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Welcome OCS!!

Welcome OCS!!. Aging and the TBI population. Presented B y. Nichole Swackhamer , MS/OTR, CAPS, CCM Director of Clinical Services. What will we cover?. Typical brain function and basic anatomy Definition and types of TBI Normal Aging of the brain How does aging affect TBI survivors?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome OCS!! • Aging and the TBI population

  2. PresentedBy Nichole Swackhamer, MS/OTR, CAPS, CCM Director of Clinical Services

  3. What will we cover? • Typical brain function and basic anatomy • Definition and types of TBI • Normal Aging of the brain • How does aging affect TBI survivors?

  4. Anatomy of the brain

  5. Brain Function Parietal Lobe Functions • Sense of touch • Spatial and Visual perception • Differentiation of size, shapes, and colors Occipital Lobe Functions • Vision Cerebellum Lobe Functions • Balance • Skilled motor activity • Coordination • Visual perception Brain Stem Functions • Breathing • Arousal and consciousness • Attention and concentration • Heart rate • Sleep and wake cycles Frontal Lobe Functions • Attention and concentration • Organization • Speaking (expressive language) • Motor planning and initiation • Personality • Mental flexibility • Inhibition of behavior • Emotions • Problem solving • Planning and anticipation Temporal Lobe Functions • Memory • Understanding language (receptive language) • Sequencing • Hearing

  6. What is normal aging in the brain? • Reduction in short term memory retention • Decline in processing speed, including motoric and mental processing • Physically, the brain decreases in weight and volume (5-10% between 20-90 yrs old) • Changes to the grooves in the brain • Increase in neurofibriliary tangles • Formation of plaques

  7. Incidence of TBI • 1.7 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year. • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Injury Prevention, the leading causes of TBI are: • Falls (35.2%) • Motor vehicle-traffic crashes (17.3%) • Struck by/against events (16.5%) • Assaults (10%

  8. Types of TBI Diffuse Axonal Injury (TBI) Concussion (TBI) Contusion (TBI) Coup-contre coup injury (TBI) Second Impact Syndrome (TBI) Open and Closed Head Injuries Penetrating Injury (TBI) Shaken Baby Syndrome (TBI)

  9. The aging brain injury • All normal aging biology occurs but at an accelerated rate following a TBI, including: • Decrease in Neuroplasticity • Acceleration of brain atrophy

  10. Other issues that can affect the aging TBI survivor • Loss of skills gained in rehabilitation. • Increased risk for injuries from falls and other impact injuries. • Acuity of senses diminishes • Increased risk for other injuries. • Increase in medical needs • Increased risk for social isolation. • General decrease in endurance, strength and range of motion. • Decrease in independent living skills.

  11. Is brain injury a risk factor for Alzheimers/dementia? Possibly!….those factors would include: • Age at injury • Area of brain injured • Type of TBI • Genetics/Family History According to a study in 2002, By J. Victoroff, which looked at the role of previous TBI as a risk factor for dimentia, and Alzheimers. Overall, head trauma with a loss of consciousness was present in 80% of the Alzhemier’s groups vs. the non-alzheimer’s group.

  12. Questions

  13. Website: www.ocsmgt.com Phone: 877-532-1144 • Fax: 631- 380-5761 Email: ocsmgt@charter.net

  14. 877-532-1144 * fax 631-380-5761 916 Fremont * Bay City, MI * 48708 www.ocsmgt.com

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