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Unit 3 and 4 Questions

Unit 3 and 4 Questions. Global 9 Review Myers. Which factor contributed to the beginning of the Renaissance in Italian cities?. (1) occupation by foreign powers (2) interaction with Latin America (3) surplus of porcelain from Japan (4) access to important trade routes. And the answer is.

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Unit 3 and 4 Questions

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  1. Unit 3 and 4 Questions Global 9 Review Myers

  2. Which factor contributed to the beginning of theRenaissance in Italian cities? (1) occupation by foreign powers (2) interaction with Latin America (3) surplus of porcelain from Japan (4) access to important trade routes

  3. And the answer is (4) access to important trade routes

  4. Which innovation had the greatest impact on theProtestant Reformation? (1) movable-type printing press (2) Mercator map projection (3) magnetic compass (4) triangular sail

  5. And the answer is (1) movable-type printing press

  6. 1340s—Mongols, merchants, and othertravelers carried disease along trade routes west of China. 1346—The plague reached the Black Sea ports of Caffa and Tana. 1347—Italian merchants fled plague-infected Black Sea ports. 1348—The plague became an epidemic in most of western Europe. (1) The plague primarily affected China. (2) The interaction of people spread the plague. (3) Port cities were relatively untouched by the plague. (4) The plague started in western Europe. Which conclusion can be made based on these statements?

  7. And the answer is (2) The interaction of people spread the plague.

  8. The Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, and theEnglish Bill of Rights were created to (1) limit the power of English monarchs (2) establish laws protecting the rights ofProtestants (3) organize England’s colonial empire (4) abolish the role of Parliament

  9. And the answer is (1) limit the power of English monarchs

  10. Which statement best describes the concept of mercantilism? (1) Universal suffrage leads to educated citizens. (2) Controlling trade is a key to increasing power. (3) Only the fittest deserve to survive. (4) Strict social control prevents revolutions.

  11. And the answer is (2) Controlling trade is a key to increasing power.

  12. The theory justifying a monarch’s rule by God’sauthority is called (1) laissez faire (2) totalitarianism (3) predestination (4) divine right

  13. And the answer is (4) divine right

  14. Which economic activity was the basis for most ofthe wealth and power of the West Africanempires of Ghana and Mali? (1) hunting and gathering (2) farming and cattle ranching (3) trading in salt and gold (4) working in bronze and brass

  15. And the answer is (3) trading in salt and gold

  16. What was one reason that some Italian citiesdeveloped into major commercial and culturalcenters during the 13th and 14th centuries? (1) unified central government (2) isolationist economic policies (3) geographic location (4) system of social equality

  17. And the answer is (3) geographic location

  18. Which two cultures most influenced the development of early Japan? (1) Greek and Roman (2) Chinese and Korean (3) Egyptian and Mesopotamian (4) Indian and Persian

  19. And the answer is (2) Chinese and Korean

  20. Which factor contributed to the success of theHanseatic League, the Kingdom of Songhai, andthe British East India Company? (1) location in the Middle East (2) imperialism in Europe (3) development of trade with other regions (4) growth of the Ottoman Empire

  21. And the answer is (3) development of trade with other regions

  22. Which area of Europe was least affected by the Black Death? (1) southwestern Europe (2) Mediterranean Coast (3) eastern Europe (4) British Isles

  23. And the answer is (3) eastern Europe

  24. One similarity in the rule of Peter the Great,Suleiman I, and Louis XIV is that each leader (1) shared power with a legislature (2) practiced religious toleration (3) expanded his territory (4) decreased the amount of taxes collected

  25. And the answer is (3) expanded his territory

  26. Which factors protected Russia from control byNapoleon’s army? (1) religious and cultural similarities (2) industrialization and modernization (3) geographic size and location (4) political and economic instability

  27. And the answer is (3) geographic size and location

  28. Maize and potatoes were grown in Europe. Millions of Africans suffered during the Middle Passage. Smallpox had devastating effects on indigenous peoples. Spanish language is used in much of Latin America. (1) Silk Road trade (2) Crusades (3) Columbian Exchange (4) Scramble for Africa Which global interaction is illustrated by these statements?

