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Konsep Pemrograman

Konsep Pemrograman. sbw@javagroup.co.id. Contoh Program C. # include &lt; stdio.h &gt; # include &lt; conio.h &gt; int main() { printf (&quot;Hello World From About<br>&quot;); getche (); return 0; }. Contoh Program C++. #include&lt; iostream.h &gt; #include&lt; conio.h &gt; main() {

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Konsep Pemrograman

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  1. Konsep Pemrograman sbw@javagroup.co.id

  2. Contoh Program C # include <stdio.h> # include <conio.h> int main() { printf("Hello World From About\n"); getche (); return 0; }

  3. Contoh Program C++ #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> main() { /* ini program C pertamasaya */ cout<<" KonsepPemrograman"<<endl; cout<<"\nMahasiswa : Ali"<<endl; cout<<"Kelas : 413"<<endl; getch(); }

  4. TIPIKAL PROGRAM C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Prepocessor directive Functionhitung() Functionmain() Operator

  5. TIPIKAL PROGRAM C • Komentar • Memberi keterangan kepada program. • Dituliskan diantara /* dan */. • Komentar tidak boleh nested. • /*ini sebuah komentar*/ • "/* ini bukan komentar melainkan string */" • /* komentar /* seperti ini */ akan menimbulkan kesalahan */

  6. #include <stdio.h> In C, #include forms a preprocessor directive that tells the C preprocessor to look for a file and place the contents of the file in the location where the #include directive indicates. • The preprocessor is a program that does some preparations for the C compiler before your code is compiled. The name of the stdio.h file stands for standard input-output header file.

  7. main () This is a very special function in C. Every C program must have a main() function, and every C program can only have one main() function You can put the main() function wherever you want in your C program. However, the execution of your program always starts with the main() function.

  8. One more important thing about main() is that the execution of every C program ends with main(). A program endswhen all the statements within the main() function have been executed.

  9. The Newline Character (\n) In the printf() function, one thing worth mentioning at this moment is the newline character, \n. Usually suffixed at the end of a message, the newline character tells the computer to generate a carriage-return and line-feed sequence so that anything printed out after the message will start on the next new line on the screen.

  10. Contoh Aplikasi C #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> main() { int a = 7; char b = 'G'; clrscr(); printf("%c Merupakan Abjad Yang Ke - %d", b, a); }

  11. ELEMEN BAHASA C • Karakter • Identifier • Keyword • Standard identifier • Programmer-defined identifier • Tipe data • Konstanta • Variabel


  13. IDENTIFIER • Identifier • Identitas, pengenal, nama segala sesuatu • Nama instruksi, nama variabel, nama tipe data, nama function • Ketentuan identifier • Diawali huruf atau garis bawah (underscore) • Diikuti huruf, angka, atau garis bawah • Panjang maksimum 32 karakter (Borland C++) • Bahasa C bersifat case sensitive • Huruf besar dan kecil dianggap beda • abc berbeda dengan Abc AbC ABC abC

  14. IDENTIFIER • Identifier yang panjang • luas_persegipanjang_berwarna_biru • luas_persegipanjang_berwarna_biru_muda • Contoh identifier yang benar • luas • segi3 • bilangan_1 • Contoh identifier yang salah • 3com diawali angka • persegi-panjang terdapat - • luas lingkaran dipisahkan spasi

  15. KEYWORD • Keyword • Identifier yang telah diberi kegunaan tertentu dan tidak boleh diubah

  16. STANDARD IDENTIFIER • Standard Identifier • Identifier yang telah didefinisikan compiler untuk kegunaan tertentu int main () { ... printf("POTONGAN HARGA SUSU\n");//OK ... } int main () { float printf; // OK ... printf("POTONGAN HARGA SUSU\n");//ERROR ... } Operator

  17. PROGRAMMER-DEFINED ID • Programmer-Defined Identifier • Identifier yang dibuat oleh pemrogram int main () { float j_unit, harga; //OK ... scanf("%f %f", &j_unit, &harga);//OK printf("POTONGAN HARGA SUSU\n"); ... }

  18. TIPE DATA • Tipe Data • Jenis data yang diolah • Bilangan bulat, bilangan pecahan, karakter

  19. TIPE DATA • Tipe data karakter (char) • 1 byte = 8 bit • 28 = 256 nilai  -128 … -1 0 1 2 … 127 • Tipe data short integer (short) • 2 byte = 16 bit • 216 = 65536 nilai  -32768 … 32767 • Tipe data integer (int) • 4 byte = 32 bit • 232= 4.294.967.296 nilai •  –2.147.483.648 … 2.147.483.647 Operator

  20. TIPE DATA # include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("char = %d\n", sizeof(char)); printf("short = %d\n", sizeof(short)); printf("int = %d\n", sizeof(int)); printf("long = %d\n", sizeof(long)); printf("float = %d\n", sizeof(float)); printf("double = %d\n", sizeof(double)); printf("long long = %d\n", sizeof(long long)); printf("long double = %d\n", sizeof(long double)); return 0; } char = 1 short = 2 int = 4 long = 4 float = 4 double = 8 long long = 8 long double = 12 Operator

  21. TIPE DATA • Qualifierunsigned pada tipe data • Tidak mengakomodasi nilai negatif • Seluruh daya tampung untuk bilangan positif • Default qualifier adalah signed Operator

  22. TIPE DATA • Single precision floating number (float) versus double precision floating number (double) # include <stdio.h> int main() { printf(" 123456789A123456789B\n"); printf("%.20f\n",(float)22.0 / (float)7.0); printf("%.20lf\n",(double)22.0/(double)7.0); return 0; } 123456789A123456789B 3.14285707473754880000 3.14285714285714280000 Operator

  23. KONSTANTA • Konstanta ialah nilai konstan • Integer constant • Konstanta integer desimal: 125 2010 • Konstanta integer oktal: 07 0642 • Konstanta integer heksadesimal: 0x36 0Xab5 • Character constant: ‘a’ ‘1’ escape sequence • escape sequence diawali garis miring terbalik • Floating point constant: 3.14 1.23e4 • String constant • “algoritma\npemrograman” Operator

  24. KONSTANTA • Escape sequence Operator

  25. KONSTANTA • Integer constant: desimal, oktal, heksadesimal # include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("123 (10) = %d\n", 123); printf("123 (8) = %d\n", 0123); printf("123 (16) = %d\n", 0x123); return 0; } 123 (10) = 123 123 (8) = 83 123 (16) = 291 Operator

  26. VARIABEL • Variabel • Tempat menampung data • Harus ditentukan tipe data yang ditampung • Harus dideklarasi atau didefinisi sebelum dipakai unsigned int nilai_tugas; int nilai_uts, nilai_uas; char huruf; float jumlah = 0.0; char titik = '.'; Operator

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