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EOCT Retest Administrations November 7 – 8, 2011. Purposes of the EOCT Retest Opportunity. To further enhance the program and provide and an additional opportunity for students to demonstrate their proficiency.
Purposes of the EOCT Retest Opportunity • To further enhance the program and provide and an additional opportunity for students to demonstrate their proficiency. • A retest opportunity will be offered in each of the ten (10) EOCTs that comprise the program. • Remember that EOCTs are being implemented in GPS Algebra and GPS Geometry in 2011 – 2012. • The retest is optional, not mandated, and does not alter the secondary assessment transition plan that was adopted by the State Board of Education. • Whether or not an EOCT retest score is used to amend a student’s original course grade is a local system decision.
EOCT Retest • Beginning after the Winter 2011 administration, a single retest opportunity will be available for students who did not meet the standard on an EOCT. • Only students who were recently enrolled in the course the previous semester are eligible. • Students may participate in the retest after focused remediation provided by the local district/school.
Retest Eligibility The following students ARE eligible to participate in EOCT retest administrations: • Students who passed the course, but who did notmeet the standard on the associated EOCT. • Students who did notpass the course and who also did notmeet the standard on the associated EOCT. - Consideration should be given to whether a retest would be in the student’s best interest.
Retest Eligibility • Retest opportunities apply to EOCTs taken during the 2011 – 2012 school year and subsequent years. • Retest administrations are NOT intended for students who participated in EOCTs taken prior to the Winter 2011 administration. • Students who passed the EOCT are not eligible to retest. • Retests may not be utilized for the sole purpose of providing students the opportunity to earn a passing EOCT score that can stand in lieu of a passing Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT) score (as provided for under the terms of the Secondary Assessment Transition Plan).
Retest Eligibility • Eligible students may participate in a retest administration only once per content area for a given semester/year in which the student was enrolled in the associated course; we are unable to provide multiple retest opportunities. • For example, a student who is eligible to retest in Biology as a result of their performance in winter 2011 may retest in any of the retest windows that follow the Winter 2011 administration within the 2011 -2012 school year. The student is limited to one retest attempt. • If the student fails the Biology course itself and subsequently reenrolls in that course, they would be required to participate in the EOCT again as their final exam at the end of their new Biology course. Because the EOCT serves as the course’s final exam, EOCT scores may not be banked.
Retest Eligibility Is it required that eligible students participate in the retest? No. Retests are being offered as an additional opportunity for students who did not meet the standard to demonstrate their proficiency on the EOCT. It is important to note that students are not required to pass the EOCT to earn their diploma. The test serves as the final exam in the course and comprises a percentage of the course grade. When should eligible students take a retest? Students who are eligible to retest should do so only after having completed a targeted period of remediation designed by their local system/school.
EOCT Retest Calendar • Retest administrations will be offered multiple times during the year. • In most cases, they will occur in conjunction with Mid-Month windows. • Additionally, to provide maximum flexibility for systems and schools, these windows (both retest and Mid-Month) will be two weeks in length. • Retests should NOT be conducted during the spring and winter Main Administration windows. • Students who are eligible to retest should do so after having completed a targeted period of remediation designed by their local system/school.
EOCT Retest Calendar Students who take an EOCT in 2011 – 2012, and who are eligible for a retest, may participate in the retest windows below: Note: Dates for future Mid-Month/Retest windows for the 2012 – 2013 school year will be provided at a later date and communicated in future editions of the testing calendar. ***Retests should NOT be conducted during the dates of the main administration windows (winter or spring)***
Scheduling Considerations • Diligent attention must be given to the development of a schedule that protects the security and integrity of the test administration. • EOCT retests may be scheduled at any time during the state retest/mid-month testing window. • Systems may elect a one-day or a two-day administration; however, all schools in the system must follow the same schedule as closely as possible. • Individual subject areas must be administered on the same or consecutive days within the system. • At no time should some students complete a test one week and another group of students complete the same test the following week. • For scheduling examples, please refer to Page 66 of the Student Assessment Handbook. *Allowing flexibility in the scheduling of the EOCT, to meet the variety of school schedules that exist, is dependent upon everyone involved in the administration protecting the integrity of the program.
Scheduling Considerations • Schools must adhere to the testing times prescribed in the Examiner’s Manuals. • Total administration time for the tests is 90-120 minutes. • Additional time is required for disseminating materials, completing forms, and other test protocols. • Allowing too much or too little time may result in an invalidation. • When scheduling tests, consider the optimum time to administer the tests. • Consider logistics, including time and staffing. • During one-day test administrations, lunch should not serve as the break between sections I and II. To do so, would allow for potential breaches of test security.
