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WIENER NEUSTADT. Comenius project meeting. Different numbers. Same values . March, 16th to 21st 2010. The project and his partners. The Comenius project Different numbers . Same values is a school partnership project . It includes 6 schools of 4 countries:
WIENER NEUSTADT Comenius project meeting Different numbers. Same values March, 16th to 21st 2010
The project and hispartners The Comenius projectDifferentnumbers. Same valuesis a schoolpartnershipproject. It includes 6 schools of 4 countries: Austria: Europahauptschulein Wiener Neustadt Spain: Colegio Maria Auxiliadorain Salamanca France : Martinique : Lycée Joseph Gaillardin Fort de France Metropolitan: Institution du Sacré Cœurin La Ville du Bois United Kingdom:BrauntonSchool and CommunityCollegein Braunton PiltonCommunityCollegein Barnstaple
Wiener Neustadt issituated in « Niederösterreich », 50 km in the South of Vienna and has 40 000 inhabitants. It wasbuilt in 1167.
Host school Die Europaschulein Wiener Neustadt has 420 students and 60 teachers. It’s a collegewithprofessional orientation. Itspromoves the social integration of studentswithspecialneeds.
Programme of the meeting • Wednesday, October 7th: Arrival of the Europeandelegations • Thursday, October 8th: morningatschool, visit of BerndorfHighschool, then of Wiener Neustadt • Friday, March 19th : in mountain, in the village Veitsch • Saturday, March 20th: visit of Vienna • Sunday, March 21th: Departure of the delegations
Departure of the French delegationwith 4 students and 2 responsables Maxime and Noémie Grégoire and Danyal 1st nice story: Grégoire lost the wheels of hissuitcase !!! Mrs Lavolléeand Mr Gigou
… the delegations of 6 schoolsparticipateat the course… Surprise : in the classroom the students have a babyfoot !!!
Discoveringothersubjects… Mechanic Pottery Cooking Home work
The «classes of style» of BerndorfHighschool It’s a famoushighschoolbecauseits 12 classrooms are decoratedwithdifferent styles characterizingdifferent times
Somestudents are experienced… … while the students of La Martinique discovertheir first snow
Visit of Vienna Vienne
Logos created by the students for the project European logo of a spanishstudent, selected by all of the partners French logo of Julien M., student in the class 3ème C at the ISC.
Seeyousoon ! Nos vemos ! BIS BALD ! IN BRAUNTON
Thanks English version: Joy Mary Antonios and Julie Nicol Photos G. Gigou D. Lavollée Coordination D.Lavollée, Germanteacher- ISC School