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z ≲ 0.2 QSOs. McLure and Dunlop (2001). High z. Low z. Local SMBH and Galaxy Correlations. M BH - σ * relation. M bul / M BH 800. (e.g. Kormendy & Richstone 1995, Magorrian et al. 1998, Haering & Rix 2004). (Gebhardt et al. 2000, Ferrarese & Merritt 2000).
z ≲ 0.2 QSOs McLure and Dunlop (2001) High z Low z Local SMBH and Galaxy Correlations MBH-σ* relation Mbul / MBH 800 (e.g. Kormendy & Richstone 1995, Magorrian et al. 1998, Haering & Rix 2004) (Gebhardt et al. 2000, Ferrarese & Merritt 2000) Barth et al. (2004, 2005), Greene & Ho (2005) Marconi & Hunt 2003
Chien Peng (STScI) Hans-Walter Rix (MPIA) Chuck Keeton (Rutgers) Emilio Falco (CfA) Chris Impey (Steward) Chris Kochanek (OSU) Joseph Lehár (CfA) Brian McLeod (CfA) The Coevolution of SMBHs & Galaxies out to z=4.5(Using Gravitationally Lensed Quasar Hosts)
How does the MBH/Mbulge ratio change as we look to very high redshift (z > 1, observations only)? z=MBH/Mbulge(z) relative to today
Road Map: how to get BH & bulge mass GALFIT (Peng et. al. 2002) or other sim tech Non-lensed Deblend AGN/host w./ 2-Dimensional Parametric image fitting Lensed LENSFIT Peng et al. (2006) Bulge mass: Inferred from host luminosity Black Hole mass: Virial technique of Type 1 AGN using C IV (z > 1.5), Mg II (0.8 < z < 1.5), H.
Quasar Host Galaxies: low z (< 0.5-ish) McLeod & McLeod (2001) Data Host Resid
z 2-3 Radio Quiet Quasar Hosts (RQQ) Ridgway et al. (2001) Quasar subtracted images, HST/NICMOS H-band (restframe V) Deep images: 4-7 orbits each (30 total)
Road Map: how to get BH & Bulge mass GALFIT (Peng et. al. 2002) or other sim tech Non-lensed Deblend AGN/host w./ 2-Dimensional Parametric image fitting Lensed LENSFIT Peng et al. (2006) Bulge mass: Inferred from host luminosity Black Hole mass: Virial technique of Type 1 AGN using C IV (z > 1.5), Mg II (0.8 < z < 1.5), H.
Softened Isothermal Ellipsoids (SIE): (x, y), mass, Rc, q, PA (6N free parameters) Lensed quasar: point source (x, y), mag (3N free params) Lensed host galaxy: Sérsic Profile (x, y), mag, Re, n, q, PA (7N free params) External “shear”: γ, PA (2 free params) Foregound galaxy: Sérsic profile (x, y), mag, Re, n, q, PA (7N free parameters) LENSFIT: A New, Parametric, Way to Solve the Lens Equation While Image Fitting Peng et al. (2006, in prep) N = number of comps. (light + deflector), unrestricted. The simplest model has a minimum of 22 free parameters (no maximum), all simultaneously adjusted to reduce pixel χ2. Most params have small covariance: Objs. well resolved (x,y) accurate Shapes very different ⇒params well constrained. Light profiles (analogous to GALFIT): Deflection models:
Lenses: 1 SIE + 2 SIS Host: n ∼ 4 re 2 kpc H = 20.4 ⇒ MV = -22.5 MBH = 1 x 109 M☉ (expect re∼10 kpc if host fully formed, passively evolving)
Host: n ∼ 1.5 re2.3 kpc H = 20.6 ⇒ MV = -23.5 MBH = 2 x 109 M☉ (expect re∼15 kpc if host fully formed, passively evolving)
Edge-on spiral galaxy lens + face on barred spiral external perturber (SIE + γ). Host: n ∼ 1.6 re 3 kpc H = 21.3 ⇒ MV = -22.1 MBH = 1 x 108 M☉ (expect re3 kpc if host fully evol.)
Highest redshift host in lensed sample Host: re kpc H = 22.3 ⇒ MV -25 MBH = 1 x 109 M☉ (expect re10 kpc if host fully evol.)
Road Map: how to get BH & Bulge mass GALFIT (Peng et. al. 2002) or other sim tech Non-lensed Deblend AGN/host w./ 2-Dimensional Parametric image fitting Lensed LENSFIT Peng et al. (2006) Bulge mass: Inferred from host luminosity Black Hole mass: Virial technique of Type 1 AGN using C IV (z > 1.5), Mg II (0.8 < z < 1.5), H.
Mass (modulo M/L) Black Hole - Bulge Coevolution @ z≳ 2 Peng et al. (2006)
Black Hole - Bulge Coevolution Peng et al. (2006)
Black Hole / Bulge Mass Ratio at z ≳ 1 z=MBH/Mbulge(z) relative to today
Conclusion: • z2 hosts almost follow the MBH vs. restframe R-band luminosity of z0. • The MBH vs. MBulge is 3-6 times higher at z > 2 than at z=0, so galaxies may gain mass by a factor of 3-6 since z2. • At z ≳ 2, the re of hosts are 1/2 to 1/5 the size expected of fully formed, passively evolving E/S0s. • Systematics issues (dust, BH mass normalization, normalization dependence on z) remain to be checked.
Future: What can Weaken Conclusions Significantly? • Dust can’t be ruled out (but, locally, at least, star formation wins over dust extinction.) Will do rest-frame IR imaging of lensed hosts, resolved IFU kinematics of lensed hosts at z > 1. • Black hole masses over-estimated by a factor of 2-3 (evolution of the virial relation?, Dep. on L/Ledd?)? Will estimate MBH using Hlinewidth. But fundamentally, the limitation on the normalization is the small size of the reverberation mapped sample and redshift regime.