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PICASSO Preview July 30, 2010. Essential Question. What changes have been made on PICASSO for 2010-2011?. Goals for Today. Look at changes to PICASSO What’s new for 2010-2011 Preview the new and improved Language Arts/ Reading Handbook. Course Guide. Course Guide.
PICASSO Preview July 30, 2010
Essential Question What changes have been made on PICASSO for 2010-2011?
Goals for Today • Look at changes to PICASSO • What’s new for 2010-2011 • Preview the new and improved Language Arts/ Reading Handbook
Writing Rubrics • Young writers can be described in terms of writing behaviors they exhibit. Children go through distinct stages of development as they learn to write. The stages are characterized by common, observable writing behaviors. • The following stages A-D reflect the characteristics of young emerging writers. • Cobb County Kindergarten students are assessed in their development of the writing process every nine weeks. • When the student has successfully moved through the four emergent stages, he/she would then be assessed using the Cobb County Kindergarten Writing Rubic. The rubric should be used as the student gains competency in the writing process.
Cobb County Kindergarten Writing StagesChild’s name_________________________________________Date _____________________
Cobb County School District Grade K (Writing Rubric) K Standard: The student begins to understand the principles of writing
Kindergarten Writing Task Commentary for the Student Celebrations: Commentary for the Student Next Step: You used capitalization at the beginning of your sentences and punctuation at the end. You also used the left to right pattern of writing. Can you write more to describe your experiences with watermelon?
Special Education Services: Specialized Instruction Special Education services are defined as providing “specialized instruction”. Specialized instruction can consist of strategies that target individual student learning issues… Or it can consist of specialized research-based programs that address learning issues within the co-taught classroom or small group special education classroom.
What is required for Students With Disabilities (SWD)? Many SWD have significant deficits in literacy skills (reading, writing, spelling, language, etc.). Data from CCSD indicates a large number of SWD going from elementary to middle to high school with very low reading skills. When a SWD’s overall reading level is 2 or more grade levels below, the student needs to receive intensive intervention through a specialized instruction reading program – to prevent this consequence.
Essential Question: What are we doing differently to provide intensive interventions for SWD who are 2 or more years below grade level in reading? K-3 Phonological Awareness and Word Work: (for both co-taught and small group) Fundations Small Group K-3 Guided Reading Writing: – Targeted Reading Intervention and Exploring Writing 4th-5th All Literacy Areas: the Language! Comprehensive Literacy Program
Resources and Support To provide continuity, the Special Education Department has specialized instruction programs for reading in elementary, middle and high schools. There is an urgency to increase reading skills for SWD before they enter middle school. Specialized Instruction Consultants are available to provide training and support for every school. Contact Debbie Lozo for more information
Jigsaw • Divide into groups. • Each group will come get one section of the handbook to read and discuss. • Use the chart paper and markers to make a summary of your section. • Your group will have about 2 minutes to share your summary.
Philosophy and Principles • Challenge • Motivate • Research based • Richness of language • Georgia Performance Standards • Balanced Literacy • Rigorous instruction • Ongoing assessment • Differentiated • Variety of resources
Components of Balanced Literacy • Read Aloud • Shared Reading • Guided Reading • Independent Reading • Shared Writing • Interactive Writing • Guided Writing • Independent Writing • Word Work
Suggestions for Implementing Good Habits, Great Readers K-3 • Shared Reading • Teach Focus and Mini-Lessons daily. • Teach lessons that support the GPS. • Flexible scheduling of Focus and Mini-Lessons • Guided Reading • Suggested guided reading books, lessons, and centers can be found in the GHGR Shared Reading Teacher Guide. • Use the Assessment Card to determine when students are ready to move to another guided reading level.
Suggestions for Implementing Good Habits, Great Readers K-3 • Independent Reading • GHGR does not include specific information for independent reading. • Students should read independently each day in order to build stamina and practice skills and strategies. • Teachers are encouraged to confer with students during independent reading.
Reading Instruction Building Background in Reading • Stages of Reading • Reading Terminology • Early Reading Strategies • Concepts of Print
Reading Instruction Strategies for Reading Improvement • Comprehension • Accuracy • Fluency • Vocabulary • Motivation