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Learn about Tiegerman Middle School's academic program, bell schedule, attendance policy, and more in a safe, secure environment.
Welcome to Tiegerman Middle School Mrs. Kristin Lyons-Principal Mrs. Joanna Di Gianni- Assistant Principal Mrs. Danielle Polito-Curriculum/Supervision Coordinator
School Day • 6th-9th Grades • Arrival- 8:00am • Dismissal- 4:00pm • 10 periods during the school day Attendance Regular attendance by students is important. The maximum number of absences permitted is 10% of the total number of school days for the academic year. If your child is absent, please make sure that you send in a note to the nurse. If your child is going to be absent, please call the nurse at 516-801-6915 x402 by 8:00am.
Core Subject Areas Math English Language Arts Social Studies Science
Other Program Requirements Physical Education Technology Education Health Education Music/Art Home and Career Skills Life Skills Reading and Writing Socialization Exploring Careers Entering the World of Work (9th) Travel Training (9th) Additional Courses
Exploring Spanish and Culture Students are exposed to the fundamentals of the Spanish language including basic vocabulary and practice with speaking and writing simple Spanish.
10th Period Monday-Reading Support Tuesday & Thursday-Homework, Study Skills, Organizational Skills Wednesday-Social Emotional Learning Friday-Clubs
Report Cards/ Progress Marks • Report cards and progress marks are mailed home five times a year. (November, January, April, June, & August) • Parent-Teacher Conferences are held two times a year. (November and April)
Tiegerman Middle School Safety • Access doors to the school remain locked at all times • Visitors are required to announce themselves outside through the intercom before entering the building • All visitors must present ID to the receptionist and wear a Visitor’s Sticker • Students practice safety drills regularly
Cell Phone/Electronic Policy • Students are not permitted to use cell phones or any electronic device during the school day. Each day, students must put these devices in their lockers upon arriving to school and fill out an Electronic Tracker Form. Any cell phones or electronic devices utilized at any point during the school day will be confiscated and sent to the principal’s office. A first offense will result in the student being able to retrieve the phone and/or electronic device at the end of the school day. A second offense will require the parent or guardian to reclaim it at their earliest convenience from the principal’s office.
Code of Conduct Copies of the Code of Conduct will be given to parents. Additional copies can be requested, if needed. Disciplinary Action At certain times, Tiegerman administrators may consider disciplinary action necessary in the form of lunch detention, club detention, or suspension. These disciplinary actions are only used in situations that are considered necessary and are employed in a consistent fashion (See Code of Conduct).
Clubs • Socials • Graduation • Field Trips • Field Day/Spirit Week • Winter & Spring Concert/Drama Performance • COSA-(Committee on Student Activities)
Miscellaneous • Dress Code • School-Wide Behavior Plan • Binders/Important Notices • Transition • School Website • Email
Parent Training • Dates and topics are also posted on the school website. • All handouts will be available on the website.