Scheduling Considerations – Test Make-ups • The purpose of the make-up days is to administer the tests to students who are unexpectedly absent during the regularly scheduled retest administration. • Include sick days, verified court dates, etc. • Does not include personal vacations, school field trips. • When in doubt, contact GaDOE. • Make-ups for a scheduled retest administration must only be administered during the retest window.
Security • Maintaining test security and test integrity is critical. • All EOCT must be administered and supervised by a Georgia-certified educator. • Students and teachers need to understand test protocols and the ramifications of not following testing procedures. • Violations may result in invalidation of students’ tests and/or referral to the Professional Standards Commission.
Security • Test Coordinators and/or Examiners should keep a record of all students tested for each EOCT administration. • In addition to student’s name and EOCT administered, please remember to include form numbersfor each student in your documentation. • Refer to the Student Assessment Handbook for additional security information.
Testing Irregularities • All personnel in the local system must follow protocol as they become aware of testing irregularities. • Signs of any testing irregularity must be dealt with immediately. • Test Examiner > School Test Coordinator > System Test Coordinator > Melissa Faux
Testing Irregularities • All irregularities must be coded, documentation completed and submitted on the Testing Irregularity Form in the MyGaDOE Portal. • Once the irregularity code is received, it may be used on future common place irregularities but all irregularities must still be documented in the portal. • Only the GaDOE may invalidate assessments.
Testing Irregularities • When entering the documentation into the portal, you must include the form number of the test that needs to be coded as an irregularity or invalidation. • Portal documentation must clearly indicate if a score should be invalidated, or counted as an irregularity. • Failure to include the form number when completing the Testing Irregularity Form will result in delayed and/or inaccurate reporting of scores.
Testing Irregularities – Online • For online students, follow these steps in PearsonAccess: • Test Management Overview/Register Students (find & select student)/Assigned Tests (Choose the subject)/Edit • Select ‘yes’ using drop down options for either the Irregularity, Invalidation or PIV box. • Enter the 5-digit SDU B code. • Failure to select ‘yes’ for the correct indicator (Irregularity/Invalidation/PIV) and/or failure to enter the correct corresponding SDU-B code will result in the delayed and/or inaccurate reporting of scores.
Testing Irregularities – Online Student Authorization Ticket Students must verify and sign their names Allb Allcorrect • To avoid a student testing under another student’s GTID, you must : • print ALL Student Authorization Tickets • have students verify AND sign their names BEFORE testing begins
EOCT Retest Logistics • All EOCT retest administrations must be administered online through PearsonAccess. • Systems that wish to have training specific to the use of Pearson Access for online test administrations should contact Robin Jindrich-Cecil at 888-705-9414 x 21-6973. • Systems may request paper/pencil materials for a student with a disability that prevents them from accessing the assessment in an online format. • Braille and Large Print will be available for students who require it. • Braille and Large Print test books are ordered through Additional Orders. • Please note that PearsonAccess has the ability to deliver a large print version online.
Registering Retest Students using an SDU Upload • Enter retest student data in the SDU template • Save the template in a secure location • Go to the Student Data Overview tab • Select Send Student Data • Browse for the location of the saved template and select it • Select the Test Administration to load the file • Select “Send” • Email notification will be sent indicating whether the SDU uploaded successfully
Registering Retest Students using an SDU Upload • For instructions on completing an SDU upload, please refer to the following resources on PearsonAccess: • Georgia SDU Text File Layout (User Documentation Tab) • Georgia SDU Template Instructions (Templates Tab) • Georgia SDU Template 2011-2012 (Templates Tab)
Resources for Using an SDU Upload • To register students for a retest administration, districts can submit an SDU upload. • An updated Georgia SDU Text File Layout (Pre-ID Layout) will be posted to PearsonAccess the week of November 14th.
Resources for Using an SDU Upload New Subject Indicator codes (different from those for a main or mid-month administration) will be listed in the SDU Layout (and the SDU Template) to ensure students are being registered for a retest administration.
Resources for Using an SDU Upload • To ensure the SDU correctly uploads to PearsonAccess, please follow the instructions for uploading students using an SDU Template • PearsonAccess, Georgia SDU Template Instructions
Select the Student Data Overview tab 1. Go to the Send Student Data tab on PearsonAccess • Once you have entered the retest student data in the SDU Template, and saved the template in a secure location, you will perform the following steps:
Uploading and Sending Student Data 2. Under File Name, browse for the location of where you saved the template with the retest student data and select the file. 3. Select the Test Administration (the corresponding main administration) to load the file. 4. Select “Send”
Results of SDU Upload 5. Shortly after you enter “Send” you will receive email notification that the file has been received and is being processed. PearsonAccess will also indicate the status of the file. 6. Once the file has been processed, another email notification will be sent indicating either a successful upload or that corrections are needed.
