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Creating Database Tables. CS 320. Review: Levels of data models. Conceptual: describes WHAT data the system contains Logical: describes HOW the database will be structured, regardless of the DBMS Physical: describes HOW the database will be implemented using a specific DBMS.
Creating Database Tables CS 320
Review: Levels of data models • Conceptual: describes WHAT data the system contains • Logical: describes HOW the database will be structured, regardless of the DBMS • Physical: describes HOW the database will be implemented using a specific DBMS
Required Software MySQL DBMS MySQL Workbench SQL editor (or another command-line SQL query editor)
Review: Web/Database Architecture • Request for Web page • that requires database data • Request for Web page that • requires database data Network 6. Web page HTML file downloaded to client 5. Web page HTML file containing database data downloaded to client Web server Web browser • Runs a program • that makes a data • request 4. Data response Database server
MySQL Workbench Architecture • SQL command • SQL command Network 4. Response (erroror confirmation) 3. Response (erroror confirmation) Database server Client running Workbench • Workbench uses: • Running commands to create tables (only way) • Testing queries to use in PHP pages (later)
MySQL Database Structure • A MySQL database consists of multiple user accounts • Also called database schemas • MySQL databases in general: • A user account can contains different databases • UWEC MySQL database: • In our configuration, you can't create new databases • All of your tables are in the same database
MySQL Database Structure • UWEC MySQL database: • In our configuration, you can't create new databases • All of your tables are in the same database • Issues? • All tables must have a unique name • For your projects, you'll use a group database account
SQL Command Types • Data Definition Language (DDL) • Used to create and modify database objects • Data Manipulation Language (DML) • Used to insert, update, delete, and view the data in database objects
DDL Commands • Used to create and modify database objects • CREATE • ALTER • DROP • DDL commands execute as soon as they are issued, and do not need to be explicitly saved
Creating a New Database CREATE DATABASE database_name - General syntax CREATE DATABASE candy - Specific example **You won't do this with the UWEC MySQL database
Specifying Which Database to Use For Creating Tables USE database_name USE candy You'll need to specify to USE your database: USE morrisjp;
Creating a Database Table CREATE TABLE table_name (field1_name datatype size, field2_name datatype size, …) CREATE TABLE candy_product (prod_id BIGINT, prod_desc VARCHAR(30), prod_cost DECIMAL(5,2), prod_price DECIMAL(5,2))
General Notes on SQL Commands Not case-sensitive Can span multiple lines in a text editor To run multiple statements in the editor window, separate each statement with ; To "comment out" (not execute) a statement, enclose it in /* … */
Naming Tables and Fields • Database table and field name rules • 1 to 64 characters long • Can contain letters, numbers, or underscores • Can't contain certain characters (/ \ ,) or characters not permitted in file names • Every table in your database must have a unique name • Every field in a table must have a unique name
Good* Table Naming Practices *Required in this class • Name every table using a combination of 2 words, separated by an underscore • This approach avoids using reserved words • Use the same descriptive first word for all tables in a related database
Good* Field Naming Practices *Required in this class • Name every field using a combination of 2 words, with the first word indicating the table name • Avoids creating homonyms • What about foreign keys? • Use the name that is in the parent table
Database Field Data Types • Specify: • Type of data the field stores • Maximum data size • Purpose: • Specify internal encoding • Optimize internal storage use • Provide error checking
Main Data Types • Text data types • CHAR • VARCHAR • Number data types • Integers: INT and variations • Floating point numbers: DECIMAL, FLOAT • Dates & times • DATE, TIME, and variations
CHAR Data Type • For fixed-width character fields (1-255 characters) • Fields in which you know the exact number of characters • Pads out the remaining characters with blank spaces • Removes the trailing blank spaces when data is retrieved fieldname CHAR(size) cust_type CHAR(1)
VARCHAR Data Type fieldname VARCHAR(maxsize) cust_name VARCHAR(30) • For variable-width character fields (1-255 characters) • Number of characters varies for individual data values • Values are not padded with blank spaces
MySQL Number Data Types: Integers • TINYINT • Signed: -128 to 127 • Unsigned: 0 to 255 • SMALLINT • Signed: -32768 to 32767 • Unsigned: 0 to 65535 • INT • Signed: -2147483648 to 2147483647 • Unsigned: 0 to 4294967295 • BIGINT • Signed: -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 • Unsigned: 0 to 18446744073709551615
Integer Data Type Usage Choose the "smallest" integer type (SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT) that is big enough to hold the largest possible value Question: Why not just always use BIGINT?
