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www.pack3508.org. Pack meetings are held at the Medina Presbyterian Church – 5020 Burgundy Bay Blvd – on the 3 rd Thursday of the month at 7 PM. September 2008. THIS MONTH’S THEME: NEW BUDDIES. Upcoming Pack Activities: Date Activity Sept. 12 th Stream Clean Up
www.pack3508.org Pack meetings are held at the Medina Presbyterian Church – 5020 Burgundy Bay Blvd – on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7 PM September 2008 THIS MONTH’S THEME: NEW BUDDIES Upcoming Pack Activities: DateActivity Sept. 12th Stream Clean Up 7PM, Roscoe Ewing Park Sept. 10thFall Roundup & Popcorn Kickoff 7PM, Medina Library Sept. 18thPack Meeting 7PM, Presby. Church Sept. 26th – 28thCamporee see details on web site Oct. 18thSafety Day see details on web site Oct 25th“Day Camp” & Haunted Hayride ask your den leader for details FALL ROUNDUP & Popcorn Kickoff 7 PM, Medina Library Community Room A/B. Come for fun, games, popcorn sale packets and other info for ‘08 – ’09. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS IT!! DEN NEWS TIGER NEWS: ??? WE NEED YOU! Will you be the next Den Leader? Cub Scout Pack 3508, Great Trail Council Webelos 1 NEWS: Your leaders are: 1st Den: Kurt & Michelle Myers kumizabe@zoominternet.net 330.241.5133 2nd Den: Carol Magaree and Matt McMaster bcmagaree@verizon.net lrmcmaster@roadrunner.com WOLF NEWS: Your Leaders are: Candice and Charlie Clausing candice318@yahoo.com , 330-241-5596 WE NEED YOU! We need another leader, ask Candice how. BEAR NEWS:YOUR LEADERS ARE: 1st Den: Cheryl Fritz and Chris Horvath kckefritz@zoominternet.net chris@horvathfamily.net AND the NEW 2nd Den: Steve Radabaugh steve.radabaugh@gmail.com Webelos 2 NEWS: YOUR LEADERS ARE: Monica Wirtz and Wes Michael monicajohnjr@aol.com Pack Leadership Cubmaster Heather Kovach heather.kovach@gmail.com 330.721.2704 Assistant Cubmaster Tom Hinshaw hinshaw@zoominternet.net 330.722.8289 Comm.Chair/Secretary Cheryl Fritz kckefritz@zoominternet.net 330.721.8834 Treasurer Candice Clausing candice318@yahoo.com330.241.5596 Advancement Chair Lisa Pattison pattison@zoominternet.net 330.723.7438Newsletter/Publicity Sally Pruitt sallypruitt@sbcglobal.net 330.723.1182Website Chris Horvath chris@horvathfamily.net 330.721.0662 Popcorn Kernels Kurt/Michelle Myers kumizabe@zoominternet.net 330.241.5133 Hiking Club Carol Magargee bcmagargee@verizon.net 330.722.6619