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“ Report Splinter Session 2A Agriculture, Climate, Weather ”

“ Report Splinter Session 2A Agriculture, Climate, Weather ”. GEOSS Data Core: Should be a GEOSS dataset with full and open access.

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“ Report Splinter Session 2A Agriculture, Climate, Weather ”

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  1. “Report Splinter Session 2A Agriculture, Climate, Weather”

  2. GEOSS Data Core: Should be a GEOSS dataset with full and open access. GEOSS Data Core: Was initiated on the occasion of the Beijing Ministerial Summit in order to encourage GEO members to contribute Earth Observation Data and Resources Quite successful in theory since many delegations indicated their intention to populate the GEOSS Data Core How to proceed concretely? How to contribute to the GEOSS Data Core? Willingness to contribute provided some guidance is provided System is currently being tested

  3. No problem in principle to make available the datasets provided that there is • a real added value/rational: • e.g. regional contribution put together to create a global dataset • e.g. regular update on the environment status • e.g. part of a process needed to model earth system functioning etc… • Situation across the SBA’s is quite uneven (Agriculture, Carbon, Ocean, etc..) • Areas which are organised with data management structures/data centres • can deliver more easily (Marine sector, GMES Marine Core Services) • The process becomes easier when the data/resource producer is guaranteed • some recognition

  4. EuroGEOSS has started multidisciplinary interoperability across forestry, drought, and biodiversity (Pilot Phase) Eurogeoss is a research info system GCI is the main GEO portal + Eurogeoss should point to GEOSS Countries prepare national inventories for forestry (possible contributor to GEOSS Data Core ?) Eurogeoss can help data owner to create metadata Pb system is tested right now….so information in July Development of several portals for the Carbon Cycle – make difficult the integration into GEOSS Future EU projects, European initiative: need to be strengthen in terms data management and availability

  5. EuroGEOSS has started multidisciplinary interoperability across forestry, drought, and biodiversity (Pilot Phase) Eurogeoss is a research info system GCI is the main GEO portal + Eurogeoss should point to GEOSS Countries prepare national inventories for forestry (possible contributor to GEOSS Data Core ?) Eurogeoss can help data owner to create metadata Pb system is tested right now….so information in July Development of several portals for the Carbon Cycle – make difficult the integration into GEOSS Future EU projects, European initiative: need to be strengthen in terms data management and availability

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