Manually Registering Retest Students (rather than using an SDU Upload) • Go to the Test Management tab and click on Register Students • Search for the student(s) who will retest by name and/or GTID and click on his/her name(s) • Add the student to the appropriate Retest class • Add the student to the appropriate Retest subject
Select the appropriate administration This will be the selection for retests conducted in January, February, and March 2012
Creating a new Retest class It will be helpful for you to make a notation in the “Class Name” that the administration is a retest (i.e.: “RT”)
Select “Yes” for Online Testing and enter a Teacher Last Name
Ordering paper materials (for a student with a disability who requires their use) Additional Order Windows • January Retest • Monday 1/2/2012-Wednesday 1/25/2012 • February Retest • Monday 1/23/2012-Wednesday 2/15/2012 • March Retest • Monday 2/20/2012 – Wednesday 3/14/2012
Answer Documents Complete the following sections with or without Pre-ID labels 12 letters (vs. 10) Retest administration Place Pre-ID Label here
Class Identification Sheet Complete only one Classroom Identification Sheet per group. • Class ID sheet updates: • New color • GPS Algebra, GPS Geometry bubbles • First Name – 12 characters (vs. 10) • Retest administration bubble Results will be reported based on how answer documents are grouped behind Classroom Identification Sheets. You may group students in whatever manner meets the reporting needs of your school/system.
Scores and Reports Preliminary On-Demand Class Roster (electronic only-PearsonAccess). • For online testers only. • Includes the same data fields as the Preliminary Class Roster Report. • Requested by a test administrator once a student/class submits their online test. • To request the report, go to the “On Demand Reports” section of the Test Results tab on PearsonAccess. The report will post electronically to the same location. • Contains student level data for a “class.” • Each time the report is requested, it is refreshed with the most current testing information for a particular class.
Scores and Reports • Class Roster Reports (electronic only-PearsonAccess) • Includes Scale Score, Performance Level, Grade Conversion score, and domain level information for each student in a specific class. • Batch printing is available to print single pdf’s that contain all Class Rosters by subject for a particular day. • Posted electronically to the Test Results tab and selecting the “School” radio button.
Scores and Reports • Individual Student Reports (Electronic only) • Includes Scale Score, Performance Level, and a Grade Conversion score. • One copy should be filed in the student’s permanent record and one given to student/parent. • Batch printing is available to print single pdf’s that contain all ISR’s by subject for a particular day. • Posted electronically to the Test Results tab and selecting the “School” radio button. • Data File • Retest data files can be requested once class rosters and ISR’s are available. • To request retest data files, please contact Pearson at: georgia@support.pearson.com
Online Testing -System Readiness ToolsUse of these tools are particularly important for systems testing online for the first time
System Check for TestNav System Check helps district and school technology personnel better assess the overall “readiness” of their local network for online testing. It checks 3rd party software and screen resolution to ensure the minimum requirements are met. https://proctorcaching.pearsonaccess.com/ems/systemCheck/systemCheck.jsp?acc=ga
System Check: Network User Capacity The network user capacity tab provides a guideline for how many students can be tested concurrently based upon a calculation run against detailed parameters of the administration, such as test size and number of test items. approximation “Point in time” sensitive (results are based on day/time of day generated)
System Check: Testing Volume Calculator The testing volume calculator tab allows you to input the number of students you want to test concurrently. You can then see if the number of students you are planning on testing is less than or greater than what the calculated Student Testing Capacity Enter # testers White Yellow Red
Infrastructure Trial An Infrastructure Trial provides the ability for schools and districts to participate in a mock experience prior to the actual testing administration taking place. This experience provides an avenue to identify any issues and respond accordingly to enhance the actual testing experience. The Infrastructure Trial is conducted by having students or volunteers participate in a test of the local infrastructure using a full-length mock test in TestNav. The Infrastructure Trial is not intended to serve as a practice test for students. A great resource for districts that have not previously tested online. To learn more about infrastructure trials, please contact the Pearson Customer Call Center at 888-705-9414 or email georgia@support.pearson.com
EOCT Resources 50 Student Assessment Handbook Georgia Assessment Calendar Test Coordinator’s Manual Examiner’s Manual/Online Examiner’s Manual Interpretive Guide Content Descriptions Content Weights Study Guides Mathematics I, Mathematics II, GPS Algebra, GPS Geometry Formula Sheets Physical Science Periodic Table Physical Science Reference Sheet Online Testing System Readiness Tools User Guides found on the Support Tab of PearsonAccess