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Updated eNOI System - Screen Shots

Updated eNOI System - Screen Shots. Registration Additional Help Text CGP NOI LEW. Registration. Registration: Warning Notice. Registration : Terms & Conditions. Registration : User Information. Registration : Organization Information. Registration : Add Program.

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Updated eNOI System - Screen Shots

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Updated eNOI System -Screen Shots • Registration • Additional Help Text • CGP NOI • LEW

  2. Registration

  3. Registration: Warning Notice

  4. Registration: Terms & Conditions

  5. Registration: User Information

  6. Registration: Organization Information

  7. Registration: Add Program Select “Stormwater Notice of Intent (eNOI) (SWENOI).”

  8. Registration: Add Program ID Enter the 2-letter state abbreviation in the “ID” text box.

  9. Entering the eNOI System: User Control Panel

  10. User Control Panel This is the first screen you will see after you’ve registered. Enter information here to begin submitting a form.

  11. Additional Help Text

  12. Additional Help Text: Help Link A “Help” link has been added at the top of each page that includes frequently asked questions and glossary terms. This pop-up box will appear when you select “Help.” The keyword search will display results like those below.

  13. Additional Help Text: Tips Toolbar This toolbar opens text boxes with useful information to help you understand the process.

  14. Additional Help Text: Question Marks These buttons lead to explanations of the questions.

  15. Additional Help Text: Profile This screen allows you to view your user account information. RACHEL SMITH TEST@TEST.COM CONSTRUCTION INC

  16. CGP NOI

  17. CGP NOI: User Control Panel This is the first screen you will see every time you log into the eNOI system. Rows highlighted in red indicate that the form is waiting for you to take an action (e.g. waiting for your certification, etc.).

  18. CGP NOI: User Control Panel (Cont’d) Pop-up boxes will sometimesappear.

  19. CGP NOI: User Control Panel (Cont’d) Errors will appear in red towards the top of the screen if required information is not submitted; you cannot proceed without entering this information.

  20. CGP NOI: EPA Permit Number You must verify that the EPA permit number predicated by the system is correct.

  21. CGP NOI: Operator Information You will receive one of the following pages. This page is displayed if the system does not recognize the operator name so that the operator information can be entered. This page is displayed if the system recognizes the operator name so that the operator information can be pre-populated.

  22. CGP NOI: Project/Site or Facility Information You must enter your site’s specific location.

  23. CGP NOI: Latitude and Longitude (Cont’d on the next slide) Enter your site’s latitude and longitude. You can have eNOI prepopulate your latitude and longitude based on the site’s address that you provided earlier. This button allows the user to pre-populate the latitude and longitude value determined by the eNOI system into the box below.

  24. CGP NOI: Latitude and Longitude Validation The system will map the latitude and longitude and the site address to provide a visualization to verify the information.

  25. CGP NOI: Project Dates Enter the project dates for your construction activity.

  26. CGP NOI: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Information Enter the SWPPP information.

  27. CGP NOI: Discharge Information Enter information about your site’s discharge.

  28. CGP NOI: Endangered Species Protection Select the criterion that you used to satisfy the endangered species protection requirements in the permit.

  29. CGP NOI: Form Review Review the information that you provided on the previous screens.

  30. CGP NOI: Form Confirm Confirm the information you provided on the previous screens.

  31. CGP NOI: Certification Information One of the following screens will be displayed if the user registered as a certifying official. This screen is displayed the very first time that a certifier signs the form if he personally filled out the form. This screen is displayed if a staff person submitted the form to the certifier for signing. It allows the certifier to 1) save the form to review it further, 2) send it back to the staff person with comments, or 3) approve and certify the form.

  32. CGP NOI: Designate Certifying Official One of the following screens will be displayed if the user registered as a staff person. This screen is displayed if there are no certifiers associated with the facility/site and the staff person has to enter the certifier information to send the form to. Drop down list displays the names and emails of certifiers associated with the facility/site. This screen is displayed if there are certifiers associated with the facility/site. Notice there are two options. Allows the staff person to enter a new certifier like in the screen above.

  33. CGP NOI: Thank You This screen indicates that the eNOI system has received your form.

  34. LEW • The first 5 screens are identical to the CGP NOI flow: • Operator Information • Project/Site or Facility Information • Latitude and Longitude • Latitude and Longitude Validation • Project Start Dates

  35. LEW: Rainfall Erosivitiy Factor Calculation Data

  36. LEW • The last four screens are identical to the CGP NOI flow: • Form Review • Form Confirm • Certification Information • Thank You (text is tweaked from the NOI though)

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