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Castle in the attic. By Ethan Richard Benoit. This story starts out with a boy named William. He is a very special boy. Cause he goes on a very special adventure.
Castle in the attic By Ethan Richard Benoit
This story starts out with a boy named William. He is a very special boy. Cause he goes on a very special adventure. One day a boy named William got off of the school bus and said hi to Mrs. Phillips his mother. Then his mother says that she is moving back in with her brother and William will have to live by himself. William could not believe it he was going to have to live by himself. He could not let Mrs. Phillips leave. Then Mrs. Phillips gave him a present she said it was in the attic .It was a Castle. William could not believe it was a real Castle. He could play in it when ever he wanted. Then William went to gymnastics his friend Robert was there. They played after wards. Then William told Robert that Mrs. Philips was moving to England. Then William left to go back home then he found a silver knight in the castle it was alive it was moving. Then he talked to William. Then William found a Medallion. The knight said that is what turned him little and that transferred him to this world. William got a idea.
He would use the medallion to shrink Mrs. Phillips. Should he do it or just let Mrs. Phillips go and live with her Brother. Then William would have to live by himself . Alone with nobody to feed him. He would have to feed himself. Then William goes back to the knight and he sais his name is Sir Simon. Then he tells William about the evil Wizard that turned him into the small form. With the medallion. Then he told him about the castle that it was magical and could transport you to the other world. The knights world. The were going to the knight world but Sir Simon said that William had to train first. The next morning William fed the silver knight food he fed him breakfast and dinner. William thought he should shrink Mrs. Phillips. So he did then In a flash of a second. Mrs. Phillips was as tiny as Sir Simon. Mrs. Phillips was furious at William but William was happy that now Mrs. Phillips could not leave . But she was very mad.
William trained and trained then he was finally was ready to face the wizard with Sir Simon. They traveled trough the forest and then William helped a man named Dick. Then he went to the Wizards castle and the dragon turned into a cat cause William spoke kind words to him. Then William went in to the Wizards Castle. Read this book to find out what happens next….
About the author Elizabeth Winthrop is the author of more than 60 works of fiction for all ages. She is the winner of the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award, the Pen Syndicated Fiction Award. Elizabeth has written books for children of all ages (The Castle In The Attic, Counting on Grace, Dumpy La Rue), novels for adults (In My Mother’s House and Island Justice), short stories (The Golden Darters, Best American Short Stories 1992), and poetry (published in anthologies and literary reviews
The Next Book William wonders if Jason is his friend anymore cause Jason has grown a foot taller than William so William is a shrimp. Jason tries to take over the Castle . That is why this book is called Battle For The Castle