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USE OF SUBJUNCTIVE & INDICATIVE IN ADVERBIAL CLAUSES. An adverb is a word that indicates the manner, time, place, extent, purpose, or condition of a verbal action. It usually answers the how? when? where? or why?. Vamos al cine después. Let’s go to the movies (when?) afterward.
An adverb is a word that indicates the manner, time, place, extent, purpose, or condition of a verbal action. • It usually answers the how? when? where? or why? Vamos al cine después. Let’s go to the movies (when?) afterward.
A clause that describes a verbal action is called an adverbial clause. • It is joined to the main clause by an adverbial conjunction. Vamos al cine después de que ellos cenen. Let’s go to the movies (when?) after they have dinner.
Adverbial Clauses: Time • cuandowhen • después (de) que after • en cuantoas soon as • hasta queuntil • mientras (que)while, as long as • tan pronto comoas soon as • antes de que before
Future, anticipated outcomes versus present, habitual actions. • When the actions of the main and subordinate clauses have not yet occurred (that is, they represent a future action and an anticipated outcome), the subordinate clause introduced by these adverbial conjunctions uses the subjunctive. • When the action of the subordinate clause is habitual, the indiciative is used. Compare the sentences on the next page.
Adverbial clauses: Manner and place • The subjunctive is used with the following conjunctions to express speculation about an action or situation that is unknown to the speaker. The indicative is used to expressed what is known or has been experienced by the speaker.
Adverbial clauses: Manner and place • Aunque —although, even if • Como— as, how • De manera que— in such a way that • De modo que —in such a way that • Donde- where
Mucho Ojo!!!! • Mientras • Aunque • De modo que/de manera que • Donde ¿Sabes por qué? ¿Quién determina el significado?
Interdependence • Main clause and subordinate clause are interdependent (an event will not occur unless the other does too; or one event happens with a particular purpose) Unlike previous clauses, these always use the subjunctive when there’s a change of subject. If there’s no change of subject, the “que” is generally dropped, and the infinitive is used.
Ejemplos • Te presto dinero a condición de que me lo devuelvas • Estudio a fin de sacar buenas notas. • Te doy regalos a fin de que me quieras. • Para ser feliz, se necesita amar a otros. • Te doy mi tiempo y atención para que seas feliz.