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2005 CHEM SHOW ONLINE SURVEY. The Wayman Group, Inc. 555 Willow Avenue Cedarhurst, NY 11516 www.waymanresearch.com swayman@aol.com. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Study Methodology Pages i – ii Executive Summary Pages iii – vii Graphic Depiction of Survey Results Pages 1 – 21
2005 CHEM SHOW ONLINE SURVEY The Wayman Group, Inc. 555 Willow Avenue Cedarhurst, NY 11516 www.waymanresearch.com swayman@aol.com
TABLE OF CONTENTS • Study Methodology Pages i – ii • Executive Summary Pages iii – vii • Graphic Depiction of Survey Results Pages 1 – 21 • Paired magazine comparisons Pages 22 – 25 • (by magazine characteristic) The Wayman Group, Inc.
STUDY METHODOLOGY PURPOSE Chemical Engineering commissioned The Wayman Group, Inc. to conduct a survey of qualified attendees at the 2005 CHEM SHOW held at the Jacob Javits Center. THE QUESTIONNAIRE Involvement in making purchase decisions Products that drew attendees to the 2005 CHEM SHOW Industry publications personally received and read regularly Number of years reading industry publications Pass along audience Actions taken as a result of seeing advertisements Preferred industry publication by characteristic Involvement with buyers’ guides or directories Respondent profile Likelihood of attending 2007 CHEM SHOW -i-
STUDY METHODOLOGY, continued DATA COLLECTION On November 29, 2005, an email blast including a survey link, was sent to 6,160 qualified attendees of the 2005 CHEM SHOW. One week later, on December 6, a follow-up email blast was sent to non- respondents to increase response. A drawing was offered for an iPod 30GB as an incentive. In total, 737 respondents answered the survey. The margin of error, based on 737 respondents is calculated to be no greater than +/-3.8%, a sufficient sample to ensure that the results reflect a true picture of the general opinions of the CHEM SHOW attendees. The Wayman Group, Inc., an independent marketing research firm, coordinated both data collection and reporting of survey results. Further, the survey was sent out as a blind survey from The Wayman Group, Inc. Survey participants were unaware that Chemical Engineering commissioned the survey. ABOUT THE WAYMAN GROUP, INC. The Wayman Group, Inc. specializes in developing marketing research and sales promotion programs to help salespeople sell advertising and exhibit space, thereby increasing revenue. Most importantly, The Wayman Group helps trade publications and show management complete research studies and promotional materials on deadline, enabling salespeople to begin the selling cycle immediately. Sheldon Wayman, president, has been involved with marketing research and sales promotion development for 26 years. With a unique ability to turn marketing research into promotional tools, he’s worked with hundreds of salespeople, teaching them creative techniques in selling advertising and exhibit space. -ii-
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Involvement in making purchase decisions-Q1a: Top four products include; pumps (60%), valves and actuators (57%), mixing equipment-liquid and/or solids (48%), and tanks, vessels, towers, internals and reactors (48%). See page 1. • Products that drew attendees to 2005 CHEM SHOW-Q1b: The top three include; pumps (49%), valves and actuators (44%), and mixing equipment-liquid and/or solids (43%). See page 2. • Involvement in making purchase decisions-Q2a: • Over one-half (55%) are involved in making purchase decisions for instrumentation, while nearly half (49%) make purchase decisions for temperature and pressure sensors and controls. Forty-two percent have a role in purchase decisions for level controls for liquids and solids. See page 3. • Products that drew attendees to 2005 CHEM SHOW-Q2b: The top three include; instrumentation (45%), temperature and pressure sensors and controls (35%) and level controls for liquids and solids (34%). Thirty percent indicated that they came to CHEM SHOW 2005 to see waste and wastewater treatment equipment and systems. See page 4. The Wayman Group, Inc. -iii-
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, continued • Industry publications personally received: The top five include; Chemical Engineering (58%), Chemical Processing (45%), Chemical Equipment (41%), Chemical Engineering Progress (30%), and Processing (29%). See page 5. • Industry publications read regularly (read at least three of the last 4 issues): Nearly two-thirds (64%) read Chemical Engineering on a regular basis, followed by Chemical Processing (41%) and Chemical Equipment (39%). See page 6. • CHEMICAL ENGINEERING READER PROFILE • Loyal readers of Chemical Engineering: • CHEM SHOW attendees have read Chemical Engineering for an average of 6.4 years. Over one-third (36%) have read the publication for over 10 years See page 7. • Chemical Engineering readers pass along their copy: On the average, CHEM SHOW attendees pass along their copy of Chemical Engineering to three other people at their location. One out of five or 20% pass along their copy to five or more other people. See page 8. The Wayman Group, Inc. -iv-
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, continued • CHEMICAL ENGINEERING READER PROFILE, continued • CHEM SHOW attendees take action as a result of seeing advertisements in Chemical Engineering: Over one-half (53%) visited an advertiser’s website, while 26% contacted an advertiser directly for more information. See page 9. • PREFERRED INDUSTRY PUBLICATION AMONG CHEM SHOW ATTENDEES • Chemical Engineering was selected the top publication, over eight industry competitors, for each of the following characteristics: • Best delivers technical news that is helpful in your job (50%) • ONE publication I would choose if I could receive only ONE (48%) • Provides the most useful how-to engineering information (46%) • Offers the most in-depth global coverage of the chemical process industries (45%) • See pages 10 – 13. The Wayman Group, Inc. -v-
