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Slangen. Indeling Massimo en Sadhana Thakkar Bronnen: Similia Similibus Curentur 24-3 1994 Insights into the consciousness of snake remedies. Methode Massimo. Rationeel Verbeelding Signatuurleer. Biologische indeling slangen. Elapdiae Naja Elaps corallinus Viperdiae Viperidae
Slangen Indeling Massimo en Sadhana Thakkar Bronnen: Similia Similibus Curentur 24-3 1994 Insights into the consciousness of snake remedies
Methode Massimo • Rationeel • Verbeelding • Signatuurleer
Biologische indeling slangen • Elapdiae • Naja • Elaps corallinus • Viperdiae • Viperidae • Crotalini: Bothrops lanceolatus Cenchris contortrix, Crotalus cascavella, Crotalus horridus, Lachesis, Toxicophis-pugnax
Groepsanalyse • Hoe groter de slang hoe sterker het territorium instinct
FORSAKEN FEELING • Na geboorte geen contact met moeder uiting jaloezie (lach, crot-c, cench) Andere slangen hebben het gevoel dat het onmogelijk is hierop te reageren. Het gevoel van zichzelf te verwerpen overheerst Gebrek aan zelfvertrouwen
Gevoel nabije dood bij het inslapen • Daarom bang om te gaan slapen (Cenchris) • Thema dood bij meerdere slangen cenchris contortrix
Beter bij rechtop zitten, erger door liggen Vooral Naja Tripudians
Het idee van een God, een bovennatuurlijke kracht • Gevoel van achtervolging (alle slangen)
Het geliefd door God te zijn waartegen zij zich niet kunnen verzetten (Naja en Elaps) • IVM Orientatie op goed en kwaad ontstaan schuldgevoelens
De crotalini (lach, crot-c, crot-h, cench, bothr, toxic-p) proberen dit met denken te begrijpen. Zij kunnen gericht zijn op het mystieke. • “Wanneer ik sterf zal ik alleen zijn.” In dit gevoel komen thema dood verlaten gevoel en de relatie met het bovennatuurlijke samen.
Achterdocht • Delusion people behind him • Schuldgevoelens • Jaloezie (mn Lach, cench crot-c)
Verleidende hypnotiserende kwaliteiten • Het slachtoffer vlucht niet weg. Ze voelen dmv temperatuursensoren hun slachtoffer op afstand. De slangenmiddelen kunnen ook een soort heldervoelendheid hebben.
Spraakzaamheid en problemen met de spraak • Loquesity (crotalidae lach, crot c , crot-h Cench, bothr, toxic-p) • Answers no to al questions omvat meerdere slangenmiddelen
Eenzijdige symptomen • Links • Lach, naja (hart) Rechts Crot-h cench
Gevoelig temperatuur • Warm lachesis • Rest is kouwelijk
Congestie • Flushes of heat • Palpitaties • Zwelling (meest bij crotalini ) • Vip lower limbs • Crot upper limbs
Aangedane organen • Zenuwstelsel • Elaps • Naja • Bloed • Crotalini Bothrops lanceolatus Cenchris contortrix, Crotalus cascavella, Crotalus horridus, Lachesis, Toxicophis-pugnax
Naja tripudians Cobra Region • Cerebellum. Medulla. NERVES [HEART [mitral valve]; respiration; throat]. * Left side [ovary; temple; arm]. Right side. Modalities • Worse: Lying on left side. After sleep; after menses. Air [cold; drafts]. Pressure of clothes. Alcohol. Riding in a carriage. Exertion. Talking. Walking. Night. Touch. At 3 p.m. • Better: Riding [or walking] in open air. Sneezing. Lying on right side. Leading symptoms • M - "Temperament completely different from Lachesis. Not the intensity, hatefulness and aggressiveness of Lach., instead there is more a personality like Pulsatilla, soft" [Morrison]. "Naja is not as subject to haemorrhage as either Lach. or Crot-h. Naja has more nervous symptoms, Lach. has more septic symptoms" [Kent]. • M - Broods constantly over imaginary troubles. • M - Fear of rain.
