inappearance:averybrightmakeup,bright clothingwiththe advantageof apinkcolor.Thepresenceofcoloredstripes,ribbons,bows in largequantitiesandinclothesandhair,different coloredtrinkets,colorful socks.Shoesarepinkin color, massiveinsize. Otherwiseemodoesnotdifferfromother subcultures:alargenumberofpiercings, tattoos,bright coloredface andbody.
Emo have emotional instability, which can be explained as follows: They have the behavior of "laughter - tears." this behavior is manipulative, artificial They take drugs and alcohol
From our point of view, the mentally healthy person is able to control your emotions, not to cry or to laugh about, and without reason. There is even a saying: "Laughter for no reason - a sign fool. Disturbing evidence that suicide rates among adolescents have a higher percentage of representatives of emo.
We can conclusion that both the appearance and inappropriate behavior is different from the usual emo teenager.
Girls dressed maxi-skirts, corsets, laced up the legs high boots, black makeup lips and nails. Hang round silver ornaments from Egyptian, Christian and Celtic symbolism.
The motto for life: "All our life - preparing for death" (seneca).
Goths rather like emo, because theydo not like to talk about myself
Goths rather like emo, because do not allow themselves to take pictures.
Goths are often aggressive and conflicted with other subcultures.
From this it follows that the Gothic subculture aggressive. It does not teach a teenager to pursue goals in life, distorts reality. Constant thoughts about the afterlife suppress psyche, generate pessimism, depression, reluctance to think about the future. No place in the subculture of vitality, joy of progress, motivation to learn and work, satisfaction with life, sensitivity to relatives, friends, respect for their own health.
So, on the one hand, youth subcultures cultivate protest against adult society, its values and authority, but on the other hand, they are designed to facilitate the adaptation of youth to the same society. Man caught in a subculture, it becomes a whole. It takes all the orders, the laws of the new society, he changed the system of values and world view. Someone changes the subculture, like gloves, just for the sake of their external manifestations, shocking others, not get into the essence and philosophy, which in greater or lesser extent, exists in every informal movement. Even those who are loyal to one of their informal organizations, often do not understand it. Most often, such a surface is exactly the younger generation.
From the subjective point of view of the authors negative aspects of subcultures are: appearance, which shy away from passers-by, use of body modification: cuts, punctures, bumps, scars, etc..; Tattoos on his body, the lack of desire to work, many hours hangouts, alcohol and drugs (not to say that all informal people are alcoholics or drug addicts, but none of the subculture is not precluded); no subculture is not conducive to the full personal development of adolescents.
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