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Rare Kaon Decays Experiments. Augusto Ceccucci/CERN LNF Spring School, May 17-18, 2004. Why study Rare Kaon Decays. Search for explicit violation of Standard Model Lepton Flavour Violation Probe the flavour sector of the Standard Model FCNC Test fundamental symmetries CP,CPT
Rare Kaon Decays Experiments Augusto Ceccucci/CERN LNF Spring School, May 17-18, 2004 Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Why study Rare Kaon Decays • Search for explicit violation of Standard Model • Lepton Flavour Violation • Probe the flavour sector of the Standard Model • FCNC • Test fundamental symmetries • CP,CPT • Study the strong interactions at low energy • Chiral Perturbation Theory, kaon structure • I will give a review of recent experimental results • In addition to KL and K+, alsoKS rare decays (BR≤10-8) start to be studied • I will also briefly review the new initiatives that should lead to significant advance in the field by the end of this decade Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Outline • Search for Lepton Flavour Violation • BNL E871, E865 • Standard Model and CP-Violation • K0L→p0 ee, K0L→p0mmKTeV-E799 II • K0S→p0 ee, K0S→p0 mmNA48/1 CERN • K0L→p0nnKTeV • K+→p+nnBNL-E787 / E949 • Other tests of CP Violation • Chiral Perturbation Theory, Kaon structure • K+→p+ ee, K+→p+mm • KS,L→gg NA48/1, KLOE • KS,L→p0gg NA48, NA48/1 • Kaon Dalitz Decays KTeV • Proposed/Future Experiments: • BNL/J-PARC/FNAL/CERN Lecture I Lecture II Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Kaon Mesons Main Decay Modes Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Bag of tricks for the Rare Kaon Decay Practitioner • Identify an intense source of kaons • Proton Accelerators • e+e- storage ring (phi factory) • Prepare homogeneous kaons beams • “Separated” beams (when possible) • Well collimated beams (Constraint on transverse momentum) • Ideal “beam”: → K0S K0L • Construct a fast, large acceptance detector • Design a very selective and efficient “trigger” • Rejection factors of 100-1000 are not unusual • Find an appropriate normalisation channel • With topology as similar as possible to the signal one • Protect Nature from human bias • “Blind” Analysis • Be paranoid about backgrounds • Consider all possible sources • Measure from data as much as you can “inverting” cuts Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Proton Accelerators * Foreseen **used the 800 GeV TeVatron beam e+e- Storage rings ( factories) DANE (KLOE), VEPP II (CMD2, SND) ** Planned Kaon experiment 2003 Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
SEPARATED K+ BEAMS RF2 RF1 DUMP DUMP L Require DFpp = 360o • For same DF, keep L/p2 constant, i.e. L ~ p2, but decays ~ p • If phase difference DFpp = 360o, then DFpK = 93o , DFpe = 8o • Loose this phase advance if p different from nominal momentum • The frequency f is limited by technology and by coherence lengthto about 6 GHz. Electrostatic separators: D = (m12-m22)cEL/2p3 (Viable only up to a few GeV) Radio-Frequency separators: DF = 2p (L f / c) (b1-1 – b2-1) with b1-1 – b2-1 = (m12-m22)/2p2 Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
A momentum change of 14% changes the pp phase difference by 90 degrees Can only tolerate a Dp/p of 1% DFpK p/po DFpp 14% Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Master Formula Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Forbidden DecaysLepton Flavour Violation Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Lepton Flavor Violation* • Puzzling replication of generations…. • Foreseen in many extensions of SM: • Generation-Changing gauge interactions • Left-Right symmetry • Technicolor • Compositeness • Super-symmetry * Neutrino oscillations not discussed Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Processes mediated by Generation-Changing Bosons Cahn, Harari (1980) m-e conversion x m→ e g x x x K+→p+m+e- |Dg|=1 |D g| = 0 |D g| = 1 x x m→ eee KL→me Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
AGS-871: K0L→me Searched for K0L→me(Lepton Flavour Violation) Measured very precisely K0L→m+m- Observed the rarest (hadronic) particle decay: BR(K0L→ e+ e-)= 9 +6 -4 10-12 • Hottest neutral kaon beam • 20 KW (~1.5 1013 /3.2 sec, 24 GeV protons) • 2 108K0L per AGS spill • 15 MHz Kaon decays • Beam stopper after the first two tracking stations • n/K ratio ~ 8 • Benchmark for high intensity detector • Straw chamber tracker • Rate up to 750 KHz/wire (K. Lang et al. NIMA522 2004) • Double Magnetic Spectrometer (PT kicks: 418 and 216 MeV/c) • Provides redundant momentum measurements • Allows one to trigger on “parallel” tracks from kaon two body decays • Muon Range Stack: • 26 V + 26 H hodoscopes (prop. tubes) located between steel, Al, and marble absorbers (5% increments of muon range) Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
