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Well-Being of Migrant Children and Youth in Europe Some responses to the Comments Kenneth Harttgen Stephan Klasen. Some general issues. Why focus on Europe? „new“ issue (compared to traditional immigration countries); but can learn from the research there; large research and data gaps
Well-Being of Migrant Children and Youth in Europe Some responses to the Comments Kenneth Harttgen Stephan Klasen
Some general issues • Why focus on Europe? • „new“ issue (compared to traditional immigration countries); but can learn from the research there; • large research and data gaps • Beginning of a vibrant debate • Age issue? • Clearly an omission but hard to tackle comprehensively (in a single paper); • Who is covered? • Education migration • Mixed ethnicity • Second generation • Highly skilled • Time dimension (migration process, second generation) • Methodological approach: • Mostly empirical, largely from economics; • Misses many important insights (child development literature, psychology, etc.)
Approaches to Study Effects • Empirical approach • Well-being of children indicators, disaggregated by migration status • Example: UNICEF Report Card 7 • Problems: • Under-theorized • Unclear choice of indicators and evaluation • Which dimensions of well-being really matter • Means versus ends issue • Lack of a dynamic perspective;
Approaches to Study Child Well-Being • Means versus ends issue quite critical, including assessments of trade-offs and win-win situations (e.g. bi-lingual education); • Individual versus household-level indicators, subjective versus objective indcators (particularly important for migrant children); • Capability approach vs. equality of opportunities (capability approach possibly more far-reaching, but e of o. quite appealing) vs. rights-based approaches (e.g. CRC) vs. Social exclusion;
Data and Measurement Issues • Good at everything to do with wages, employment, and education; much less on health, subjective well-being, developmental aspects (esp. linked to migration status and larger data sets); • Some very promising data sets; • Nationality (language and even where born) a difficult and heterogeneous concept (and partly endogenous); • Should we always care about selectivity of migrants? • Yes, if we want to know whether migration ‚paid off‘, or what ‚true‘ remittence effect is; • No, if we want to study migrants and how they fare in host country. • Is endogeneity in case of (dependent) migrant children a problem?
Data Sources: Children, Youth and Migration • European Labour Force Survey (EU LFS) • Young Lives Project • Living Standard Measurement Survey (LSMS) • World Happiness Database • EU Satistics on Income and Living Conditions (Silc) • Child Labour Surveys (ILO) • Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) • Luxembourg Wealth Study (LWS) • Demopgraphic and Health Survey (DHS) • World Value Surveys • Health Behavour in school-aged children (HBSC) • ILO Labor Migration Survey • European Community Household Panel (ECHP) • Pisa Survey • European Social Survey (ESS) Surveys that might serve as prototypes for future survey design and research directions: • German Socio Economic Panel (GSOEP) combines quantitative and qualitative data (rich information on youth and migration youth questionniare with subjective well-being) • Youth in Transition Survey (YITS) (Canada) • Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants (LSIC) and National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (Canada) • Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Australia (LSIA) and Longitudinal Survey of Australien Children (LSAC)
Some interesting Papers • Straight-forward extension of empirical child well-being to migrant children (modeled after UNICEF study); • Straigh-forward extension of empirical migrant assimilation studies to broader well-being issues and ist determinants; • Well-being of migrant children: means versus ends; trade-offs and synergies? • Subjective well-being of migrant children: what is the appropriate reference group? • Education systems and well-being of migrant children: exploiting the heterogeneity in Europe to study their effects; • Child well-being in Europe: does citizenship matter? (or more generally, legal issues of treatment of migrants and their well-being impacts) • Any possibility to generate stylized facts about extreme heterogeneous migrant experience? May cultural discontinuity important here? • Well-being effects of migrant process on children (by age groups?); • Best practise in terms of longitudinal data on migrant children: questionnaires, sampling, dealing with heterogeneity. • How best to track migrants of different types in aggregate and micro data.
Well-being of Migrant Children and Youth in Europe Kenneth Harttgen and Stephan Klasen April 24-26, 2008 Bellagio, Italy
Types of International Migration Source: Based on the categorization of international migrants proposed by the the 2000 World Migration Report (IOM 1999, 2000); illustration by the authors.
Dimensions and Indicators of human well-being Source: Narayan et al. (2000).
Well-being Dimensions and Indicators of Migrant Children and Migrant Youth