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New Seats 9th period! Rationale: Students are grouped in quads with two students who exceed or are at standard paired with two students who are approaching or below standard in their ability to process and apply highlighting and annotating techniques when reading source material. This set-up allows for the stronger students to scaffold those who need assistances (quads), or for those with similar skill sets to challenge each other (pairs). In addition, personality, behavior, learning styles and visual/hearing impairments were taken into account. (2- 3 minutes)
Common Core Standards Addressed: Craft and Structure LW.11-12.1a: Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. LW.11-12.7: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. Aim: Why is it important to synthesize valid reasoning and relevant evidence?
Sample “Do Now” Connection Note: The “connection” section synthesizes the information from “valid reasoning” and “relevant evidence” and connects it back to the claim.
Aim: Why is it important to synthesize valid reasoning and relevant evidence? Synthesis:(n.) – connecting the evidence to the reasoning
Checkpoint! (1 minute) Thumbs up if you understand: The definition of “synthesis” The components of strong synthesis statements. Tonight’s HW. Thumbs down if you don’t understand or are confused..
Common Core Standards Addressed: Craft and Structure W.9- 10.5: Develop an strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. Aim: Why is it important to review and develop an outline when writing a research paper? PART 2 OF TODAY’S LESSON: REVIEWING AND DEVELOPING AN OUTLINE
acknowledges the complexity of the topic. • tells the reader why this topic is important. • concludes with a position statement that acknowledges the counterargument.
is asserted as a fact. • is arguable. • needs to be supported with valid reasoning and relevant evidence. Ex: Public Safety is more important than an individual’s right to choose.
is valid, reasonable and logical. • explains the claim. Ex: Claim: Public Safety is more important than an individual’s right to choose. Reasoning: Public safety matters more than an individual’s right to choose because when public safety is at risk, it affects a significant amount of people; whereas one individual who doesn’t get his or her choice would not be as impacting.
is relevant to not only the claim, but the reasoning as well. • factual, expert- based, or has emotional appeal. • cited correctly. Ex: Claim: When it comes to immunizations, public safety is more important than an individual’s right to choose. Reasoning: Public safety matters more than an individual’s right to choose when it comes to immunizations because when the public safety is put at risk, the amount of people who could end up ill or dead from infectious diseases increases; whereas one individual who doesn’t get his or her choice would not be as impacting. Evidence: According the John Revay from the Huffington Post, “individual choice is silenced at the will of the collective whole. If we consented each individuals wishes, dreams, and desires, the world would be complete chaos.”
Aim: Why is it important to review and develop an outline when writing a research paper? OUTLINE (4- 5 min) Outlines are important because they: help develop a sense of direction when one is writing a research paper. help in the organization of material for a research paper. keep the writer on task. Question for thought: What do you notice about this outline?
Aim: Why is it important to review and develop an outline when writing a research paper?
Aim: Why is it important to review and develop an outline when writing a research paper?
Aim: Why is it important to review and develop an outline when writing a research paper? In complete sentences, respond to one of the following stem starters on a post it: • Today’s lesson helped clarify ... • One thing I still do not understand…. • One thing I need help with is… • I can use the information from today’s lesson …