AGS-871: K0L→me PmeTmax= 238 MeV/c Steel, Marble, Al absorbers 5% m range increments Redundant electron identification Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
AGS-E871: K0L→me • Background from semi-leptonic decays: K0L→ p e • with p→ mn decay in flight: Mmax(me)=489.3MeV • Excellent mass resolution (~ 1 MeV) Required • Scattered on vacuum window and first • tracking station: • Irreducible background @10-13 Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
AGS-E871: K0L→me Excluded Region Search Region BR(K0L→me) < 4.7 10-12 90% CL Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
AGS – E865: K+→p+m+e- Searched for Lepton Flavour Violation Measured K+→p+e+e- and K+→p+m+m- Measured K+→p+p-e+n(Ke4) • 6 GeV/c un-separated positive beam • 1013 p/ cycle on 10 cm long Cu target • Double magnetic spectrometer • S(P) = 0.003 P2 GeV/c • Redundant e PID: 2 Cherenkov + Shashlyk-like calorimeter • Backgrounds from: • K+→p+ p0→p+e- e+ g (p0 Dalitz decay) • K+→p+p+p- (t decays) • Accidentals (time-wise overlap of different kaon decays) Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
AGS – E865 • 108 K+ /pulse • 109 p+/p /pulse Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
AGS – E865: K+→p+m+e- Likelihood incorporating information from: • Vertex and track quality • Reconstructed beam parameters • PID and timing • Three-track invariant mass • K+→p+p+p- 10% prob. of finding smaller Likelihood Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
AGS – E865: K+→p+m+e- Data MC Monte Carlo B(K+→p+m+e-) < 2.8 10-11 90% CL Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Lower limits on “horizontal” bosons (gX/gW)~1 >150 TeV/c2 >60 TeV/c2 >37 TeV/c2 • Further progress on LFV expected in the muon sector: • m→eg PSI • m- N →e- N MECO@AGS, J-PARC? Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Charged LFV limits versus time 1 10-2 - N e-N + e+ + e+ e+ e- W. Molzon 10-4 10-6 10-8 10-10 E871 10-12 K0 +e-K+ + +e- 10-14 SINDRUM2 10-16 MECO Goal 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Rare K decays and Standard Model Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
CP-Violation in SM A phase in the quark-quark current leads to CP-Violation (Kobayashi, Maskawa, 1973) Ng=2 Nphase=0 No CP-Violation Ng=3 Nphase=1 CP-Violation Possible 6 unitarity relations (triangles in the complex plane) lt = V*tsVtd Im lt 0 CP-Violation Paradigm shift: After the demonstration of the existence of direct CP-Violation, e’/e 0, (NA48, KTeV) and of CP-Violation in B mixing (BaBar, Belle) one is searching for inconsistency in the CKM model Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Kaon Rare Decays and the SM JCP=2(Triangle Area) is the unique measure of CP-Violation in SM JCP = Im(Vud*VusVts*Vtd) ~ cosqc sinqcIm lt In the Wolfenstein parameterisation (l, A, h, r): Im lt = A2l5h, Re lt = A2l5r (holy grail) CP-Violation CP-Conservation Kaons provide quantitative tests of SM independent from B mesons Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
K0L→m+m-Motivation Short distance contributions to KL→mm sensitive to Re lt Buchalla & Buras 1994 Long distance contributions: • Absorptive part (Im Agg) is dominant (2 real photons) • Dispersive part(Re Agg) depends on the • K-g*g(*) form factors that can be studied with • the Dalitz decays: • Is much less under control • Can interfere with the SD piece Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
AGS-E871 K0L→m+m- ~6200 events Limits on r limited by the error on Agg and g*g* form factors Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Progress onK0L→p0ee and K0L→p0mm Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Study of direct CP-violation Direct CPV is expected to be sizeable in KL→ p0l+l- But Indirect CPV and CPC Contributions have to be addressed K0L→p0ee (mm): Motivation Direct CPV Indirect CPV CPC 0++, 2++ Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
K0L,S→p0ee (mm): Experimental Consideration • The recent progress on K0L,S→p0ee (mm) has been possible thanks to a new round of experiments (FNAL-KTeV and CERN-NA48) approved to measure Direct CP-Violation in two pion decays of the neutral kaons (Re e’/e) • To measure Re e’/e , these experiments were equipped with state-of-the-art electro-magnetic calorimeters to reconstruct the 2p0 decays. These calorimeters are essential for the study of rare kaon decays with photons in the final state. • Irreducible background: K0L→ eegg (Greenlee, 1990) - TheK0L→ p0 ee mode is background limited • Same final state as the signal, only gg mass resolution and kinematics are available to suppress these backgrounds • To keep it to the ~1 event level the acceptance is quite reduced • Possible future searches will be background dominated Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
KTeV-E799-II (FNAL) Pure CsI mgg~1 MeV TRD KL flux ~ 7 × 1011 Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
FNAL-KTeV Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Fermilab - KTeV Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