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, continued • YOUR INVOLVEMENT WITH BUYERS’ GUIDES • Involvement with buyers’ guides: Nearly three-quarters (71%) refer to the Chemical Engineering Buyers’ Guide when looking for information about products or services. See page 14. • RESPONDENT PROFILE • ONEFunction which best describes your work: Over one-third (35%) are involved in engineering, followed by administration (corporate or division) (16%) and R&D (15%). See page 15. • Principle products manufactured or services rendered at the location you work: Top three include; engineering services (20%), drugs and cosmetics (13%) and other chemical (11%). See page 16. • Number of employees at your location: Forty-one percent have less than 50 employees at their location. Over one-quarter (26%) have 250 or more employees at their location. See page 17. • Work activities: One-half of more of respondents are involved in the following three work activities; process design (65%), process instrumentation and control (52%), and liquid, gas, or air handling (50%). See page 18. The Wayman Group, Inc. -vi-
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, continued • RESPONDENT PROFILE, continued • Picked up product information: Nearly three-quarters (71%) picked up product information, literature, or new contacts for other colleagues in their organization who were not able to attend. See page 19. • Specific project needs at CHEM SHOW 2005: Nearly one-half of respondents (45%) came to the show with specific project needs. See page 20. • Likelihood of attending CHEM SHOW 2007: Eighty-two percent are extremely likely or likely to attend the 2007 show. See page 21. The Wayman Group, Inc. -vii-
Involvement In Making Purchase Decisions Please select each product that you are involved in making purchase decisions, such as determining needs, establishing specifications, selecting or specifying vendors, or approving expenditures. 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 533 -1-
Products That Drew Attendees To 2005 CHEM SHOW What products did you come to see at the 2005 CHEM SHOW? 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 657 -2-
Involvement In Making Purchase Decisions Please select each product that you are involved in making purchase decisions, such as determining needs, establishing specifications, selecting or specifying vendors, or approving expenditures. 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 495 -3-
Products That Drew Attendees To 2005 CHEM SHOW What products did you come to see at the 2005 CHEM SHOW? 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 612 -4-
Over One-Half of CHEM SHOW Attendees Receive Chemical Engineering Please indicate which of the following industry publications you personally receive addressed to you. 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 363 -5-
Nearly Two-Thirds of CHEM SHOW Attendees (64%) Read Chemical Engineering Regularly Please indicate which of the following industry publications you read on a regular basis (read at least three of the last four issues). 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 442 -6-
Loyal Readers of Chemical Engineering Please indicate how many years you have been reading Chemical Engineering. 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 340 -7-
Chemical Engineering Readers Pass Along Their Copy Average = 3.0 other readers How many OTHER PEOPLE at your location (besides you) read or look through your copy of Chemical Engineering? 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 387 -8-
CHEM SHOW Attendees Take Action as a Result of Seeing Advertisements in Chemical Engineering Which of the following actions have you taken in the past 12 months as a result of seeing any advertisements in Chemical Engineering? 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 384 -9-
Best Delivers Technical News That Is Helpful In Your Job Which ONE publication best represents each of the following characteristics? 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 495 -10-
Provides The Most Useful How-To Engineering Information Which ONE publication best represents each of the following characteristics? 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 443 -11-
Offers Most In-Depth Global Coverage Of The Chemical Process Industries Which ONE publication best represents each of the following characteristics? 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 421 -12-
One Publication I Would Choose If I Could Receive Only One Which ONE publication best represents each of the following characteristics? 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 492 -13-
Nearly Three-Quarters (71%) Refer To CEBG When Looking For Information About Products Or Services Which of the following buyers’ guides do you refer to when looking for information about products or services? 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 377 -14-
One Function Which Best Describes Your Work Please check the ONE function which BEST describes your work. 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 637 -15-
Principle Products Manufactured Or Services Rendered At The Location You Work What is the principle product(s) manufactured or service(s) rendered at the location you work? 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 628 -16-
Number Of Employees At Your Location Please select the number of employees at your location. 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 637 -17-
Work Activities Please indicate all the activities in which your work involves you in any way? 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 586 -18-
Nearly Three-Quarters (71%) Picked Up Product Information For Other Colleagues Did you pick up product information, literature, or new contacts for other colleagues in your organization who were not able to attend? 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 630 -19-
Nearly Half (45%) Came To CHEM SHOW 2005 With Needs For A Specific Project Did you come to the show with needs for a specific project? 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 632 -20-
Eight-Two Percent Are Extremely Likely Or Likely To Attend The 2007 CHEM SHOW How likely are you to attend the 2007 CHEM SHOW? 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.; Base = 636 -21-
PAIRED MAGAZINE COMPARISONS 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc.
PREFERRED PUBLICATIONBased on respondents who personally receive both Chemical Engineering & Chemical Processing 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc. -22-
PREFERRED PUBLICATIONBased on respondents who personally receive both Chemical Engineering & Chemical Equipment 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc. -23-
PREFERRED PUBLICATIONBased on respondents who personally receive both Chemical Engineering & Chemical Engineering Progress 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc. -24-
PREFERRED PUBLICATIONBased on respondents who personally receive both Chemical Engineering & Processing 2005 CHEM SHOW Attendee Survey conducted by The Wayman Group, Inc. -25-