G - Very SENSITIVE to COLD. • G - Impossible to LIE on the LEFT SIDE. • G - Constriction [throat, chest, larynx, etc.]. • G - Pains, ailments extending from LEFT to RIGHT [ovarian pains, throat, joint affections]. • P - Almost a specific for cardiac valvular disorders. "This is the most useful of all the remedies we have in a cardiac state with very few symptoms" [Kent]. • P - Palpitations PREVENT SPEECH [on account of choking]. • P - Pain as of a BLOW on OCCIPUT and NECK. • P - Pain from left OVARY to HEART. • P - Cardiac asthma or cough. • P - Pain in heart extending to nape of neck, left scapula or left shoulder. • P - "Asthma: cardiac with dyspnoea and inability to lie down, amel. sitting up; • beginning with coryza; and constriction of throat" [Mathur]. • P - "Nervous chronic palpitation, especially after public speaking" [Allen]. • P - Puffy or sweating hands and feet and cardiac [dry, hacking] cough [agg. slight • exertion].
Elaps corallinus Coral Snake • Elaps comes from a snake and therefore we expect many symptoms similar to Lachesis and the other snake venoms. There are a few specific keynotes to prescribe upon. You come to it on the basis of these small points. It is one of those remedies where you have a few keynotes and you just have to put them together. • Main indications • Clinically we think of Elaps in cases of: • - Severe dysmenorrhoea. • - Haemorrhage, like all of the snake remedies. • MIND • - Suspiciousness, intensity and haughtiness. The typical personality of Elaps is very similar with Lachesis. • - No loquacity. It doesn't have the typical characteristic of Lachesis: loquacity. It seems that Elaps is a quieter snake. • - Fear of rain. There is a (sometimes very) strong fear of rain. They say: "I can't explain it, it is not the thunder or the lightning, it is the rain, the rain coming down." I have heard it three, maybe four times. You will see it in children though, that they have fear of going outside in the rain. (No fear of a shower, it is the rain.) • - Fear of strokes sometimes.
Nose • - Discharge. Especially in children you will sometimes see a chronic nasal discharge that is extremely offensive. It may make you think of Psorinum. • Throat • - Sore. Sometimes chronic left-sided sore throat. • Haemorrhage • - Black. The bleeding is usually black, like the other snake venoms. • - Hemophtisis, coughing up black colored blood; consider Elaps. • Stomach • - Internal coldness in the chest or stomach. • * After cold drinks especially, which is paradoxical because Elaps craves cold food and especially ice. • - Food cravings: • * Ice. • * Cold food. • * Oranges. Strong craving. • * Salad. The most characteristic craving. • - Food aversion: • * Bananas. (I once saw it in Elaps.) Theridion is craving bananas. • Genitalia • - Dysmenorrhoea: • * Severe cramping dysmenorrhoea. • * Black flow. Especially if it is associated with a black flow. • See CASE 15. • A: Better from lying on the stomach with the abdominal pain. • R: Maybe. It is not the main remedy for that. • .
Crotalus horridus Crot-h. Region • CIRCULATION. BLOOD. Liver. Throat. Nerves. * RIGHT SIDE. Leading symptoms • M Social. • Of the socially adjusted snake remedies [Lach., Cench., Crot-c., Crot-h.], Crotalus horridus is the most social. They can strongly resemble Phosphorus, with fear of thunder and lightning. They are very sympathetic. They can probably do without company. Crot-h. is not very aggressive. They are generally submitted to a strong person. [Mangialavori] • OR: Aversion to family members. • A combination of the two is that they feel they must help, but actually do not want to. In that case, the family is seen as a duty they can't avoid. The sense of persecution then issues from the idea that they are obliged to be social and maintain family contact. [Mangialavori] • M SYMPATHETIC ??? DICTATORIAL. • M Loquacity. • "With Lachesis the loquacity is so rapid that if any one in the room commences to tell something, the patient will take it up and finish the story, though he has never heard about it. No one is permitted to finish a story in the presence of a Lachesis patient. Crotalus does that too, but he will take it up and mumble, and jumble and stumble over his words ... a low passive state like intoxication; in Lachesis it is wild excitement." [Tyler] • M Extreme sensitiveness. • Easy moved to tears; by reading. • M Delusions: surrounded by hideous animals; surrounded by enemies. • Horrible dreams of murder, death, dead bodies; even the smell of the cadaver is dreamed of. • Fights [in dreams] with enemies and with animals. [Dorcsi] • "One patient of mine felt she was shut in somewhere against her will and spent her life trying to escape, which is a feature of Crot-h. behaviour." [Blackie] • Dreams of dead people during [septic] throat inflammations. • M Irritability.
