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IPTV ( Internet Protocol Television)

IPTV ( Internet Protocol Television). [ Supplier, User, Technology and Laws ]. 1. What is the ‘IPTV’ ? 2. What’s different? 3. Background of IPTV? - Supplier - User - Technology / Society 4. How does it go ahead - Beta services - Standard - Contents 5. Laws - Multimedia Laws

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IPTV ( Internet Protocol Television)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IPTV( Internet Protocol Television) [ Supplier, User, Technology and Laws ]

  2. 1. What is the ‘IPTV’ ? 2. What’s different? 3. Background of IPTV? - Supplier - User - Technology / Society 4. How does it go ahead - Beta services - Standard - Contents 5. Laws - Multimedia Laws - Each industries positions of protectorate 6. Issues 7. Vision Contents

  3. What is the ‘IPTV’ ? Settop Box + High Speed Internet

  4. What is the ‘IPTV’ ? Broadcasting Narrowcasting ConvergenceGeneration Telecommunication

  5. What’s different?

  6. What’s different?

  7. How can we separate? 1. Supplier Infra TPS / QPS Money

  8. How can we separate? 2. User They don’t have time. They don’t wanna spend a lot of money IPTV / Internet / VoIP Choice Channel Communicate

  9. How can we separate? 3. Technology / Society Compaction Technology Contents diversification Infra

  10. How does it go ahead? 1. Beta service

  11. How does it go ahead? 2. Standard Settop Box Interconnection Compatibility Infra Way of S/R EPG (Electronic Program guide) UI Controller

  12. How does it go ahead? 3. Contents Original VOD (Video on Demand) Prim. Movie Prim. League Music Child Education Contents service (game, singing, messaging France Telecom : 200 channels, Deutsche Telkom(Ger) : 60s Belgacom (Bel): 75s, British Telecom : 40s, Swisscom : 100s / 60s Telefonica (Italy) : 70s, Teliasonera(Fin) : 80s

  13. Are there several ‘Laws’ ? 1. IPTV major laws (multimedia legal measure)

  14. Are there several ‘Laws’ ? 2. Each industries positions of protectorate (1/2)

  15. Are there several ‘Laws’ ? 2. Each industries positions of protectorate (2/2)

  16. Are there several ‘Laws’ ? 3. Important points 1) Power 2) Competition 3) Capital 4) Programs

  17. Are there several ‘Laws’ ? 4. Example (Germany) 1) Period 2) Authority 3) Scope of application 4) Regulation 5) Refresh security

  18. What is the ‘ISSUE’ of IPTV ? 5 Issues TV Contents Reliable Services Catch some picky girl Profit margin Detail Marketing

  19. What is the ‘Vision’ of IPTV ? 3 Vision GatewayIndustry Companion Industry Society Industry

  20. Do you want to spread another world?

  21. Q & A

  22. Sources of PPT http://songsunghan.tistory.com/5 http://blog.naver.com/papagillee 민중언론 참세상 http://media.jinbo.net/news/view.php?board=news&id=43058 출처 : 방통융합포털 티컴미디어http://www.t-commerce.or.kr/ 방송위원회 뉴 미디어관 http://www.kbc.go.kr/mediacenter/iptv_03.jsp http://cafe.naver.com/ttapr.cafe?iframe_url=/ArticleRead.nhn%3Farticleid=1071 http://blog.empas.com/dusco85/28525090 http://blog.naver.com/goshen60?Redirect=Log&logNo=10015200853 http://blog.daum.net/area22/6546549 http://cafe.naver.com/rhew938.cafe?iframe_url=/ArticleRead.nhn%3Farticleid=16790 http://www.kbi.re.kr/report/trendview.jsp?book_seq=651&book_no=52&menucode=3/1/1) 전문언론노동조합http://media.nodong.org 방송통신위원회 http://www.kcc.go.kr/ 방송위원회 http://www.kbc.go.kr/ 하나TV http://www.hanatv.co.kr/ KT http://www.kt.com/ MegaTV http://www.mymegatv.com/ 한국방송영상산업진흥원 http://www.kbi.re.kr/report/reportview.jsp?book_seq=704&menucode=3/2/1&pagenum=1 디지털 데일리 2008년 07월 22일 15:46:58 / 김태진 기자 jiny@ddaily.co.kr ‘지상파방송사 vs. IPTV+케이블TV’

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