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CAH State Network Council July 10, 2009 Examining Community Benefit Through CBISA Presented by: Tish Hollingsworth, KHA. Working Definition of Community Benefit.
CAH State Network CouncilJuly 10, 2009Examining Community Benefit Through CBISAPresented by: Tish Hollingsworth, KHA
Working Definition of Community Benefit A Community Benefit is a program or activity that provides treatment and/or promotes health and healing as a response to an identified community need, linked with organizational strategic directions, and not provided for marketing purposes.
To Count as a Community Benefit… A Community Benefit must address a community need and have at least one of the following community benefit objectives: • Improve Access to Health Services • Enhance Community Health • Advance Medical Knowledge • Demonstrate Charitable Purpose or Relief of Government Burden
Examples of Community Benefit • Caregiver training for persons caring for family members at home • Education of specific diseases or conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease • Support groups • Assistance to enroll in public programs, such as SCHIP and Medicaid • Translator services beyond what is mandated • Clinical programs or service lines that the organization subsidizes
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Senator Charles Grassley R-IowaRanking Member of Committee on Finance • Raised concerns over whether tax-exempt hospitals provide enough free care and other community benefits to justify their tax-exempt status • Has attempted to persuade other ranking members to introduce legislation to establish new charity care and community benefit standards for tax-exempt hospitals
A Little Bit on Tax Exemption • Hospitals’ tax-exemption under scrutiny • The last redesign was in 1969 and since then the tax-exempt sector has undergone tremendous growth • In 2006, IRS sent a questionnaire to a number of hospitals asking about their charity care and community benefit practices • In 2007, the Senate Finance Committee issued a draft position paper advocating, among other things, a minimum required amount of charity care expenditures by every exempt hospital • IRS and Congress, to date, have stopped short of mandating a specific amount of charity care or other community benefit • However, there is no doubt an expectation
More on Tax Exemption • Draft of a redesigned Form 990 was released on June 14, 2007 • The IRS provided a 90-day comment period regarding the draft that ended on September 14, 2007 • Re-designed form required for the 2008 tax year (for returns filed in 2009) • Final instructions for Form 990 and 16 related Schedules were released in August of 2008 • Schedule H designated solely for tax-exempt hospitals
A Little Bit on Schedule H • Hospitals that are required to file a Form 990 must complete the Schedule H (certain government-owned hospitals are exempt) • Hospitals only required to complete “facility” information of Schedule H for tax year 2008 • Entire Schedule H is required for tax year 2009
More on Schedule H For 2008 • Part I – Charity Care and Certain other Community Benefits at Cost (Optional) • Does the organization have a charity care policy? • Does the organization prepare an annual community benefit report? • Part II – Community Building Activities (Optional) • Part III – Bad Debt, Medicare & Collection Practices (Optional)
More on Schedule H For 2008 • Part IV – Management Companies and Joint Ventures (Optional) • Part V – Facility Information (Required) • Part VI – Supplemental Information (Optional)
2008– KHA Board Directed Staff to Develop a Community Benefit Framework for All Hospitals
CBISA for States™ User “enter” on your keyboard, or click your left mouse button to move through the screens
CBISA(Community Benefit Inventory for Social Accountability) • Web-based (available 24/7) • 20 plus hospitals in Kansas use CBISA On-Line • CBISA Survey is free • Easy to use • Allows KHA to “roll up” for state-wide reporting
Three Components • CBISA Association Rollup™ • CBISA Online™ • CBISA Survey™
CBISA Association Rollup™ CBISA Association Rollup™ allows the state hospital association to request data from each hospital, review the data and make edits as necessary, then print reports for individual or multi-facility reports. Each hospital can belong to a region, entity, or any number of groups as defined by the Association Administrator. Data can be requested and received at any time, and reports can be run as needed.
CBISA Online™ CBISA Online™ is the premier program for collecting, tracking, and reporting community benefit information. This comprehensive software allows you to collect quantifiable information (programs/activities, statistical occurrences, financial services including traditional charity care and government sponsored programs), qualitative information (narratives and stories surrounding community benefit), and program evaluations. With ten user permission levels and the ability to customize the software through various defaults, CBISA Online™ is the perfect tool for single facilities or large health systems with many facilities.
CBISA Survey™ CBISA Survey™ is an abbreviated data entry software perfect for hospitals with limited community benefit tracking and reporting needs. CBISA Survey™ still has the “look and feel” of CBISA Online™ and collects summary information in three modules: Activities/Occurrences, Financial Services, and Leadership Journal. The CBISA Survey™ program can easily be upgraded to a full version of CBISA Online™ with no data loss.
Resources and Tools • KHA www.kha-net.org • Catholic Health Association http://www.chausa.org/Pub/MainNav/ourcommitments/CommunityBenefits/ • Lyon Software http://www.lyonsoftware.com/products/ • Healthcare Financial Management Association http://www.hfma.org