NA48 Detector & Data Taking NA48: ’/ 1997 ’/ 1998 ’/ 1999 no spectrometer 2000 KL NA48/1 KS ’/lower inst. intensity 2001 2002 NA48/1: KS 2003 NA48/2: K Total: 5.3M KL00 1996 Magnetic spectrometer Liquid krypton EM calorimeter NA48/2: K 2004 Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Liquid Krypton Calorimeter 9 m3 of Lkr (13212 cells) 1.25 m deph (27 X0) s(E)/E = 3.2%/E 9 % /E 0.42% s(mgg)~1 MeV/c2 ;s(t) ~ 300 ps Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Re e’/e measurements versus time Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Re(’/) Results 2=6.2/3 Final result (1997-2001) Half statistics (1997) Direct CP violation proved at >7 level…after 36 years! Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
NA48: Re e’/e=14.7 ± 2.2 10-4 Top 10 articles from Physics Letters B: • 1. The hierarchy problem and new dimensions at a millimeter http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0370-2693(98)00466-3 Physics Letters B, Volume 429, Issues 3-4 , 18 June 1998, Pages 263-272 Nima Arkani-Hamed, Savas Dimopoulos and Gia Dvali • 2. A precision measurement of direct CP violation in the decay of neutral kaons into twopions http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0370-2693(02)02476-0Physics Letters B, Volume 544, Issues 1-2 , 19 September 2002, Pages 97-112 J. R. Batley et al. (NA48 Collaboration) • 3. Has the GZK suppression been discovered? http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0370-2693(03)00105-9 Physics Letters B, Volume 556, Issues 1-2 , 13 March 2003, Pages 1-6, John N. Bahcall and Eli Waxman • 4. Testable scenario for relativity with minimum length http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0370-2693(01)00506-8 Physics Letters B, Volume 510, Issues 1-4 , 21 June 2001, Pages 255-263 Giovanni Amelino-Camelia • 5. Role of effective interaction in nuclear disintegration processes http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0370-2693(03)00801-3 Physics Letters B, Volume 566, Issues 1-2 , 24 July 2003, Pages 90-97 D. N. Basu • 6. Determination of solar neutrino oscillation parameters using 1496 days of Super-Kamiokande-I data http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0370-2693(02)02090-7 Physics Letters B, Volume 539, Issues 3-4 , 18 July 2002, Pages 179-187 S. Fukuda et al. • …. Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
KTeV: K0L→p0ee WC CsI Charged Vertex e g d12 g D e Neutral Vertex D ~ 1/m(p0) sqrt(Eg1Eg2) d12 Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
KTeV: KL→p0ee KL→p0p0p0, pegn+gacc e+gX e-X gX KL→p0p0p0D, pen+p0acc KL→eegg background crossing the signal box (BR~6 10-7 !!) DATA 1999 M(eegg) computed using the neutral vertex, assuming m(gg)=m(p0) M(gg) computed from charged vertex Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
KTeV: p0ee vs eegg kinematics KL→eegg “radiative” distribution Minimum angle between any e and g p0→gg decay asymmetry p0→gg “isotropic” distribution Expected background: 0.99 ± 0.33 events cosqp0 Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
One candidate in the signal box Combining 1997 and 1999: KTeV: KL→p0ee 1999 data BR(KL→ p0 ee ) < 3.5 × 10-10 @90%CL BR(KL→ p0 ee ) < 2.8 × 10-10 @90%CL Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
KTeV: K0L mmgg BR(KL m+m-gg,Mgg>1MeV/c2) = BR(KL m+m-gg, Eg*>10MeV) = 4 events seen First observation [PRD 62, 112001 (2000)] Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
KTeV: K0L p0mm BR(KL p0mm) 3.8 x 10-10 (90% C.L.) [PRL 86, 5425 (2001)] 2 events in signal region Data Background MC Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
Interpretation of KL→p0ee(mm) p0 KL KS e e • Before interpreting the results one has to address the • CP-Conserving amplitude (see later) • CP-Violating from K0-K0bar mixing • This was exactly the goal of NA48/1 at CERN • The results will be described in some detail Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
First Observation ofK0s→p0ee and K0s→p0mm Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
MDX100 magnet MTNV magnet Artist’s view of the Target station (Vertical section) KS KL 400 GeV protons W insert Be target Pt Converter Horizontal (KL) beam axis Bronze plug 1:1 0.6 m 10mm MTNV magnet 0.5 m MDX100 magnet 1:25 6.23 m CERN-NA48/1: High Intensity K0S Converges to KLaxis at -0.6 mrad Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
NA48/1: K0S→p0 ee Example of calculation of charged vertex for K0S→ p0 p0D • The charged vertex is used to compute M(eegg) • The neutral vertex is computed imposing the Kaon mass Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
NA48/1: KS→ p0 ee KS→ p0p0D→ggee(g) KS→p0 ee MC MC • To reject the KS→ p0p0Ddecays that may mimic KS→p0 ee if a g is lost, a cut mee>0.165GeV/c2 is applied Augusto Ceccucci/CERN
NA48/1: KS→p0 ee e+-e-+ (Odd Sign) DATA e+-e-+ DATA vs. MC Blind Control & Signal regions meegg (GeV/c2) mee (GeV/c2) Augusto Ceccucci/CERN