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Ch. 21 Assessment p. 586-587 #1

Ch. 21 Assessment p. 586-587 #1. Drinking alcohol can lead to ------- a state of reduced physical and mental control . intoxication. #2. -------- is when a person drinks five or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting. Binge drinking. #3.

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Ch. 21 Assessment p. 586-587 #1

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  1. Ch. 21 Assessment p. 586-587#1 Drinking alcohol can lead to ------- a state of reduced physical and mental control. intoxication
  2. #2 -------- is when a person drinks five or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting. Binge drinking
  3. #3 ------- is a potentially fatal reaction to an alcoholic overdose. Alcohol poisoning
  4. #4 Which is not a short-term effect of alcohol? ►Coordination is impaired ►Damage of brain cells & reduction in brain size ►More stomach acid is produced ► Judgment is altered
  5. #5 Which type of person is most likely to be quickly affected by alcohol? A small female who has not eaten A large female who just ate dinner A small male who just ate dinner A large male who has not eaten
  6. #6 Which is a potential consequence of long-term excessive alcohol use? The need for a liver transplant
  7. #7 Why are teens who drink more likely to put themselves in risky situations? Alcohol slows the central nervous system, which diminishes clear thinking & good judgment.
  8. #8 Terry takes a 12- hour allergy medication, and then drinks alcohol after waiting an hour. Explain why this is not a safe behavior. Interactions between medication and alcohol can lead to illness, injury, or death
  9. #9 How does long-term excessive drinking affect the brain? The brain becomes dependent on the alcohol. The brain can become damaged, causing loss of memory and verbal and visual skills. The brain may decrease in size.
  10. #10 Dana drinks only occasionally, but when he drinks he does things that he later regrets. His friends assure him that he is fun when he drinks, and that he should not worry about his actions. Does Dana have a drinking problem ? Explain. Sample Answer: He does have a drinking problem because when he drinks he cannot control his actions.
  11. #11 A person passes out after drinking. Explain the dangers of leaving the person alone, and what actions should be taken . *Look for the following signs “alcohol poisoning:” Mental confusion and stupor Coma and an inability to be roused Vomiting and seizures Slow respiration Irregular heartbeat Hypothermia-low body temperature---pale, bluish skin color Answers vary. Students should describe the dangers of alcohol poisoning and calling 911 immediately.
  12. #12 Teens are likely to experience neglect or abuse if there is ------- in their family. alcohol abuse
  13. #13 People who have a chemical need for alcohol have a -------. physiological dependence
  14. #14 A dependence on drinks with alcohol is called-------. alcoholism
  15. #15 When a person believes that alcohol use is needed to feel good or function normally, that person has a -------. psychological dependence
  16. #16 Which of the following influences teens to stay alcohol free? Seeing alcohol adds on TV. Having parents who disapprove of alcohol use Attending alcohol- sponsored sporting events having peers who drink a alcohol.
  17. # 17 Which is not a result of the high- risk behaviors associated with alcohol use? A. increased deaths in traffic accidents B. increased frequency of date rape C. suspension from sport teams D. improve job prospects
  18. #18 If you stay alcohol-free, which is a likely benefit? a. Decreased likelihood of getting a sexually transmitted disease b. Increased likelihood of being injured in an accident c. Decreased likelihood of making responsible decisions d. Increased likelihood of being a victim of violent crime
  19. #19 Which Is not a strategy to stay alcohol free? Planning an alcohol-free party Practicing refusal statements Attending parties with people who use alcohol Calling for a ride home if alcohol is present
  20. #20 Explain. What are the dangers of adult alcohol use? What are the dangers for teens ? Adults are at risk for health problems and becoming alcoholics. Teens are at risk of getting suspended form school and engaging in unprotected sexual activity that can lead to sexually transmitted diseases.
  21. #21 Analyze- How does sponsoring community events and music concerts help alcohol companies sell their products? Consumers, including teens, associate good feelings with alcohol products.
  22. #22 Discuss- How does teen alcohol use impact the community? Teens who use alcohol are more likely to engage in risky behavior and illegal activities.
  23. #23 Evaluate- Why are alcohol-free teens more likely to achieve their long-term goals than teens who use alcohol? Teens who avoid alcohol are less likely to be involved in accidents, violent crimes, and illegal activities. They are focused on their goals and make healthy decisions that help them reach their goals.
  24. #24 Examine- Why is avoiding gatherings where alcohol is present the best way to stay alcohol-free? At gatherings where alcohol is present, there is peer pressure on teens to drink alcohol.
  25. #25 This is a condition that babies can be born if a female drinks while pregnant. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  26. #26 The amount of alcohol in a person’s blood that is expressed as a percentage in blood alcohol concentration/fetal alcohol syndrome. Blood alcohol concentration
  27. #27 An addict who is dependent on alcohol is in/an sobriety/alcoholic. recovery
  28. #28 It is illegal for adults to drive when they have what BAC level? .08
  29. #29 Which is not likely to occur if a person is caught drinking and driving? A field sobriety test will be conducted The person loses driving privileges The person loses insurance coverage There will be no penalty
  30. #30 A baby born with FAS my have which of the following? Anxiety Facial deformities Kidney problems All of the above
  31. #31 Which is not part of the stages of alcoholism? Making excuses for alcohol-related problems Becoming intoxicated regularly Going through detoxification Alcohol taking control of the drinker’s life
  32. #32 Identify. What effects of alcohol make it risky to drive after drinking ? Alcohol slows reflexes, reduces ability to judge distances and speeds, increases risk-taking behavior, reduces concentration, and increases forgetfulness.
  33. #33 Apply. Jacob’s mother is seven months pregnant. She thinks it is alright to start having an occasional glass of wine with dinner because the fetus is mostly developed. What should Jacob tell her ? Answers will vary but should contain the understanding that it can harm a fetus and cause FAS.
  34. #34 Analyze. What factors increase one’s likelihood of becoming an alcoholic ? Genetics and environmental factors such as family, friends, culture, peer pressure, availability of alcohol, stress, and the age at which a person starts drinking.
  35. #35 Synthesize. Jesse knows she has a drinking problem and wants help. Explain what she can do to find help. Sample Answers: She can contact organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous Can fine counseling services in the community
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