  29. And the answer is (3) Columbian Exchange

  30. “. . . Finally, gather together all that we have said,so great and so august [important], about royalauthority. You have seen a great nation unitedunder one man: you have seen his sacred power,paternal and absolute: you have seen that secretreason which directs the body politic, enclosed inone head: you have seen the image of God inkings, and you will have the idea of majesty ofkingship.God is holiness itself, goodness itself, poweritself, reason itself. In these things consists thedivine majesty. In their reflection consists themajesty of the prince. . . .” — Jacques-Benigne Bossuet direct democracy (2) imperialism (3) socialism (4) divine right Which concept is associated with this quotation?

  31. And the answer is (4) divine right

  32. “. . . Finally, gather together all that we have said,so great and so august [important], about royalauthority. You have seen a great nation unitedunder one man: you have seen his sacred power,paternal and absolute: you have seen that secretreason which directs the body politic, enclosed inone head: you have seen the image of God inkings, and you will have the idea of majesty ofkingship.God is holiness itself, goodness itself, poweritself, reason itself. In these things consists thedivine majesty. In their reflection consists themajesty of the prince. . . .” — Jacques-Benigne Bossuet Ivan the Terrible (2) Thomas Hobbes (3) John Locke (4) Louis XIV Which individual most likely opposed the form of government described in this quotation?

  33. And the answer is (3) John Locke

  34. The foreign policy of many Russian rulerssupported the country’s desire for (1) access to inland cities (2) more mineral resources (3) extensive canal systems (4) warm-water ports

  35. And the answer is (4) warm-water ports

  36. One way in which the Magna Carta, the Petitionof Right, and the Glorious Revolution are similaris that each (1) strengthened the power of the pope (2) led to the exploration of Africa (3) limited the power of the English monarchy (4) settled religious conflicts

  37. And the answer is (3) limited the power of the English monarchy

  38. The encomienda system in Latin America was adirect result of the (1) Crusades (2) Age of Exploration (3) Reformation (4) Age of Reason

  39. And the answer is (2) Age of Exploration

  40. These illustrations suggest that early Latin American civilizations (1) were based on European societies (2) used advanced technology to build complex structures (3) incorporated early Roman architectural design (4) were strongly influenced by Renaissance humanism

  41. And the answer is (2) used advanced technology to build complex structures

  42. Which statement about the Mongols is supported by the information in the map? (1) The Yuan dynasty kept China isolated from outside influence. (2) Most of the Chinese people lived in the river valleys. (3) Kublai Khan and Genghis Khan extended Mongol influence to other parts of Asia. (4) The city of Samarkand was part of the Yuan Empire.

  43. And the answer is (3) Kublai Khan and Genghis Khan extended Mongol influence to other parts of Asia.

  44. What is meant by Machiavelli’s belief that “theend justifies the means”? (1) Leaders may use any method to achieve whatis best for the state. (2) The general public always acts in its own best interest. (3) Pleasing all of the people at any given time is possible. (4) Leaders must always act for the common good.

  45. And the answer is (1) Leaders may use any method to achieve whatis best for the state.

  46. Venice in Europe, Mogadishu in Africa, andCanton in China emerged during the 13th centuryprimarily as important centers of (1) agriculture (2) Trade (3) manufacturing (4) mining

  47. And the answer is (2) Trade

  48. What was one influence of Mongol rule on thehistory of Russia? (1) Contact with kingdoms in western Europe greatly increased. (2) The Chinese writing system was introduced and adopted. (3) Most Russians converted from Orthodox Christianity to Islam. (4) Russian leaders adopted the idea of strong, centralized control of the empire.

  49. And the answer is (4) Russian leaders adopted the idea of strong, centralized control of the empire.

  50. • Timbuktu is known as a great center of learning and trade. Walls of Great Zimbabwe reveal a powerful and rich society. Complex culture produces brass sculptures in Benin. (1) Religious beliefs were the most importantelement in many African societies. (2) Some African societies achieved a high levelof economic and cultural development. (3) North African societies were more advancedthan South African societies. (4) Most African societies were hundreds ofyears behind Asian societies in usingtechnology. What generalization can be made on the basis ofthese statements?

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