"Crotalus patients are mentally very snappish and irritable. They are so ugly in their temperament that they greatly resemble Nux-v.; only in Nux-v. the same degraded state of vitality as in Crotalus is wanting. They get almost furious at the slightest annoyance." [Choudhuri] • Yet less aggressive than Lachesis. • G Appearance. • "Crot-h. appears to affect fat persons more than thin, and white people more than coloured." [Jahr] • G Malignancy. • Streptococcal-type infections. • G Especially indicated when erysipelas metastiasize to the meninges. • G CHILLY; with flushes of heat. • Flushes of heat and giddiness at menopause.
G Chilly but warmth and warm wraps agg., though warmth of sun may amel.. • Open air amel. head and stomach symptoms. • Cold air agg. throat and respiratory symptoms. • G agg. Cold, dry weather. • agg. Hot weather. • G agg. Spring. • G agg. HUNGER [= trembling; weakness; occipital headache]. • G Burning thirst for great quantities of cold water. • G agg. WINE, ALCOHOL. • Chronic hepatitis and alcoholism. • G agg. BEGINNING of SLEEP. • agg. After sleep. • G Swollen sensation. • Swelling of AFFECTED parts. • G INTOLERANCE of CLOTHING [throat; stomach; hypochondria]. • G Offensiveness [of all discharges; breath smells mouldy]. • G Faintness during palpitations. • G Haemorrhages; blood does not coagulate. • G SUDDENNESS. • [weakness; pains; coldness; palpitations; cold perspiration] • Pains come on suddenly, last some time and disappear suddenly. • P Pain in occiput, in waves from spine. • agg. Jar; change of position. • P Migraine. • and Vomiting of bile in great quantities; cannot lie on right side or back without instantly producing black, bilious vomiting. • "Dull, heavy, throbbing headache and heat of head before menses." [Dorcsi] • P Dysmenorrhoea. • and Pain in heart and weakness of heart. [Dorcsi] • P "I must say we can't talk about coronary without mentioning Crotalus, and Cenchris, and Naja. I find Crotalus magnificent when they complain of the feeling as though something were going to burst under the sternum, particularly if they say, 'It feels so full there,' that they dare not move. Crotalus relieves that extraordinarily well." [Hubbard Wright] • P Sensation as if heart tumbles over.
Crotalus cascavella Crotalus durissus. South American rattlesnake.
Crotalus cascavella Brazilian rattlesnake Characteristics • Thoughts and dreams about death. Paralysis of articulation. Embarrassed stertorous respiration and semi-consciousness. Cutting sensation all around eyeball. Mind • 8 Thoughts of death when alone. Delusions; eyes were falling out; hears footsteps behind him; fancies he hears groans; sees spectres, ghosts, spirits, death appears as a gigantic black skeleton; hears voices that he must follow. Insanity # metrorrhagia. Restlessness agg. drinking. Answers monosyllabic, "no" to all questions. Clairvoyance. Fear at night. FEAR OF BEING ALONE. Fear that someone is behind him. Hurry. Loquacity. Moaning during sleep. Starting during sleep. Modalities • 9 Lancinating pains are frequent, and are agg. cold washing. Many symptoms agg. night. Hallucinations are marked and peculiar: a magnetic state is induced. Headache agg. after sleep. Relations • Compare: Crot-h.; Lach.
Cenchris contortrix Cench. • Ancistrodon mokeson; copperhead snake • "Right-sided Lachesis." Characteristics • Like the other snake poisons, it affects the system profoundly. Like Ars. it has dyspnoea, mental and physical restlessness, thirst for small quantities of water, necessity to have clothing loose, like Lach. Marked alternation of moods; vivid dreams. Is a wonderful restorative and deep acting remedy. Increased sexual desire in both sexes. Ineffectual attempt to recline. Right ovarian region painful. 6 Must lie with the head drawn back or will choke and suffocate. Offensive discharges. Whole body seems enlarged to bursting, esp. about the heart. Throbbing in anus and vulva on waking, followed by a dull aching in sacral region, amel. walking about. Mind • Forgetful; [6 dreamily] absent-minded; alternating moods. 8 Delusion that she will be sent to asylum. Anxiety in evening in bed. Anxiety while lying. Presentiment of death. Delusion of being in two places at the same time. Fear of apoplexy. Jealousy. Quarrelsome; from jealousy. SUSPICIOUS. Time passes too slowly.