Integer Data Type Examples fieldnameinteger_data_type prod_id TINYINT cust_id INT purch_id BIGINT
MySQL Numeric Data Types: Floating Point Numbers • For values that have a decimal portion • DOUBLE or FLOAT: very large or very small values that have an indeterminate number of decimal places • DOUBLE: takes more space, but is extremely accurate (15 decimal places) • FLOAT: takes less space, use when extreme accuracy isn't required • DECIMAL: for values that have a predetermined number of decimal places
Floating Point Examples fieldname FLOAT fieldname DOUBLE fieldname DECIMAL(precision, scale) pounds FLOAT prod_cost DECIMAL(5,2) Why not just omit the precision and scale? It defaults to the Maximum allowed by your hardware…
Think critically: • Why not just declare all numeric values using the DOUBLE data type? That will take care of all cases. • This doesn't make use of error checking • This doesn't optimize use of data storage capacity
Character and Numeric Data Type Usage • Numeric • Surrogate keys (primary key ID values) • All numeric data you might use in a calculation (prices, quantities, etc.) • Character: Use an appropriate character data type for all fields that are not numbers or dates • Names, addresses, etc. • Postal codes, telephone numbers, social security numbers
MySQL Date and Time Data Types • DATE • Dates ranging from 1000-01-01 to 9999-12-31 • Display in the format YYYY-MM-DD • TIME • Times ranging from is -838:59:59 to 838:59:59 • Can also be used to represent elapsed time intervals • Display in the format HH:MI:SS
MySQL Date and Time Data Types (continued) • DATETIME • Used to store both a date and time component ranging from 1000-01-01 00:00:00 to 9999-12-31 23:59:59 • Displays in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS • YEAR • Can store either a 2-digit or 4-digit year • 4-digit range: 1901 to 2155 • 2-digit range: 70 to 69 (1970 – 2069)
Review: Creating a Database Table CREATE TABLE table_name (field1_name datatype size, field2_name datatype size, …) CREATE TABLE candy_purchase( purch_id INT, prod_id INT, cust_id INT, purch_date DATE, purch_delivery_date DATE, purch_pounds FLOAT, purch_status VARCHAR(10))
Scripts • Text files that contain a series of SQL commands • Each command separated by ; • Purpose: • Write a series of commands and then execute them all at once • Create all tables in a database • Insert a set of test records into the tables • Issue with a script that creates all of the tables in a database: • You can't create two tables with the same name in the same database • In a script file, you always need to (try to) DROP all tables first before you create them
Dropping a Database Table DROP TABLE table_name DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table_name • Use IF EXISTS in a script to avoid error messages
Example DROP TABLE Commands in a Script /*commands to drop all tables */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS candy_purchase; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS candy_customer; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS candy_cust_type; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS candy_product; /*commands to create tables */ CREATE TABLE candy_cust_type (…
Creating Tables in the MySQL Visual Environment Generates the SQL command to create the table Doesn't save the command or generate a script
Test Yourself: What data type declaration would you use to create a database field that stores part descriptions (DESCRIPTION) in the Premiere Products PART table? VARCHAR(30) CHAR(30) VARCHAR(10) CHAR(10) None of the above
Test Yourself: What data type would you use to create a database field that stores part quantities on hand (ON_HAND) in the Premiere Products PARTS table? INT SMALLINT BIGINT DECIMAL Either a or b
Test Yourself: What data type declaration would you use to create a database field that stores part prices (PRICE) in the Premiere Products PARTS table? VARCHAR(10) DECIMAL(4,2) DECIMAL(5,2) DOUBLE None of the above
Test Yourself: What data type would you use to store ZIP code (ZIP) values in the Premiere Products REP table? CHAR(5) TINYINT DECIMAL(5,0) VARCHAR(10) None of the above