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. J-F: the ModelInternational effortsOECD human capital consortiumChinaExtensions
2. J-F: the Model
International efforts
OECD human capital consortium
Extensions & improvements
3. 3 Human Capital as Capital
Seminal: Becker (1964), Mincer (1974), Schultz (1961)
More recent
Economic sustainability and well-being
“Stiglitz” Commission: Commission on Economic Performance and Social Progress
World Bank Wealth Report
4. 4 Theoretical BasisJorgenson-Fraumeni
Neoclassical theory of investment (Jorgenson)
Investment amount as the price you would pay for a business machine that would help you earn future income
5. 5 Jorgenson-Fraumeni
Lifetime income projections
Depend upon education, age, and survival as well as income earned
Present discounted values adjusted for future expected income changes with contemporaneous information
6. OECD Human Capital ConsortiumJorgenson-Fraumeni Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, UK, US, EC (Eurostat), International Labour Organization,
Other countries who have already done J-F
China, Sweden
7. 7 OECD Consortium IARIW Progress Report by Liu
Market only
Ages 15-64
Ages 15-40 study & work
Ages 41-64 work only
Data on employment for 5-year age groups
Data on school enrollment by single year of age through age 29, 5-year age groups there-after
8. 8 OECD Consortium IARIW Progress Report by Liu
Discount rate of 4.58% and a real income rate growth rate of 1.32% following J-F (1992, Griliches volume)
Simplified methodology as suggested by Fraumeni (2008)
9. 9 IARIW OECD Report by LiuNominal Ratio of Human Capital to GDP, 2006
10. 10 IARIW OECD Report by LiuHuman Capital per Capita (Thous. of US$s)2006
11. 11 IARIW Human Capital in China PaperLi, Liang, Fraumeni, Liu, and Wang
Males 16-60
Females 16-55
For comparison purposes same real income growth rate and discount rate
Base case income growth rates
Urban 6.00%
Rural 4.11%
12. 12 IARIW Human Capital in China Paper
Mincer equation to estimate income
Modification of contemporaneous enrollment information
13. 13 IARIW Human Capital in China Paper Educational Attainment by Gender1982 vs. 2007, Millions
14. 14 IARIW Human Capital in China Paper Real Human Capital (trillions of 1985 RMB)
15. 15 IARIW Human Capital in China Paper Nominal Human Capital (trillions of RMB)
16. 16 IARIW Human Capital in China Paper2006 Comparison
Nominal ratio of human capital to GDP
is 5.1
below the OECD consortium country range
6.9 to 11.7
17. 17 IARIW Human Capital in China Paper
18. 18 Next Release: Provincial Human Capital Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Researchof theCentral University for Finance and Economics, Beijing, China & Hunan University students
19. 19 What Next for the OECD project?
Divisia quantity indexes
Will the nonmarket sector be added?
Will other countries become involved at a later date?
20. 20 Importance of Nonmarket Activities
60-70% of the value of all activities comes from nonmarket activities (J-F)
Given the hours worked for pay of all hours available in a week, this is not too surprising
How could we survive without nonmarket activities?
21. 21 Jorgenson-Fraumeni Mark 2
No decisions, but we’ll be back!