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What Can You Do about PMI Project Management Professional Question & Answers Right Now?

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What Can You Do about PMI Project Management Professional Question & Answers Right Now?

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  1. PMI, P MP P roject Managem en t P rofessional

  2. Ve rs ion: 4 0 .0 Q uesti on:1 A n el em e nt of the proje ct scope state m e nt i s: A . A cce ptance cri te ri a. B. A stake hol de r li st. C . A sum m ary budge t, D. Hi g h- l ev el ri sk s. Answer :A Q uesti on:2 W hi ch docum ent de scri be s the ne ce ssary i nform ati on to de te rm i ne if a proje ct is w orth the re qui red i nv e stm e nt? A . C ost basel i ne B. Se rv i ce le ve l ag re em ent C . Mem orandum of understandi ng D. B usi ne ss ca se Answer :D Q uesti on:3 W hi ch i nput to the Pl an Ri sk Ma na g em ent proce ss prov i de s i nform ati on on hi g h-l ev el ri sk s? A . P roje ct charter B. E nte rpri se e nv i ronm e ntal factors C . Stakehol der regi ster D. Orga ni za ti onal proce ss as se ts Answer :A Q uesti on:4 W hi ch i te m is an exam pl e of pe rsonne l asse ssm ent? A . Res ource cal e ndar B. Ti g ht m atrix C . Team -buil ding acti vity

  3. D. Focu s g roup Answer :D Q uesti on:5 W hi ch i nput to the Manag e Stake hol de r E ngag em ent proce ss prov i de s g ui dance on how stake hol de rs can be st be i nv ol ve d in a proje ct? A . Fee dba ck anal y sis B . Stake hol de r anal ysis C . C om m uni cati on m anag em ent pl an D. Stake hol de r m anag em ent pl an Answer :D Q uesti on:6 W hi ch i nput to the I de nti fy Stake hol de rs proce ss prov i de s i nform ati on about i nte rnal or ex te rnal parti es re l ate d to the proje ct? A . P rocure m e nt docum e nts B . C om m uni cati ons pl an C . P roje ct charter D. Stake hol de r re gi ster Answer :C Q uesti on:7 The I de nti fy Sta ke hol de rs proce ss is found in w hi ch P roce ss G roup? A . I niti ating B . Moni tor i ng a nd C on trol l i ng C . Planning D. E xe cuti ng Answer :A Q uesti on:8 A n i nput to De ve l op P roje ct C harte r is a/an: A . Busi ness case. B. A cti vi ty li st.

  4. C . P roject m anag em ent pl an. D. C ost fore ca st. Answer :A Q uesti on:9 W hi ch Know le dg e A re a i nv ol ve s i de nti fy i ng the pe opl e, g roups, or organi zati ons that m ay be im pacted b y or i m pa ct a proj e ct? A . P roje ct Ri sk Manag em e nt B . P roje ct H um an Re source Manag em e nt C . P roje ct Scope Manag em e nt D. P roje ct Sta ke hol de r Ma na g em e nt Answer :D Q uestion: 10 W hi ch i nput to C ol le ct Re qui re me nts is used to i de nti fy stake hol de rs w ho can prov i de i nform ati on on re qui re m e n ts? A . Stakehol der regi ster B . Scope m a na g e m e nt pl an C . Stakehol der m anag em ent pl an D. P roje ct charter Answer :A For more info: PMI-PMP Question & Answers

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